327 research outputs found

    The Estimation of Moulds Air Pollution in Tilda, Raipur

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    Aerobiological studies have received much attention recently because of applications in the field of allergy, dispersal of pathogens and in allied aspects of microbiology. Aerobiology is a branch of biology that deals with the study of the air borne organisms. The present study investigated the isolation and identification of airborne fungi from Tilda, Raipur. Air samples were taken by exposing a Petri dish with Potato dextrose agar medium for 15 min and after incubation the number of growing colonies was counted. The sampling procedure for fungi was performed 50 times at the research sites weekly during July 2009 to June 2010. A total of 312 fungal colonies were counted on  Petri plates over a one year period. In total, some 26 mould species belonging to 15 genera were isolated. Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium and Aspergillus species were the most abundant species in the study area (13.66, 5.80 and 5.50% of the total, respectively)

    Hacia una poética comparativa de Buda, Kabir y Gurú Nanak desde una perspectiva democrática secular

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    This article shows how democratic secular values existed 2500 years ago with the Buddha and later during the saint tradition in India, around 14th and 15th century, with Kabir and Guru Nanak even before they were legalized and enshrined in the Indian constitution. No other nation or community in the world probably possesses such a complete consequential philosophy of holistic liberation as India does. And that in a multilingual, multicultural multi-religious Indian ethos there can be a potential dearth of interdisciplinary religious studies or comparative religious departments is in itself the greatest paradox of our times. This paper therefore shall explore the revolutionary emancipatory potential in their philosophical beliefs and egalitarian worldviews that made them popular amongst all sections of the society. It’s a known fact that all the three chose lives as commoners and used the popular language and dialect spoken of their times. All three questioned the efficacy of the Karma Kanda (Vedic rituals) and its hegemonic approach. Their ideological orientations elicit a scientific and an open democratic debate on true nature of things. The rationality, equality and liberal ideology preached by them stands in binary opposition to irrationality, inequality and orthodoxy prevalent. The most important rationale and achievement, extracted out of all the three philosophies, is the psychological freedom ushered to those disqualified and despised because of caste, class, gender and opening up newer vistas of investigation and inquiry that could protect the weak against the onslaught of the strong and mighty. The teachings of Buddha, Kabir, and Nanak move beyond community, religion, language, culture and nation to provide a universal panacea and a paradigm of hope.Este artículo muestra los valores seculares democráticos desarrollados hace 2500 años por el Buda y más tarde durante la tradición santa en la India, alrededor de los siglos XIV y XV, por Kabir y Guru Nanak incluso antes de que se legalizaran y consagraran en la constitución india. Ninguna otra nación o comunidad en el mundo tiene una filosofía tan completa de liberación holística como la de la India. Y que en una idiosincrasia como la de la India, que es multilingüe, multirreligiosa y multicultural, pudiera haber una potencial carencia de estudios religiosos interdisciplinarios o departamentos de religiones comparadas es en sí mismo la mayor paradoja de nuestro tiempo. Además, este documento explora el potencial emancipador y revolucionario de las creencias filosóficas y cosmovisiones igualitarias que los hicieron populares en todos los sectores de la sociedad. Se sabe que los tres eligieron vivir como personas comunes y usaron el lenguaje popular y el dialecto que se hablaba en ese momento. Los tres cuestionaron la eficacia del Karma Kanda (rituales védicos) y su enfoque hegemónico. Sus orientaciones ideológicas provocan un debate científico y un debate democrático abierto sobre la verdadera naturaleza de las cosas. La racionalidad, la igualdad, la fraternidad y la ideología liberal predicada por ellos se encuentran en oposición binaria a la irracionalidad, la desigualdad y la ortodoxia prevalecientes. El razonamiento y los logros más importantes, extraídos de las tres filosofías, es la libertad psicológica que eleva a los descalificados y despreciados, debido a cuestiones de casta, clase, género y la apertura de nuevas perspectivas de investigación e indagación que podrían proteger a los débiles contra la embestida de los fuertes y poderosos. Las enseñanzas de Buda, Kabir y Nanak van más allá de la comunidad, la religión, el idioma, la cultura y la nación para proporcionar una panacea universal y un paradigma de esperanza

    Hot ductility and deformation behavior of C-Mn/Nb-microalloyed steel related to cracking during continuous casting

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    Hot ductility studies have been performed on C-Mn and C-Mn-Nb steels with an approach to simulate the effect of cooling conditions experienced by steel in secondary cooling zone during continuous casting. Thermal oscillations prior to tensile straining deteriorate hot ductility of steel by deepening and widening the hot ductility trough. C-Mn steels are found to exhibit ductility troughs in three distinct zones whereas C-Mn-Nb steel shows drop in ductility only at low temperature in the vicinity of ferrite transformation temperatures. Start of ferrite transformation in steels causes yield ratio to increase while work hardening rates and strength coefficient decrease with decrease in test temperature in presence of thermal oscillation prior to tensile testing. Inhibition of recrystallization due to build-up of AlN particles along with the presence of MnS particles in structure and low work hardening rates causes embrittlement of steel in austenitic range. Alloying elements enhancing work hardening rates in austenitic range can be promoted to improve hot ductility. The presence of low melting phase saturated with impurities along the austenitic grain boundaries causes intergranular fracture at high temperature in C-Mn steels

    Design of Control Secheme and Performance Improvement for Multilevel Dc Link Inverter Fed PMBLDC Motor Drive

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    PMBLDC motors are gaining a lot of popularity due to their high efficiency as the Permanent Magnets do not carry current which results in negligible copper losses as compared to asynchronous motors. This paper introduces a design for speed control of the PMBLDC motor using multilevel dc link inverter fed by a Boost Converter. The multilevel dc link inverter consist of five level voltage sources, which are controlled by switches. The motor can be driven at different speed level as per its load requirement by making use of five level MLDC Link Inverter. In case of traditional inverter which is only a one level inverter the speed cannot be controlled as per the load requirement. The MLDC link inverter provides the output voltage waveform in step shape form. Thus as the number of cells (n) increases output voltage touches the fundamental component. The input voltage is low, thus to increase the input voltage given to the MLDC link inverter the (Boost Converter) has been designed. The Boost Converter is placed in between (DBR)Diode Bridge Rectifier and (MLDCLI). Both the design and results of Single level inverter and Multilevel Dc Link Inverter are obtained and compared by using the MATLAB Software along with the use of Simulink and Simpower system Tools

    Synthesis and Characterization of CdO Nanomaterial and their Photocatalytic Activity

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    Nano-sized cadmium oxide was synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method using CdCl2.H2O as a metal precursor in the presence of polyethylene glycol and urea.The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-visible spectroscopy and FT-IR.Also adsorption of methyl red dye was carried out using CdO nanoparticles. The XRD analysis of the nanoparticle showed the crystalline phase with particle size 65nm. UV-Visible spectra and FTIR shows the formation of CdO bond. The TEM studies show the formation of spherical ring structure of the CdO nanomaterial.The photocatalytic activities of CdO nanoparticles were evaluated by measuring the degradation of Methyl red (MR) in water under the UV region. The degradation percentage were found to decrease with increase in concentration of the organic pollutant

    Dynamic High Pressure Torsion (DHPT) : a novel method for high strain rate severe plastic deformation

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    Metals with a fine-grained microstructure have exceptional mechanical properties. Severe plastic deformation (SPD) is one of the most successful ways to fabricate ultrafine-grained (UFG) and nanostructured (NC) materials. Most of the SPD techniques employ very low processing speeds. However, the lowest steady-state grain size which can be obtained by SPD is considered to be inversely proportional with the strain rate at which the severe deformation is imposed. In order to overcome this limitation, methods operating at higher rates have been envisaged and used to study the fragmentation process and the properties of the obtained materials. However, almost none of these methods, employ hydrostatic pressures which are needed to prevent the material from failing at high deformation strains. As such, their applicability is limited to materials with a high intrinsic ductility. Additionally, in some methods the microstructural changes are limited to the surface layers of the material. To circumvent these restrictions, a novel facility has been designed and developed which deforms the material at high strain rate under high hydrostatic pressures. Using the facility, commercially pure aluminum was processed and analysis of the deformed material was performed. The microstructure evolution in this material was compared with that observed in static high pressure torsion (HPT) processed material

    A novel method for severe plastic deformation at high strain rate

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    Severe plastic deformation (SPD) processing is defined as any method of forming under an extensive hydrostatic pressure that may be used to impart a very high strain to a bulk solid without any significant change in dimensions of the sample, producing exceptional grain refinement. Most of the SPD techniques employ very low processing speeds, however increased deformation rates are known to have a significant effect on the final microstructure. Most of the SPD processes operating at high rates do not impose hydrostatic pressures to the material and can therefore only be used for very ductile materials, while in others, the microstructural changes are limited to the surface layers of the material. To circumvent these restrictions a novel facility has been designed and developed where high hydrostatic pressures are maintained while a high shear deformation is imposed at high strain rates. The device combines the features of a high pressure torsion (HPT) unit with the principle of a torsional split Hopkinson bar (SHB) setup. A small ring-like sample, placed between two molds, is first subjected to a high, static pressure and subsequently to a high speed shear deformation upon release of torsional energy stored in a long bar. Although, the principle is rather straightforward, the design of the setup was extremely critical because of the high forces and energies involved. Tests have been performed on commercially pure aluminum. The material hardness increased in accordance with the microstructure and processing conditions; viz, annealed, only compressed and applied shear strain. Deformed grains departed from equiaxed shape and showed morphological texture in the direction of the shear even at very low strains indicating the presence of shear strains in the material. Further the material, or more specifically its mechanical properties and microstructure evolution is compared with conventional, statically deformed HPT samples

    Issues in QT interval measurement

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    The QT interval, apart from clinical implications is crucial for safety assessment of new drugs under development. A QTc prolongation of even 10 msec in a study group is a warning signal for a new drug. There are various issues involved in the measurement of the QT interval especially regarding the ending of the T wave and different morphological pattern of T-U complex. The other issue is significant spontaneous variability in the QT interval, resulting in spurious QT prolongation and unnecessary concern. To minimize all these confounding factors, all clinical trials for assessing QT interval prolongation should be randomized and double blinded with appropriate control groups including placebo. ECG measurements should be done by trained readers with electronic calipers at ECG core Lab. ECGs should be compared with multiple baseline values with multiple, time-matched on-treatment values


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    According to fundamentals of Ayurveda Agni has an important role in the physiological functioning of body. Agni is broadly described in three types Jatharagni, Bhutagni, Dhatvagni. The Jatharagni is Param– Sukshma and a unit which transforms of Aahara (food substances) into various forms which can be easily assimilated by our body. When it is in good quality it covert ingested food into absorbable form which gives energy to each and every tissue of the body. Therefore all components present in own body are depending upon Agni directly or indirectly. It helps in the balance condition of the three Doshas or humors namely Vata, Pitta, Kapha. As in classics of Ayurveda all diseases are caused due to Mandagni (hampered function of Agni) -“Roga Sarvepi Mandagnou”. If Agni becomes hampers, it will result into improper formation of Rasadhatu and consequently Uttorotar Dhatu formation hampers. Once the Srotus becomes abnormal, it brings abnormality in normal Dhatu by not transporting to required destination, so Srotus vitiates other Srotus and Dhatu, Dhatu vitiates other Dhatu, and for all these imbalanced Dosha are responsible. Agnidushti (Improper functioning of Agni) causes imbalance in the level of Tridosha which results in pathogenesis of various disease. That’s why Agnidushti play an important role in pathogenesis of various diseases. &nbsp