37 research outputs found

    Toksisitas Isolat Lokal Bacillus thuringiensis (H-14) serta Lama Efektivitasnya di dalam Air terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles farauti Laveran

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    The research of toxicity local isolate Bacillus thurigiensis (H-14) and 18 codeword isolate along the efectivity on the water concerning to the Anopheles.  The research aim to acquainted about the toxicity of B. thuringiensis isolate H-14 local and 18 codeword isolate along of the toxicity on the water concerning to the Anopheles. The methode is laboratory experiment wich used complete randome, analysis the data to wich BNJ test and α..05. The result shows  that isolate of local B. huringiensis H-14 Anopheles farauti Laveran  B.thurngiensis H-14   0.06 ml concentrate, 0.08 ml  concentrate and 0.1 of effective of the A.farauti death until 6 day, and concentrate 0.1 ml effective  show the Anopheles  death until 7 day. Analysis varians shows the different act control concentrate  in the other side, the act of concentrate isnt different significant.   Key words: Toxic, Bacillus thuringiensis, Anopheles farauti Laveran.


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    Abstract Microbial detection takes a long time to produce positive results, so a quicker detection method was chosen. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (m-PCR) identified bacterial strains in less than 24 hours, detects E.coli specifically, and is faster than traditional methods. The goal of this study was to use m-PCR to detect early pathogenic E.coli bacteria in several drinking water sources in the Abepura district of Papua Indonesia as a parameter of pollution and water quality. The Chelex100 and microwave combination method was used to extract DNA. The first round of testing was done at four different concentrations: 0.125, 0.250, 0.375, and 0.500 M. The purity of the extracted DNA was good, ranging from 1.80 to 1.94. The optimum primer concentration for multiplexing applications is 0.25 uM for lt primer; 0.125 uM for stx2 and eae primer, with an annealing temperature of 55oC. m-PCR has been shown to quickly detect pathogenic E. coli in water samples. In the PCR process, E.coli DNA template was obtained with high purity (1.80-1.94) and concentration (576.9-4301.6 ng/uL) .  Each multiplex set included three primer pairs for the target gene lt-eae-stx2 on ETEC-EPEC and EHEC respectively. The m-PCR process showed excellent results, and this findings can be considered as a reference for water analysis in several drinking sources in Papua Province

    Status Kesuburan Perairan Laut ditinjau dari Keragaman Plankton di Kawasan Kepala Burung, Papua Barat

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    Papua is well known asa megabiodiversity area because it has high diverse biological resources; on the other hand the diversity of plankton biota has not been much studied. Plankton has an important role in the food chain system in the waters, both at sea, freshwater and brackish. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of marine water fertility based on the presence of plankton diversity in the Kepala Burung, West Papua Province. The method used was a survey, with sampling at six (6) point coordinates in Manokwari and Sorong regency. The results showed that there were 66 types of plankton found in marine waters Manokwari and Sorong, Kepala Burung region, West Papua Province. Therefore these waters are still quite fertile with diversity index (H') in Manokwari was 2.80 (32 types of plankton), whereas in Sorong 3.16 (48 species).Key words: plankton, water fertility, Manokwari, Sorong, West Papua Province

    Analisis Golongan Metabolit Sekunder Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Cemara Laut (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) dan Cemara Gunung (Casuarina junghuhniana Mig.)

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    The use of medicinal plants as natural medicine is increasingly trend and developing rapidly to prevent and treat disease, also maintain human health. Spruce plants belong to Casuarinaceae family and Magnoliophyta, generally contain of secondary metabolite compounds such as: alkaloid, saponin, polyphenol, flavonoid, and tannin that can be efficacious to cure diseases in human. The purpose of this study was to analyze the secondary metabolites compound of Casuarina equisetifolia L. and Casuarina junghuhniana Mig. using the Fransworth phytochemical screening method of bark ethanol extracts. The analysis of phytochemical screening of spruce bark shows flavonoid, saponin and tannin activity, while the montain spruce shows alkaloid, steroid, saponin and tannin activity. Further research is needed to investigate the ethnopharmaceutical information on the use of the spruce plants as a traditional medicine.Key words: Spruce plants; screening; extract; analysis; phytochemical; secondary metabolite

    Keragaman Jenis Plankton di Perairan Laut Kota Jayapura, Papua

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    Dalam penentuan kesuburan suatu perairan, plankton mempunyai peranan penting. Hal ini disebabkan karena plankton merupakan produsen yang mampu melakukan fotosintesis. Plankton mempunyai peranan penting dalam sistem rantai makanan di kawasan perairan, baik di laut, perairan air tawar maupun payau. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut telah dilakukan penelitian tentang keragaman jenis plankton di perairan laut di Kota Jayapura. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey, dengan pengambilan sampel pada tiga (3) lokasi yang berbeda, yakni di Pantai Dok II, Pantai Hamadi, dan Pantai Skow Mabo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kota Jayapura, khususnya di stasiun penelitian Pantai Dok II, Pantai Hamadi, dan Pantai Skow dijumpai 52 jenis plankton. Dari 52 jenis tersebut satu (1) diantaranya belum dapat teridentifikasi, yakni dari jenis fitoplankton. Di Pantai Dok II, dijumpai 25 jenis, pantai Hamadi terbanyak yakni 32 jenis, dan Pantai Skow hanya 16 jenis. Jenis–jenis plankton di lokasi ini menunjukkan tingkat kesuburan perairan pantai. Pantai Hamadi tergolong jenisnya sangat beragam, sedangkan pantai Skow tidak mempunyai keragaman yang tinggi.Key words: Keragaman plankton, Pantai Dok II, Pantai Hamadi, Pantai Skow, Jayapura

    Karakterisasi Bakteri Bacillus thuringiensis asal Hutan Lindung Kampus Uncen Jayapura, serta Deteksi Toksisitasnya terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles

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    Study of isolate characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner collected from soil was done at UNCEN Campus. The aims of the study were to explore the local isolate of B. thuringiensis and to study the toxicity of the isolates on larvae of Anopheles as a vector of malaria and filariasis deseases in Papua. Data was analized by Hadioetomo & Rusmana method (1977). The results showed that 383 colonies are relatively closed to B. thuringiensis whereas 290 of them are indicated as local isolates of B. thuringiensis. Based on toxicity detection on larvae of Anopheles found that 19 isolates have toxicities levels 50% or more. Among the 19 isolates 3 of them has 80%, 85% and 90% toxicity levels separately.Key words: Characterization, local isolate, B. thuringiensis, toxicity, and soil

    Bakteri Aerob Penyebab Infeksi Nosokomial di Ruang Bedah RSU Abepura, Kota Jayapura, Papua

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    The research on identification of aerobic bacteria causing nosocomial infection in the surgery room of General Hospital (RSU) Abepura, Jayapura had been done from August–December 2008. Samples were taken from room air (30 minutes) using blood agar media and from certain tools at some points using brain heart infusion media (BHI). The colony appearance was observed after 24 hours of incubation period of bacterial growth. Further analysis to identify the aerobic bacteria causing nosocomial infections was done by several tests in Jayapura Health Laboratory. The result showed that there were 15 aerobic bacteria consisted of: the coccid gram–positive bacteria: Staphylococus epidermidis, S. aureus, S. saprophyticus, Streptcoccus sp; the rod gram-positive bacteria: Listeria monocytogenes, Diptheroid sp, Lactobacillus sp and gram-negative bacteria: Providence rettgeri, Pseudomonas puttrefaciens, Klebsiela ozaena, P. malthophyla, Morganela morganii, Serattia sp, K. oxytoca, and K. pneumonia. Key words: Aerobic bacteria, identification of bacteria, nosocomial infection, surgical room, Jayapura

    Respon Daya Hambat Ekstrak Lantana camara Linn (Verbenaceae) Terhadap Fungi Trichophyton concentricum L.

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    Trichophyton concentricum is one of the fungi that causes dermatophytosis called Tinea imbricate  which commonly occur in Papua. Indigenous people use Lantana camara to treat this mycosis. This study was conducted to investigate the antifungal activity of L. camara extract against T. concentricum. Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatment (25%, 50%, 75%, 100% concentration of L. camara extract and the reference antibiotic fluconazol as a positif control) and 4 replicates was used in this experiment. T. concentricum was isolated from patients suspected Tinea imbricate. Disc blank was soaked in L. camara extract and placed in the culture of T. concentricum, and then the inhibition zone was measured 24 hour after incubation. The result showed that L. camara extract was range between 6.7-8.6 mm and has low inhibition zone compared to the positive control (26.31mm). Key words: Antifungal, Lantana camara, Tricophyton concentricum, dermatophytosis

    Uji Aktivitas Antifungi Anggur Laut (Caulerpa sp.) Asal Pulau Ambai Serui Terhadap Fungi Candida krusei dan Candida albicans

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    Anggur laut (Caulerpa sp.) memiliki potensi sebagai bahan obat antifungi baru karena mengandung beberapa senyawa aktif seperti saponin dan flavonoid yang bekerja sebagai antifungi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji aktivitas antifungi ekstrak anggur laut (Caulerpa sp.) yang diekstraksi dengan 3 pelarut (dietil eter, etil asetat, dan etanol) terhadap fungi Candida krusei dan Candida albicans. Pengujian antifungi menggunakan metode difusi cakram dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), 7 perlakuan, dan 3 kali pengulangan, dimana 7 perlakuan yang dimaksud adalah dengan menggunakan konsentrasi 100, 250, 500, 750, dan 1000 ppm, kontrol positif menggunakan flukonazol 5 μg dan kontrol negatif yaitu akuades steril. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga pelarut dari ekstrak dietil eter, etil asetat, dan etanol dari anggur laut mampu menghambat pertumbuhan fungi Candida krusei dan Candida albicans pada konsentrasi 100, 250, 500, 750, dan 1000 ppm. Hasil uji menunjukkan konsentrasi efektif untuk menghambat fungi Candida krusei pada ekstrak etanol dan Candida albicans adalah pada ekstrak etil asetat adalah 1000 ppm

    Toksisitas Isolat Lokal Bacillus thuringiensis (H-14) dan Isolat Sandi 18 Serta Lama Efektivitasnya di dalam Air terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles dan Culex

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    The research of toxicity local isolate Bacillus thurigiensis (H-14) and 18 codeword isolate along the efectivity on the water concerning to the Culex and Anopheles. The research aim to acquainted about the toxicity of B. thuringiensis isolate H-14 local and 18 codeword isolate along of the toxicity on the water concerning to the Culex and Anopheles. The methode is laboratory experiment wich used complete randome, analysis the data to wich BNJ test and 0.05% confidence standart. The result shows  that isolate of local B. huringiensis H-14 and coderword 18 toxic concerning to Culex and Anopheles B.thurngiensis H-14   0.06 ml concentrate, 0.08 ml  concentrate and 0.1 of effective of the Anopheles death until 6 day, and 0.1 ml effective concentrate show the Culex death until 7 day.Isolate 18 in 0.08 concentrate and 0.1 effective of  Culex  until 5 day and 0.1 ml concentrate 0.1 ml effective of the Anopheles until 7 day. Analysis varians shows the different act control concentrate  in the other side, the act of concentrate isnt different significant. Key words: Bacillus thuringiensis, Local isolate, toxicity, Anopheles and Culex larva