2 research outputs found

    Building HR Analytics Maturity : Case Study

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    The focus of this thesis is to study how organizations can develop their Human Resource (HR) analytics in order to better their readiness to provide valuable insights to support management decision-making. To strengthen its strategic role in the company, HR function must, instead of continuing to base their decisions on former experience and intuition, become more evidence and data-based. The HR function has to expand its offerings from simple reactive reporting to more advanced and predictive analytics. This paper is a case study conducted on a large, Finnish based, multinational company, operating in the industrial goods and services –industry. The study embraces a qualitative research approach and the objective is to identify the factors effecting and also hindering the development of HR analytics maturity. Moreover, the paper seeks to figure out the current status of HR analytics in the case organization and to provide suggestions on focal areas requiring attention and actions in order to increase the HR analytics maturity. In order to be able to produce insightful analytics from HR processes, the case organization should, first and foremost, strengthen the data culture among its HR population. Furthermore, the company should decide what it wants to accomplish with its analytical capabilities. Only after that, based on the clarified needs, the firm should start to build a HR analytics team consisting of people with different backgrounds and skills. The individuals in the team should be enthusiastic about the topic, have good intuitive skills, and be able to detect patterns in the information. At the beginning the team may conduct descriptive analytics to describe the current situation at the company. Once the team becomes more experienced and skilled it can move on to more predictive analytics to guide management’s decision-making. Additionally, alongside with the assembly of analytics team, the organization should also pay attention to its data governance. In order for analytics process to function efficiently, data governance cannot be ineffective. Thus, the case organization should establish practices to guarantee the quality of data inputs used in HR analytics

    Työdiagnoosin ja löydösten mukaisen ensihoidon teoreettinen hallinta : vuosien 2008-2009 hoitotason teoriakokeiden analyysi

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa Turun ammattikorkeakoulun AMOVIRKE-projektia jonka tarkoituksena on selvittää ensi- ja akuuttihoidossa toimivien henkilöiden osaamisen tasoa ja lisäkoulutksen tarvetta, täsäs työssä keskitymme työdiagnoosin ja löydösten mukaisen ensihoidon teoreettisen hallinttaa. Aineiston on käytetty vuosine 2008-2009 varsinais-suomen sairaanhoito iirin hoitotason teoriakokeita. Kokeisiin osallituneet sairaankuljettajat joko työskentelevä hoitotasolla, ovat pyrkimässä hoitotasolle tai ovat alan opiskelijoita. Tarkastellulla aikavälillä kokeisiin osallistui 318 henkilöä. Kaikki vastaajat eivät välttämättä ole eri henkilöitä sillä osaamisen tasosta riipuuen kokeen on voinut joutua uusimaan jo puolen vuoden kuluttua vastaamisesta. Aineisto kerättiin käyttäen strukturoitua kyselylomaketta. Lomakkeesta saadut tiedot on analysoitu kvantitatiivisellä menetelmällä. Lomake sisälsi sekä monivalintakysymyksi että avoimia kysymyksiä. Aineisto ryhmiteltiin viiteen eri ryhmään sen mukaan mitä osa-aluetta se mittasi. Nämä osa-alueet ovat: Rintakipu, Tajuttomuus, elottoman potilaan elvytys, vammat, ja aivoverenkierron häiriöt. Eri osa-alueiden hallinnassa ei ollut suuria eroja, tosin osa-alueidne keskinäinen vertailu on haastavaa sillä kysymyksiä ei ollut tasaisesti kaikista alueista. Kuitenkin parhaitan hallittiin kysymykset joissa voitiin seurata selkeää ohjeistusta kuten elvytys tai aivoverenkierron häiriöt. Monivalinta kysymyksissä oli osattu sulkea vääriä viahtoehtoja pois mutta avoimissa kysymyksissä oman osaamisen esiintuominen oli haastavamapaa. Väärien vaihtoehtojen poissulkeminen ei myöskään takaa sitä että teoriatieto vastauksen takaa löytyisi. Oikean hoidon kannalta olisi tärkeää ymmärtää teoriatieto ensihoidon taustalla. Lomakkeen kysymykset olivat satunnaisesti valittu, eivätkä ne mittaa kattavasti vastaajien tietoja oireiden ja löydösten mukaista ensihoidon teoreettista hallintaa vaan vain joitakin osa-alueita. Tulosten perusteella Fysiologian ja patofysiologian opetusta olisi lisättävä, sillä ilman näitä perustietoja ei välttämättä pystytä tekemään oikeita hoitopäätöksiä.This thesis is part of Turku University of applied sciences AMOVIRKE project which aims to identify emergency and acute care personal level of education and need of further education. In this study we focus on theoretical management of acute care based on findings and work diagnosis. The material used in this thesis was southwestern finlands health care districts advanced level tests from years 2008-2009. Persons taking part of the test either work on an advanced level ambulance, are aiming to work on an advanced level ambulance or are students at university of applied sciences on this time frame 318 participated in the test. Same person could take the test several times so all participants were not different individuals. The length of a persons advanced levels license dependent on their level of expertise in this test and therefore they may have needed to take a new test after six months from participating the test. The data was collected using structured questionnaire. The information acquired was then analyzed using quantitative methods. Questionnaire included both multiple choice questions and open questions The data was then grouped in five categories depending on what aspect they measured these areas are: Chest pain, Unconscious patient, resuscitation, trauma and cerebrovascular disorders. Any significant difference between management of different categories was not found. Although comparing different categories with each other is difficult because question in each category were not evenly distributed. In questions were there was a clear guideline to follow answers were quite good. In multiple choice questions people had been able to overrule wrong answers and thus conclude the right answer. On open questions people clearly struggled more to get the right answers and there was a significant difference in right answers between multiple-choice questions and open questions. Overruling wrong answer does not guarantee that person really has known the answer. For patients to receive the right treatment for their conditions it is important that people working on advanced level paramedics know the theoretical base of illness ad treating them. Questions for the questionnaire were randomly selected and do not fully measure advanced level paramedic skills on work diagnosis and findings based emergency care in theory but only on some aspects of the topic. Based on results there’s a need for more education on physiology and pathophysiology and anatomy. Because without this basic knowledge it’s not possible to make right solutions