15 research outputs found

    Feeding habits of otters living on three moors in the Pannonian ecoregion (Hungary)

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    Diet composition and feeding habits of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) living on three moors (Balata, Nagyberek and Feherviz) in Hungary were studied over two years using spraint analysis (n = 199, 503 and 3 15 samples from the three moors, respectively). The food and presence of otters in the first moderate and second drought year, when the moors dried during the summer period, generally differed. Area-dependent variations in the diet were also found. The primary food source was fish (biomass estimation for the first and second year: Balata 94.4% and 99.9%: Nagyberek 93.9% and 71.5%; Feherviz 66.4% and 82.1%). Most fish (mean: 94.6-99.9%) were small-sized (below 100,, in weight), and the most frequently taken species was Carassius spp. On moors, which are dependent on rainfall and ground-water only, during or after periods of drought otters temporarily changed their diet from optimal prey (fish) to sub-optimal prey (e.g., waterfowl) and they often left the habitat entirely. On moors with small canals, during periods of drought otters kept fish as the dominant food source, and weathered out extreme environmental local conditions

    A Dráva-mellékén élő nyestek (Martes foina) tavaszi táplálék-összetétele | Diet composition of stone martens (Martes foina) living in the Drava district, Hungary, in spring

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    The diet composition of stone martens was investigated in a village (Pettend, Baranya county) and in agricultural environment (Lakócsa, Somogy county) in SW Hungary. Samples (n = 54 and 66 scats, respectively) were collected after the long winter of 2003, in spring period. The diet composition of stone martens living in different environments differed significantly both taxonomically and by zonation of the prey species consumed. 2 figures and 2 tables

    Fonó és Kisgyalán községek gazdasági épületeiben alkalmazott tartástechnológiai eljárások változása a 20. század második felében = Changes in breeding technology of agricultural buildings in Fonó and Kisgyalán during the 20th century

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    The aim of this study was to compare agricultural buildings and their economic role in two neighbouring villages of Outer-Somogy; Fonó and Kisgyalán. I analyzed how the function of these buildings altered within the branches of animal husbandry, during joint management and after the change of regime. Breeding technology employed in barns, feed storage strategies in sheds, corn-cribs and attics were also described based on reminiscences. The changes in economic conditions facilitated building economic-necessity structures in some cases. In addition, the effects of changing attitude of peasants due to lifestyle modification were also highlighted based on examples such as sleeping in the barn

    Életfordulók és közösen végzett munkák ételei és szokásai az 1940-es évektől napjainkig = Foods and costumes of life anniversaries and co-works from 1940’s until today

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    The aim of this study is to investigate food preparation traditions of events and occasions, based on personal discussion and provided photographs. Christening lunch is of greater importance since 1960, as children are born in a hospital and it enables parents to spend more time with preparing the christening event. In the age of home birth, it was necessary to christening the child on the first or the second day of birth due to the higher mortality rate. This ensured that the child would not pass away as a pagan. Some traditions such as christening feast (paszita in Hungarian) as well as the “pal-bowl sending” also disappeared or changed since the 1960’s. Instead of food preparation for the mother during three days after childbirth, giving a higher value gift became general. The tradition modified due to the change in lifestyles. Women, working on collective farms or elsewhere, had difficulties in allocating their time compared to previous periods when they worked on their own family farms. The reason for disappearing of “pal-bowl sending” may have been that the young already returned to the student dormitory, or simply were not at home since they were away for a month since the 1970’s. Holy Communion and Confirmation-related practices also adjusted to the given era, especially in case of inviting godparents living far away. Confirmation parents go to dine to the confirmee’s place. Differences are experienced in traditions of weddings and “death feasts” among villages of 3-4 km distance

    Urbanizálódó ragadozó emlősök lakossági megfigyelése és megítélése két Somogy megyei faluban

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    Lakott területen előforduló ragadozó emlősök köznapi megítélését vizsgáltuk kérdőíves felméréssel két Somogy megyei faluban (Kisgyalánban n=52 és Fonóban n=45 kérdőív). A vizsgált településeken jellemző a gazdasági állattartás (főként baromfi, sertés) és a kerthasznosítás. A megkérdezettek többsége közvetlenül is megfigyelt ragadozókat lakóhelyén, mely leggyakrabban vörösróka (Vulpes vulpes), esetenként nyest (Martes foina), ritkán menyét (Mustela nivalis), illetve közönséges görény (Mustela putorius) volt. A vizsgált falvakban eltért a károkozás előfordulási gyakorisága (58%, ill. 33%, P<0,05). A kártételt általában baromfiállományban tapasztalták, amely alkalomszerű és átlagosan 3.000 Ft körüli volt. A megkérdezettek többsége védekezett a ragadozók ellen (leggyakrabban riasztást alkalmazva), de többnyire eredménytelenül. A vizsgálat rámutat arra, hogy a településeken jogilag szabályozatlan és megoldatlan a ragadozókkal való „gazdálkodás”. Lehetséges kezelési megoldásokat javasolunk

    Diet composition of otters (Lutra lutra L.) living on small watercourses in southwestern Hungary

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    The diet composition of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) was studied by spraint (faecal) analysis (n = 1,460 samples), over a two-year period, on five sections of stream and channel in the Dráva region of southwest Hungary. The primary food of otters was generally fish (range: 33.3–89.9%, biomass estimation), with amphibians of secondary importance (3.4–48.5%). Highest fish consumption was found in winter and lowest in spring. Amphibians were eaten more in spring than in winter. Mammals (range 2.0–9.3%), birds (1.1–4.1%), reptiles (up to 22.2%), crayfish (up to 1.7%) and insects (0.1–4.2%) were consumed at low levels. Trophic niche breadth did not differ significantly between areas, though the widest and lowest seasonal values differed greatly (summer B = 2.48, winter B = 1.12). Otters preyed mainly on small fish (< 100 g in weight, range 88.0–96.9% biomass) at all study areas. Eurytopic (mean 72.7%) and stagnophilic fish (mean 21.7%) were taken preferentially, with lesser consumption of reophilic species (mean 5.6%). Non-native fish were taken most often (mean 71.0%, e.g. giebel carp, brown bullhead). Our results indicate that small watercourses can play an important role as regards otter habitat and, as such, should receive more attention when assessing habitats for otter

    Fonó és Kisgyalán községek népi építészete, az istállók rendeltetésének változása = Folk architecture and changes in function of stables in Fonó and Kisgyalán villages

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    The aim of this study was to compare the folk architecture of two neighbouring villages in Outer-Somogy; Fonó and Kisgyalán. The prestigious agricultural buildings were built in the 19th century as a result of the change in farm management conditions due to river control and drainage. Field experience proved that the function of stables significantly changed by the 21st century. The stables had residential function in many cases; these barns were quantified in both villages on street basis. In those streets which were established after 1945, barns built were not always finished, their proportion, quality and conversion into house for living were nearly the same in both villages. However, Kisgyalán had an average financial position, while Fonó was a rich village with middle peasants. Consequently, the true-born population of two villages built different quality agricultural buildings and structures. Shed of extremely high standard were found in Fonó, while beautifully crafted corncribs were established in Kisgyalán. The preservation of the buildings is of high interest of the population of both villages