534 research outputs found

    The central Blue Straggler population in four outer-halo globular clusters

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    Using HST/WFPC2 data, we have performed a comparative study of the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) populations in the central regions of the globular clusters AM 1, Eridanus, Palomar 3, and Palomar 4. Located at distances RGC > 50 kpc from the Galactic Centre, these are (together with Palomar 14 and NGC 2419) the most distant clusters in the Halo. We determine their colour-magnitude diagrams and centres of gravity. The four clusters turn out to have similar ages (10.5-11 Gyr), significantly smaller than those of the inner-Halo globulars, and similar metallicities. By exploiting wide field ground based data, we build the most extended radial density profiles from resolved star counts ever published for these systems. These are well reproduced by isotropic King models of relatively low concentration. BSSs appear to be significantly more centrally segregated than red giants in all globular clusters, in agreement with the estimated core and half-mass relaxation times which are smaller than the cluster ages. Assuming that this is a signature of mass segregation, we conclude that AM 1 and Eridanus are slightly dynamically more evolved than Pal 3 and Pal 4.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, references update

    Modelling the Observed Stellar Mass Function and its Radial Variation in Galactic Globular Clusters

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    We measure how the slope α\alpha of the stellar mass function (MF) changes as a function of clustercentric distance rr in five Galactic globular clusters and compare α(r)\alpha(r) to predictions from direct NN-body star cluster simulations. Theoretical studies predict that α(r)\alpha(r) (which traces the degree of mass segregation in a cluster) should steepen with time as a cluster undergoes two-body relaxation and that the amount by which the global MF can evolve from its initial state due to stellar escape is directly linked to α(r)\alpha(r). We find that the amount of mass segregation in M10, NGC 6218, and NGC 6981 is consistent with their dynamical ages, but only the global MF of M10 is consistent with its degree of mass segregation as well. NGC 5466 and NGC 6101 on the other hand appear to be less segregated than their dynamical ages would indicate. Furthermore, despite the fact that the escape rate of stars in non-segregated clusters is independent of stellar mass, both NGC 5466 and NGC 6101 have near-flat MFs. We discuss various mechanisms which could produce non-segregated clusters with near-flat MFs, including higher mass-loss rates and black hole retention, but argue that for some clusters (NGC 5466 and NGC 6101) explaining the present-day properties might require either a non-universal IMF or a much more complex dynamical history.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Measurement of Electron Trapping in the CESR Storage Ring

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    The buildup of low-energy electrons has been shown to affect the performance of a wide variety of particle accelerators. Of particular concern is the persistence of the cloud between beam bunch passages, which can impose limitations on the stability of operation at high beam current. We have obtained measurements of long-lived electron clouds trapped in the field of a quadrupole magnet in a positron storage ring, with lifetimes much longer than the revolution period. Based on modeling, we estimate that about 7% of the electrons in the cloud generated by a 20-bunch train of 5.3 GeV positrons with 16-ns spacing and 1.3x10111.3x10^{11} population survive longer than 2.3 Ό\mus in a quadrupole field of gradient 7.4 T/m. We have observed a non-monotonic dependence of the trapping effect on the bunch spacing. The effect of a witness bunch on the measured signal provides direct evidence for the existence of trapped electrons. The witness bunch is also observed to clear the cloud, demonstrating its effectiveness as a mitigation technique.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, 28 citation

    Radio Timing and Optical Photometry of the Black Widow System PSR J1953+1846A in the Globular Cluster M71

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    We report on the determination of the astrometric, spin and orbital parameters for PSR J1953+1846A, a "black widow" binary millisecond pulsar in the globular cluster M71. By using the accurate position and orbital parameters obtained from radio timing, we identified the optical companion in ACS/Hubble Space Telescope images. It turns out to be a faint (m_F606W>=24, m_F814W>=23) and variable star located at only ~0.06" from the pulsar timing position. The light curve shows a maximum at the pulsar inferior conjunction and a minimum at the pulsar superior conjunction, thus confirming the association with the system. The shape of the optical modulation suggests that the companion star is heated, likely by the pulsar wind. The comparison with the X-ray light curve possibly suggests the presence of an intra-binary shock due to the interaction between the pulsar wind and the material released by the companion. This is the second identification (after COM-M5C) of an optical companion to a black widow pulsar in a globular cluster. Interestingly, the two companions show a similar light curve and share the same position in the color magnitude diagram.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ; 33 Pages, 10 Figures, 3 Table

    Numerical Computation of Resonances and Pseudospectra in Acoustic Scattering

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    Acoustic scattering is a well-known physical phenomenon which arises in a wide range of fields: when acoustic waves propagating in a medium impinge on a localised non-uniformity, such as a density fluctuation or an external obstacle, their trajectories are deviated and scattered waves are generated. A key role in scattering theory is played by resonances; these are particular scatterer-dependent non-physical ‘complex’ frequencies at which acoustic scattering exhibits exceptional behaviour. The study of acoustic resonances for a particular scatterer provides an insight in the behaviour that the acoustic scattering assumes at the near physical ‘real’ frequencies, and it is a fundamental step in many applications. Yet, the numerical computation of resonances and pseudospectra - a mathematical tool which can be used to study the influence of resonances on physical frequencies - remains very expensive. With the present Thesis we want to address this particular problem, by proposing numerical algorithms based on the Boundary Element Method (BEM) for computing resonances and pseudospectra and by analysing their efficiency and performance. Finally, we apply such algorithms to half a dozen of physically relevant scatterer, inspired from different fields where acoustic scattering plays a relevant role

    Radio timing and optical photometry of the black widow system PSR J1518+0204C in the globular cluster M5

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    We report on the determination of astrometric, spin and orbital parameters for PSR J1518+0204C, a "black widow" binary millisecond pulsar in the globular cluster M5. The accurate position and orbital parameters obtained from radio timing allowed us to search for the optical companion. By using WFC3/HST images we identified a very faint variable star (m_F390W > 24.8, m_F606W > 24.3, m_F814W > 23.1) located at only 0.25" from the pulsar's timing position. Due to its strong variability, this star is visible only in a sub-sample of images. However, the light curve obtained folding the available data with the orbital parameters of the pulsar shows a maximum at the pulsar inferior conjunction and a possible minimum at the pulsar superior conjunction. Furthermore, the shape of the optical modulation indicates a heating process possibly due to the pulsar wind. This is the first identification of an optical companion to a black widow pulsar in the dense stellar environment of a globular cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ; 24 Pages, 5 Figures, 1 Tabl

    Discovery of three new millisecond pulsars in Terzan 5

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    We report on the discovery of three new millisecond pulsars (namely J1748-2446aj, J1748-2446ak and J1748-2446al) in the inner regions of the dense stellar system Terzan 5. These pulsars have been discovered thanks to a method, alternative to the classical search routines, that exploited the large set of archival observations of Terzan 5 acquired with the Green Bank Telescope over 5 years (from 2010 to 2015). This technique allowed the analysis of stacked power spectra obtained by combining ~206 hours of observation. J1748-2446aj has a spin period of ~2.96 ms, J1748-2446ak of ~1.89 ms (thus it is the fourth fastest pulsar in the cluster) and J1748-2446al of ~5.95 ms. All the three millisecond pulsars are isolated and currently we have timing solutions only for J1748-2446aj and J1748-2446ak. For these two systems, we evaluated the contribution to the measured spin-down rate of the acceleration due to the cluster potential field, thus estimating the intrinsic spin-down rates, which are in agreement with those typically measured for millisecond pulsars in globular clusters. Our results increase to 37 the number of pulsars known in Terzan 5, which now hosts 25% of the entire pulsar population identified, so far, in globular clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. ApJ (accepted

    The surface density profile of NGC 6388: a good candidate for harboring an intermediate-mass black hole

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    We have used a combination of high resolution (HST ACS-HRC, ACS-WFC, and WFPC2) and wide-field (ESO-WFI) observations of the galactic globular cluster NGC 6388 to derive its center of gravity, projected density profile, and central surface brightness profile. While the overall projected profiles are well fit by a King model with intermediate concentration (c=1.8) and sizable core radius (rc=7"), a significant power law (with slope \alpha=-0.2) deviation from a flat core behavior has been detected within the inner 1 arcsecond. These properties suggest the presence of a central intermediate mass black hole. The observed profiles are well reproduced by a multi-mass isotropic, spherical model including a black hole with a mass of ~5.7x10^3 Msol.Comment: ApJ Letter in pres

    Modeling meander morphodynamics over self-formed heterogeneous floodplains

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    This work addresses the signatures embedded in the planform geometry of meandering rivers consequent to the formation of floodplain heterogeneities as the river bends migrate. Two geomorphic features are specifically considered: scroll bars produced by lateral accretion of point bars at convex banks and oxbow lake fills consequent to neck cutoffs. The sedimentary architecture of these geomorphic units depends on the type and amount of sediment, and controls bank erodibility as the river impinges on them, favoring or contrasting the river migration. The geometry of numerically generated planforms obtained for different scenarios of floodplain heterogeneity is compared to that of natural meandering paths. Half meander metrics and spatial distribution of channel curvatures are used to disclose the complexity embedded in meandering geometry. Fourier Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Singular Spectrum Analysis and Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis are used to emphasize the subtle but crucial differences which may emerge between apparently similar configurations. A closer similarity between observed and simulated planforms is attained when fully coupling flow and sediment dynamics (fully-coupled models) and when considering self-formed heterogeneities that are less erodible than the surrounding floodplain

    The surprising external upturn of the Blue Straggler radial distribution in M55

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    By combining high-resolution HST and wide-field ground based observations, in ultraviolet and optical bands, we study the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) population of the low density galactic globular cluster M55 (NGC 6809) over its entire radial extent. The BSS projected radial distribution is found to be bimodal, with a central peak, a broad minimum at intermediate radii, and an upturn at large radii. Similar bimodal distributions have been found in other globular clusters (M3, 47 Tucanae, NGC 6752, M5), but the external upturn in M55 is the largest found to date. This might indicate a large fraction of primordial binaries in the outer regions of M55, which seems somehow in contrast with the relatively low (\sim 10%) binary fraction recently measured in the core of this cluster.Comment: in press on Ap
