14 research outputs found

    Influence of the estrous cycle on the sensitivity to catecholamines in right atria from rats submitted to foot-shock stress

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    We investigated the mechanisms of the alterations in sensitivity to catecholamines in right atria from female rats exhibiting regular 4-day estrous cycles after three foot-shock sessions at estrus, metestrus, and diestrus or at diestrus, proestrus, and estrus. Right atria from stressed rats sacrificed at diestrus showed subsensitivity to noradrenaline and adrenaline. After in vitro sympathetic denervation (38 mu M 6-hydroxydopamine) plus inhibition of neuronal reuptake (0.1 mu M desipramine) subsensitivity to noradrenaline was abolished, but it was again evident when extraneuronal uptake was also inhibited (10 mu M phenoxybenzamine and 30 mu M corticosterone). The same pretreatment abolished the subsensitivity to adrenaline. After addition of 1 mu M butoxamine, a beta(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist, the tissues from stressed rats were subsensitive to adrenaline. Right atria from stressed rats sacrificed at estrus did not show any alteration in sensitivity to catecholamines. We conclude that after foot-shock stress, right atria from female rats sacrificed at diestrus showed subsensitivity of the chronotropic response to catecholamines as a result of a conformational alteration of beta(1)-adrenoceptors, simultaneously with an increase in beta(2)-adrenoceptor-mediated response. The mechanisms seem to be similar to those which underlie stress-induced alterations in catecholamine sensitivity in right atria from male rats. However, during estrus there are some protective factors that prevent the effects of stress on right atria.74667067

    Stress-induced subsensitivity to catecholamines depends on the estrous cycle

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    In this article we compare how sensitivity to the chronotropic effect of noradrenaline and adrenaline of right atria isolated from female rats is modified after repeated swimming or foot-shock stress, under the influence of the estrous cycle. Right atria from stressed female rats sacrificed at diestrus were subsensitive to both catecholamines, irrespective of the stressor agent. However, although subsensitivity to noradrenaline was of similar intensity, subsensitivity to adrenaline was more pronounced in right atria from foot shock stressed rats as opposed to swimming-stressed rats. Identical stress protocols did not induce any alteration in atrial sensitivity to catecholamines when the stressed female rats were sacrificed at estrus. We conclude that the stress reaction concerning the mediation of cardiac chronotropism by catecholamines is related to the severity of the stressor agent and is strongly influenced by the estrous cycle.74666366

    Genetic distance of inbred lines and prediction of maize single-cross performance using RAPD markers

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    To evaluate the genetic diversity of 18 maize inbred lines, and to determine the correlation between genetic distance and single-cross hybrid performance, we have used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), a PCR-based technique. Eight of these lines came from a Thai synthetic population (BR-105), and the others derived from a Brazilian composite population (BR-106). Thirty two different primers were used giving a total of 325 reproducible amplification products, 262 of them being polymorphic. Genetic divergence was determinated using Jaccard's similarity coefficient, and a final dendrogram was constructed using an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical averages (UPGMA). Cluster analysis divided the samples into three distinct groups (GI, GII and GIII) that were confirmed by principal-coordinate analysis. The genetic distances (GD) were correlated with important agronomic traits for single-cross hybrids and heterosis. No correlation was found when group division was not considered, but significant correlations were detected between GI x GII and GI x GIII GDs with their respective single-cross hybrid grain-yield values. Three groups were identified; that is, the BR-106 population was divided in two different groups and the BR-105 population remained mostly as one group. The results indicated that RAPD can be used as a tool for determining the extent of genetic diversity among tropical maize inbred lines, for allocating genotypes into different groups, and also to aid in the choice of the superior crosses to be made among maize inbred lines, so reducing the number of crosses required under field evaluation.9481023103

    Stress-induced subsensitivity to catecholamines depends on the estrous cycle

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    In this article we compare how sensitivity to the chronotropic effect of noradrenaline and adrenaline of right atria isolated from female rats is modified after repeated swimming or foot-shock stress, under the influence of the estrous cycle. Right atria from stressed female rats sacrificed at diestrus were subsensitive to both catecholamines, irrespective of the stressor agent. However, although subsensitivity to noradrenaline was of similar intensity, subsensitivity to adrenaline was more pronounced in right atria from foot shock stressed rats as opposed to swimming-stressed rats. Identical stress protocols did not induce any alteration in atrial sensitivity to catecholamines when the stressed female rats were sacrificed at estrus. We conclude that the stress reaction concerning the mediation of cardiac chronotropism by catecholamines is related to the severity of the stressor agent and is strongly influenced by the estrous cycle

    Assessment of genetic variability within and among coffee progenies and cultivars using RAPD markers

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    The RAPD technique associated with restriction digestion of genomic DNA was used to assess the genetic variability within and among nine populations of Coffea arabica, including six progenies belonging to the Sarchimor germplasm, the progeny PR 77054-40-10 (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 x Icatu), and two commercial cultivars (IAPAR 59 and Catuaí Vermelho IAC-81). These populations were evaluated using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), genetic similarity among progenies, and percentage of polymorphic loci. A total of 99 RAPD markers were evaluated of which 67 (67.67%) were polymorphic. AMOVA showed that 38.5% and 61.5% of the genetic variation was distributed among and within populations, respectively. The fixation index (F ST) of the genotypes was 0.385. The mean genetic variability estimated within populations ranged from 15.58 (IAPAR 59) to 8.27 (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81). A distinct level of genetic variability was revealed for each of the coffee progenies and varieties studied. The methodology used in this investigation was useful to determine the genetic variability within and among C. arabica L. populations providing significant information for coffee breeding