9 research outputs found

    Strategi Epidemiologi dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer

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    Di Indonesia masalah kesehatan termasuk penyakit menular dan penyakit tak menular masih cukup tinggi, yang perlu diatasi dengan pelayanan kesehatan primer yang bermutu, efektif dan efisien. Strategi epidemiologi merupakan lintasan untuk mencapai 3 tujuan epidemiologi.  Tujuan makalah ini untuk menunjukkan inovasi bagaimana strategi epidemiologi dapat bermanfaat dalam pelayanan kesehatan primer.  Metode: digunakan non-systematic review dan content analysis kepustakaan tentang upaya kesehatan, MDGs (Millineum Development Goals), epidemiologi, pengambilan keputusan berdasar bukti, desentralisasi pelayanan kesehatan, pendidikan tinggi kesehatan masyarakat dan pembiayaan kesehatan. Hasil: Inovasi adalah aplikasi dari ide dan gagasan yang dihasilkan oleh kreativitas yang merupakan suatu proses mental dan proses berpikir. Suatu inovasi menghasilkan jasa-jasa atau cara kerja yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Pengambilan Keputusan Berdasar Bukti (PKBB) merupakan suatu ide, hasil kreativitas dari para ahli berbagai ilmu antara lain Epidemiologi, dengan mana dilakukan analisa data dan informasi. Kegiatan seperti ini tidak sempurna dan sulit dilaksanakan bila hanya dilakukan di tingkat pusat dan tingkat provinsi; karena itu di tingkat kabupaten/kota perlu ada inovasi dengan membentuk Tim Epidemiologi Manajemen Kabupaten (TEMK) dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu manajemen dan mengintensifkan pelayanan kesehatan primer. Namun inovasi ini mengalami hambatan sehubungan dengan kebijakan pemerintah dalam pelayanan kesehatan primer, pendidikan tinggi kesehatan masyarakat, desentralisasi pelayanan kesehatan dan pembiayaan pelayanan kesehatan. Kesimpulan: Perlu dibuat rencana strategis pelayanan kesehatan primer bukan hanya MDGs tetapi secara menyeluruh, evaluasi pendidikan tinggi kesehatan masyarakat, meninjau kembali undang-undang dan peraturan dalam rangka desentralisasi, sedangkan pemerintah eksekutif dan legislatif memberikan perhatian dan komitmen terhadap perkembangan praktek kesehatan masyarakat

    The Parliament is Expected to Serve Initiator of Empowering as Primary Health Care for Public Welfare

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    In Indonesia the health problem is still hight, which is necessary to be  solved throught effective, efficient and qualified Primary Health Care (PHC). The primary of Health has confirmed the implementation of MDGs (Milenium Development Goals) which should be achieved by 2015. The objective of this paper to discuss how should be able to create services of effective, efficient and qualified PHC including MDGs. To achieve the objective there was conducted literature review on comprehensive health care, MDGs, evidence based,decision making, health financing decentralization health services and hight education of public health. Besides, then is discussed the relation parliament role duel the identified problem. The conclusion is as follows: the goverment has been likely to priority MDGs than PHC, evidence based decision has not been running, health financing allocation for preventive and promotive PHC is less than curative sevices, the local goverments too not appoint health officials from those graduated from hight education in public health have not able to produce Information and evidence for making decision. The parliament has not used the role as to formulate the low and control to solve the problem. In decentralised health services. It is sugested to formulated strategic planning for the achievment of PHC including MDGs in health to produce information and evidence for creating efective, efficient and qualified health services; To prioritise prevention and promotion more than curative  health service; local an step by step; those having authority in local goverments always appoint health officials from those educated in health field; To plan and implement the curiculum directed to evidence based health service hight education in public health. The Parliament should initiate based in their function so that sugesstion mentioned above can be planed and implemented by the govermen

    Boleh Belajar dari Luar Negeri, Namun Perlu Berusaha sebagai Pencipta untuk Mengatasi Masalah Bangsa

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    Profesi Epidemiologi

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    Makalah ini pertama kali menjelaskan perlu adanya profesi kesehatan masyarakat dalam rangka pembangunan kesehatan. Lalu dijelaskan apa profesi itu dan standar keberadaan profesi, atas dasar mana dapat ditetapkan bahwa pelayanan epidemiologi merupakan salah satu profesi. Dalam rangka pembinaan profesi kesehatan masyarakat, IAKMI dan APTKMI telah membentuk Majelis Kolegium Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (MKKMI) yang terdiri atas 8 kolegium antara lain Kolegium Epidemiologi, yang telah menyusun Standar Profesi Epidemiologi yang terdiri atas beberapa standar. Masing-masing standar dijelaskan mulai dari kurikulum, standar pelayanan epidmiologi, profil epidemiolog kesehatan, peran epidemiolog kesehatan, fungsi epidemiolog kesehatan, standar kompetensi epidemiologi, dan standar pendidikan profesi epidemiologi

    Pelaksanaan FETP Sampai Pemunculan ETMP di Indonesia

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    Makalah ini menjelaskan FETP yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat telah dilaksanakan di Indonesia, tetapi tak sepenuhnya dilaksanakan seperti aslinya sehingga tidak diakui secara Internasional. Dari pengalaman dalam pelaksanaan FETP dalam Proyek ICDC (Intensified Communicable Disease Control), anak bangsa sendiri dapat menciptakan kurikulum untuk Program Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat Peminatan Epidemiologi Terapan untuk Manajemen Pelayanan/Program (ETMP). Kemudian anak bangsa sendiri dapat pula menciptakan Standar Profesi Epidemiolog Kesehatan yang merupakan standar untuk pendidikan profesi satu tahun setelah SKM (Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat). Diharapkan supaya PAEI, Kolegium Epidemiologi, Majelis Kolegium Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (MKKMI) dan Universitas melakukan pendekatan kepada BPSDM Depkes, Menko Kesra, Dit Jen. Pendidikan Tinggi, BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi), dan lain-lain sedemikian rupa sehingga pemerintah mengabulkan berdirinya Pendidikan Profesi Epidemiolog Kesehatan dan lulusannya dapat melanjutkan pendidikan ke Program Studi Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat Peminatan ETMP dan FETP. Kurikulum Peminatan FETP yang sudah ada perlu ditambah dengan epidemiologi dan penanggulangan bencana

    Beberapa Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Carcinoma Cervicis Uteri

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    An epidemiological study of cervical cancer has been made with the objective to examine the in­fluence of several factors on its occurrence. As a case-control study, the group of cases consisted of women suffering from cenvical cancer based on clinical and pathological diagnosis, and the group of controls consisted of women not suffering from the disease, who were selected by matching age and ethnic group. An analysis has been made to calculate the "relative risk", in which each of the several factors, taken into account in this study, is involved in the occurrence of cervical cancer. The data collection from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of 3 (three) hospitals in Jakarta, from July 1977 to March 1978, recorded 544 cases and 544 controls. The result of the analysis shows that certain factors, such as education, frequency of manage, age at first mariage, frequency of gravidity, frequency of parturition, have influence on the risk of getting cervical cancer; while uncircum-cised husband, frequency of abortion and practice of family planning do not show any influence. In the discussion is recommended, that further studies be performed with making practical use of the result of this study

    Adolescent Sexual Behavior Pekanbaru City Senior High School in 2012

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    Adolescent sexual behaviors are all types of behavior motivated by sexual desire to the opposite sex as well as to same sex. Types of adolescent sexual behavior is ranging from less to the most intimate level (sexual intercourse). 15-24 years old adolescent who had experienced sexual intercourse by 66.55% globally, 2.2% in Malaysia, 45% in Riau province and 44.23% in Pekanbaru. The study was conducted to determine the factors associated with sexual behavior of SMA adolescent in Pekanbaru in 2012. This study was a quantitative research by cross sectional design. The samples are 1000 SMA adolescents of Pekanbaru. The sampling procedure was by systematic random sampling, data collection was using questionnaires and data analysis was carried out by univariate, bivariate with chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression to test double. The results shows the proportion of adolescents who engaged in risky sexual behavior by 280 peoples (28%). Variables related to sexual behavior of adolescents were parental supervision (OR: 115, 95% CI: 13.24 to 999, 72), myths about sex (OR: 12, 95% CI :2,61-57, 32), lifestyle (OR: 8, 95% CI: 1.35 to 47.46) and gender (OR: 0.2, 95% CI : 0.06 to 0.61), variable not associated with adolescent sexual behavior was recidency during school year and other variables counfounding with the dependent variable and independent. It is expected a cooperation between health institution and Department of Education in terms of providing good education to parents, teachers and adolescents themselves about the risks of sexual behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, myths about sex and so o

    Blood Pressure Values and Prevalence of Hypertension in Certain Ethnic Groups in Indonesia, 1976

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    A survey of hypertension rates and blood pressure values were undertaken from urban and rural population of various ethnic groups, namely: Bataks (North Sumatra); Sundanese and Jakarta (West-Java); Javanese (Central Java) and Dayaks (East Borneo). Five thousand two hundred and forty individuals were covered in the study, comprising 2562 males and 2678 females. There were no significant differences of hypertension rates between the urban and rural areas, and between the ethnic groups. Using WHO classification for hypertension it was found that under 35 years the hypertension rates was 5% or less. From 35 to 44 years the rates increased to 8% - 10%, while after 45 years it increased to 20% or more. At age 45 years or more the ratio of hypertension was 18,5%, salt consumption among Dayaks is men­tioned as some of the factors which contribute to hypertension. Being a metropolitan city, Jakarta has significantly higher rates of hypertension then elsewhere