13 research outputs found

    The interaction between CD300a and phosphatidylserine inhibits tumor cell killing by NK cells

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    The activity of NK cells is controlled by inhibitory and activating receptors. The inhibitory receptors interact mostly with MHC class I proteins, however, inhibitory receptors such as CD300a, which bind to nonā€MHC class I ligands, also exist. Recently, it was discovered that phosphatidylserine (PS) is a ligand for CD300a and that the interaction between PS expressed on apoptotic cells and CD300a inhibits the uptake of apoptotic cells by phagocytic cells. Whether PS can inhibit NKā€cell activity through CD300a is unknown. Here, we have generated specific antibodies directed against CD300a and we used these mAbs to demonstrate that various NKā€cell clones express different levels of CD300a. We further demonstrated that both CD300a and its highly homologous molecule CD300c bind to the tumor cells equally well and that they recognize PS and additional unknown ligand(s) expressed by tumor cells. Finally, we showed that blocking the PSā€“CD300a interaction resulted in increased NKā€cell killing of tumor cells. Collectively, we demonstrate a new tumor immune evasion mechanism that is mediated through the interaction between PS and CD300a and we suggest that CD300c, similarly to CD300a, also interacts with PS

    Inhibitory NK Receptor Recognition of HLA-G: Regulation by Contact Residues and by Cell Specific Expression at the Fetal-Maternal Interface

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    The non-classical HLA-G protein is distinguished from the classical MHC class I molecules by its expression pattern, low polymorphism and its ability to form complexes on the cell surface. The special role of HLA-G in the maternal-fetal interface has been attributed to its ability to interact with specific receptors found on maternal immune cells. However this interaction is restricted to a limited number of receptors. In this study we elucidate the reason for this phenomenon by comparing the specific contact residues responsible for MHC-KIR interactions. This alignment revealed a marked difference between the HLA-G molecule and other MHC class I molecules. By mutating these residues to the equivalent classical MHC residues, the HLA-G molecule regained an ability of interacting with KIR inhibitory receptors found on NK cells derived either from peripheral blood or from the decidua. Functional NK killing assays further substantiated the binding results. Furthermore, double immunofluorescent staining of placental sections revealed that while the conformed form of HLA-G was expressed in all extravillous trophoblasts, the free heavy chain form of HLA-G was expressed in more distal cells of the column, the invasion front. Overall we suggest that HLA-G protein evolved to interact with only some of the NK inhibitory receptors thus allowing a control of inhibition, while permitting appropriate NK cell cytokine and growth factor production necessary for a viable maternal fetal interface

    Neuraminidase-Mediated, NKp46-Dependent Immune-Evasion Mechanism of Influenza Viruses

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    Natural killer (NK) cells play an essential role in the defense against influenza virus, one of the deadliest respiratory viruses known today. The NKp46 receptor, expressed by NK cells, is critical for controlling influenza infections, as influenza-virus-infected cells are eliminated through the recognition of the viral hemagglutinin (HA) protein by NKp46. Here, we describe an immune-evasion mechanism of influenza viruses that is mediated by the neuraminidase (NA) protein. By using various NA blockers, we show that NA removes sialic acid residues from NKp46 and that this leads to reduced recognition of HA. Furthermore, we provide inĀ vivo and inĀ vitro evidence for the existence of this NA-mediated, NKp46-dependent immune-evasion mechanism and demonstrate that NA inhibitors, which are commonly used for the treatment of influenza infections, are useful not only as blockers of virus budding but also as boosters of NKp46 recognition

    The triple HLA-G contact residues mutants affect peripheral NK clones killing activity.

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    <p>Various S<sup>35</sup>-labeled cells were incubated with (A) LIR-1<sup>+</sup>, (B) KIR2DL1<sup>+</sup> or (C) KIR2DL2<sup>+</sup> peripheral NK clone in effector to target ratio (Eāˆ¶T) of 4āˆ¶1. The expression of a particular NK receptor on each of the clones is presented in Aā€“C. Shown is one representative experiment out of four performed.</p

    The conformed and FHC forms of HLA-G are differentially expressed in trophoblast cell columns.

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    <p>Double immunofluorescent staining of representative first trimester placental sections (week 10ā€“11) with antibody MEM-G9 (A,Aā€²) and 4H84 (B,Bā€²) and the combined image (C,Cā€²) (scale bar 50 ĀµM). DAPI (blue), conformed HLA-G (green) and FHC HLA-G (red) staining is observed in the panels with the magnified inset (boxed area in image C) viewed in panels Aā€²,Bā€²,Cā€². Several areas where differential expression of conformed and FHC HLA-G are indicated by arrows. CC indicates a trophoblast cell column.</p

    The triple HLA-G contact residues mutants affect decidual NK clones killing activity.

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    <p>Various S<sup>35</sup>-labeled 221 transfected cells were incubated with (A) KIR2DL1<sup>+</sup> or (B) KIR2DL2<sup>+</sup> decidual NK clone in effector to target ratio (Eāˆ¶T) of 5āˆ¶1. Shown is one representative experiment out of two performed.</p

    221/HLA-G mutated in three contact residues are recognized by KIR-Ig fusion proteins.

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    <p>Wild-type, triple mutated 221/HLA-G, 221/HLA-Cw3 and 221/HLA-Cw6 were stained with various fusion proteins followed by secondary antibody staining. Gray histograms represent background secondary antibody staining. For confirmation of expression level, cells were stained with anti-MHC class I mAb (left panel). Black frames emphasize the unique KIR-Ig binding to the 221/HLA-G triple mutants. Shown is a representative experiment of at least three independent experiments.</p