43 research outputs found

    Project of geodetic observation of avalanche influence on sleeved piles

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    By constructioning highways on exact ground is often required to make out anchored retaining wall – sleeved piles that protect hillside from sliding. It occur frequently smaller or bigger avalanches and they have to be observed with appropriate geodetic method to perform additional protective arrangements that stabilize hillside. In diploma work are represented particular stages of geodetic project that land surveyor have to consider by these observations. In geodetic project are defined accuracy of observed point displacements, measurement method, geodetic instruments, point disposition on observed structure and landslide, form of geodetic frame and appropriate data representation. The purpose of diploma work is with a geodetic project to acquire a quality information of eventual point displacement on observed structures and landslide

    Atributivna analiza povpraševanja

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    Development of Attitude Towards Nature with the Help of Slovenian Folk Tales in Preschool Children

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    Otrok je že od rojstva v stiku z naravo, živalmi, rastlinami, okoljem in drugimi ljudmi. O naravi se uči in jo doživlja ter do nje oblikuje svoj odnos. Na slednjega lahko vplivamo s pomočjo pravljic, ki obravnavajo temo odnosa do narave. V raziskavi diplomskega dela sem ugotavljala, kako predšolski otroci, stari od 4 do 6 let, razumejo nekatere slovenske ljudske pravljice in njihovo sporočilo povežejo z naravo. Prebrala sem jim 4 slovenske ljudske pravljice, ki so obravnavale temo narave, naravnih pojavov in človekovega odnosa do živali in drugih ljudi, temo naravnih nesreč, medsebojne pomoči in pomoči ljudem v stiski, temo sojenja drugih na podlagi njihove zunanjosti in temo varčevanja in zapravljanja denarja. Za vsako pravljico so otroci po poslušanju narisali to, kar se jim je najbolj vtisnilo v spomin, nato pa sem z njimi izvedla intervjuje, v katerih so razmišljali o vsebini in sporočilnosti slišanih pravljic ter le-to povezovali z odnosom do narave. S pomočjo intervjuja sem tako ugotavljala, kakšne predstave in odnos imajo otroci do narave in naravnih pojavov. Na podlagi rezultatov analize risb in podatkov intervjujev pa lahko zaključim, da s pomočjo sporočil pravljic lahko ugotovimo, kako otroci razumejo pojave, osebe in dogodke v pravljicah. Na obravnavanem vzorcu se je izkazalo, da na otrokov odnos do narave lahko vplivamo z izbranimi slovenskimi ljudskimi pravljicami, imajo pa dosedanje izkušnje z naravo in zgled staršev pri razvijanju odnosa do narave še vedno velik pomen. Pomembno je, da otrokom privzgojimo pozitiven odnos do narave, saj v njej živimo in je naša dolžnost, da zanjo skrbimo in jo negujemo, da ostane takšna, kakršna je.From birth, a child is in contact with nature, animals, plants, the environment and other people. He learns and experiences nature and forms his own attitude towards it. The latter can be influenced with the help of fairy tales that deal with the topic of the relationship with nature. In my thesis research, I determined how preschool children aged 4 to 6 understand some Slovenian folk tales and relate their message to nature. I read them 4 Slovenian folk tales, which dealt with the theme of nature, natural phenomena and man\u27s attitude towards animals and other people, the theme of natural disasters, mutual aid and helping people in need, the theme of judging others based on their appearance and the theme of saving money and a waste of just that. After listening to each fairy tale, the children drew what stuck in their memory the most, and then I conducted interviews with them, in which they thought about the content and message of the fairy tales they heard and connected this with their attitude to nature. With the help of interviews, I found out what ideas and attitudes children have towards nature and natural phenomena. Based on the results of the analysis of drawings and interview data, I can conclude that with the help of fairy tale messages, we can find out how children understand phenomena, persons and events in fairy tales. The sample showed that children\u27s attitude towards nature can be influenced by selected Slovenian folk tales, but previous experiences with nature and their parents’ example are still very important in developing an attitude towards nature. It is important that we bring up children with a positive attitude towards nature, because we live in it and it is our duty to take care of it and nurture it so that it remains as it is

    Understanding of the chemical conceptions substance and gas in the preschool period

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    V predšolskem obdobju je velik poudarek predvsem na zgodnjem opismenjevanju otrok in razvijanju predbralnih sposobnosti. Predšolski otroci pa bi morali biti deležni tudi ustreznega poučevanja kemijskih vsebin, saj je poznavanje nekaterih osnovnih kemijskih pojmov tudi v predšolskem obdobju za otroke pomembno. V kurikulumu za vrtce je poudarjeno področje spoznavanja narave, ki vzgojitelje usmerja v raziskovanje osnovnih spoznanj o človeku, naravi in naravnih pojavih. Vzgojitelji tako svoje dejavnosti usmerjajo v splošno, površinsko poznavanje določenih vsebin s področja naravoslovja, ob tem pa pozabljajo, da je obvezni del naravoslovja tudi kemija. Brez kemije, ob pomoči fizike in biologije, naravoslovnih dejavnosti sploh ne bi bilo. Zato je prav, da otrokom predstavimo kemijo, njene osnove, osnovne pojme in pomen za naše življenje. Z raziskovanjem in odkrivanjem kemijskih vsebin namreč otroci oblikujejo osnovna znanja o tem, kako narava deluje, kaj sestavlja okolje, v katerem živimo, zakaj so stvari takšne, kot jih vidimo. S tem pridobijo drugačen, bolj poglobljen pogled na svet, naravo in interakcije v njej. V magistrskem delu so strokovno teoretično opredeljeni različni pristopi poučevanja kemije, poudarjen pomen kemijskih vsebin v predšolskem obdobju, vloga vzgojitelja pri predstavljanju kemijskih vsebin in opredeljen razvoj pojmov v predšolskem obdobju. Na osnovi teoretične analize strokovne literature so v magistrskem delu predstavljeni različni pogledi, pristopi in načini vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela na področju kemije v predšolskem obdobju, na osnovi katerih bo izvedena raziskava. Osnovno raziskovalno vprašanje magistrskega dela je, ali vzgojno-izobraževalni pristopi in oblike dela, ki zahtevajo otrokovo aktivno udeležbo, omogočajo boljše poznavanje kemijskih pojmov pri otrocih v predšolskem obdobju, v nasprotju s frontalno obliko dela. Ob tem sta raziskovana tudi časovni vpliv na ohranjanje novo konstruiranega znanja in vpliv starosti otrok na razumevanje kemijskih pojmov. Na osnovi pridobljenih rezultatov je pripravljen model vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela, ki vključuje smernice za poučevanje kemijskih pojmov na predšolski stopnji. Na osnovi modela vzgojitelji otrokom lahko omogočijo ne le poznavanje različnih kemijskih pojmov, temveč tudi njihovo razumevanje in ustrezno rabo v drugih situacijah. S tem otrokom zagotovijo trdne temelje na področju kemije, ki predstavljajo osnovo za nadaljnji razvoj kemijskih in naravoslovnih znanj.In the preschool period, there is some great emphasis mostly on early literacy of children and developing pre-reading skills. Preschool children should be taught chemical contents appropriately because knowing some of the basic chemical conceptions in preschool period is necessary also for the children. In the curriculum for kindergartens, the field of learning about nature is emphasized. The field directs teachers into the research of basic findings of the human, nature and natural phenomena. Teachers, thus, aim there the activities in general and superficial knowledge of certain contents from the field of natural sciences. In the process, they forget that mandatory part of natural sciences is chemistry also. Without the chemistry (with the help of physics and biology), there would be no natural sciences. Therefore, it is appropriate to present chemistry, its basics, basic conceptions, and its significance for our lives, to the children. By research and discovering chemical contents, the children form basic knowledge on the topic how nature works, what are the components of the environment we live in, and why things are such as we see them. Thus, they acquire different and more profound world view, view of nature and interactions within it. In the master’s thesis, various approaches to teaching chemistry are defined theoretically in a professional manner. The significance of chemical contents in preschool period is emphasized, as well as the role of the teacher in presenting chemical contents. The development of conceptions in preschool period is defined. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of professional literature, various views, approaches, and methods of educational work in the field of chemistry in preschool period are presented in the master’s thesis. On the described basis, the research will be performed. The basic research question of the master’s thesis is whether educational approaches and forms of work which demand child’s active participation enable better knowing of chemical conceptions in children in preschool period, opposite to the ex-cathedra work. In the process, the time impact on the preservation of newly constructed knowledge and the influence of age of the children on the understanding of the chemical conceptions are researched. On the basis of the acquired results, the model of educational work is prepared. It includes directives for teaching the chemical conceptions on the preschool level. On the basis of the model, the teachers enable children not only knowing different chemical conceptions but also their understanding and the appropriate use in other situations. Thus, firm foundations in the field of chemistry are assured to the children. This is the basis for further development of chemical knowledge and knowledge of natural sciences

    The treatment of children and adolescents in the psychiatric ward under special surveillance – social-pedagogical challenge

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    The thesis deals with the situation of children and adolescents with severe mental disorders with associated auto or heteroaggressive behavior in existing systems of aid in Slovenia. In the theoretical part the author highlights the problem of the treatment of children and adolescents in a secure psychiatric ward for adults. At the beginning, summarizes the most common mental disorders and the phenomena of stigma and de-institutionalization. Emotional and behavioral disorders are presented through medical and social-pedagogic discourse. Described is an example of good practice from Correctional institution Planina in pedagogical medical model of intensive treatment of children and adolescents. Another solution the author suggests the model of the planned psychiatric ward for children and adolescents under special surveillance within the University psychiatric clinic Ljubljana. In the empirical part, the author analyzes various conceptual approaches in the treatment of children and adolescents. The qualitative research explores the views of the two key professional staff from Correctional institution Planina and the University psychiatric clinic Ljubljana on this problem. The study was focused on a critical assessment of the current state of treatment of children and adolescents with mental health problems in Slovenia and the role of social pedagogy in this field