3,239 research outputs found

    Turbine endwall single cylinder program

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    Measurements of the flow field in front of a large-scale single cylinder, mounted in a wind tunnel are discussed. Static pressures on the endwall and cylinder surfaces, extensive five-hole probe pressures in front of and around the cylinder, and velocity fluctuations using a hot-wire probe where the flow is steady enough to yield meaningful results are included

    Measurements of a turbulent horseshoe vortex formed around a cylinder

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to characterize a symmetrical horseshoe vortex system in front of and around a single large-diameter right cylinder centered between the sidewalls of a wind tunnel. Surface flow visualization and surface static pressure measurements as well as extensive mean velocity and pressure measurements in and around the vortex system were acquired. The results lend new insight into the formation and development of the vortex system. Contrary to what has been assumed previously, a strong vortex was not identified in the streamwise plane of symmetry, but started a significant angular distance away from it. Rather than the multiple vortex systems reported by others, only a single primary vortex and saddle point were found. The scale of the separation process at the saddle point was much smaller than the scale of the approaching boundary layer thickness. Results of the present study not only shed light on such phenomena as the nonsymmetrical endwall flow in axial turbomachinery but can also be used as a test case for three-dimensional computational fluid mechanics computer codes

    The effect of planar dipping structure on source and receiver responses for constant ray parameter

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    A geometrical ray method is developed for wave calculations involving three-dimensional planar dipping interfaces. Justification for the method is based on analogy with first-motion approximations derived from generalized ray theory where frequency dependence in the reflection-transmission coefficients is related to changes in the complex ray parameter. The method is applied to finding the teleseismic response of an arbitrarily oriented dislocation source in dipping layered media and for receiver calculations which assume an impinging P or S wave beneath a stack of dipping layers. Source results indicate that wave forms from fast azimuthally varying sources, such as strike-slip faults, are significantly distorted from the plane layered case for simple structures. A simple dipping Moho for dips up to 10° does not significantly distort vertical and radial P waves for the receiver response. However, due to azimuth anomalies introduced by interface dip a significant tangential P component is produced. In addition, the S-wave response becomes a function of source mechanism due to the need for specifying the incident polarization angle. Polarization studies are suggested for finding dipping structure

    A body wave inversion of the Koyna, India, earthquake of December 10, 1967, and some implications for body wave focal mechanisms

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    With a generalized inverse technique, WWSSN (World-Wide Standard Seismograph Network) long-period P and SH wave forms are analyzed from the Koyna earthquake. The effects of local plane-layered earth structure near an imbedded point dislocation source are put in by using a modified plane-wave ray theory which includes the standard reflection and transmission coefficients plus source corrections for radiation pattern and geometrical spreading. The generalized inverse compares synthetic seismograms to the observed ones in the time domain through the use of a correlation function. By using published crustal models of the Koyna region and primarily by modelling the crustal phases P, pP, and sP, the first 25 s of the long-period wave forms is synthesized for 17 stations, and a focal mechanism is obtained for the Koyna earthquake which is significantly different from previous mechanisms. The fault orientation is 67° dip to the east, −29° rake plunging to the northeast, and N16°E strike, all angles being ±6°. This is an eastward dipping, left lateral oblique slip fault which agrees favorably with the trend of fissures in the meizoseismal area. The source time duration is estimated to be 6.5±1.5 s from a triangular time pulse which has a rise time of 2.5 s, a tail-off of 3.9 s, source depth of 4.5±1.5 km, and seismic moment of 3.2±1.4×10^(25) dyn cm. Some short-period complexity in the time function is indicated by modelling shortperiod WWSSN records but is complicated by crustal phases. The long-period P wave forms exhibit complicated behavior due to intense crustal phase interference caused by the shallow source depth and radiation pattern effects. These structure effects can explain much of the apparent multiplicity of the Koyna source. An interpretation of the Koyna dam accelerograms has yielded an S-P time which can be used along with the IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) epicenter and present depth determination to place the epicenter directly on the meizoseismal area

    The February 9, 1971 San Fernando earthquake: A study of source finiteness in teleseismic body waves

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    Teleseismic P, SV, and SH waves recorded by the WWSS and Canadian networks from the 1971 San Fernando, California earthquake (ML = 6.6) are modeled in the time domain to determine detailed features of the source as a prelude to studying the near and local field strong-motion observations. Synthetic seismograms are computed from the model of a propagating finite dislocation line source embedded in layered elastic media. The effects of source geometry and directivity are shown to be important features of the long-period observations. The most dramatic feature of the model is the requirement that the fault, which initially ruptured at a depth of 13 km as determined from pP-P times, continuously propagated toward the free surface, first on a plane dipping 53°NE, then broke over to a 29°NE dipping fault segment. This effect is clearly shown in the azimuthal variation of both long period P- and SH-wave forms. Although attenuation and interference with radiation from the remainder of the fault are possible complications, comparison of long- and short-period P and short-period pP and P waves suggest that rupture was initially bilateral, or, possibly, strongly unilateral downward, propagating to about 15 km depth. The average rupture velocity of 1.8 km/sec is well constrained from the shape of the long-period wave forms. Total seismic moment is 0.86 × 10^(26) dyne-cm. Implications for near-field modeling are drawn from these results

    Corvallis, Oregon, crustal and upper mantle receiver structure from teleseismic P and S waves

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    Structure under Corvallis, Oregon, was examined using long-period Ps and Sp conversions and P reverberations from teleseismic events as recorded at the WWSSN station COR. A distinct low-velocity zone in the uppermost mantle is inferred by modeling these phases in the time domain using a data set composed of six deep and intermediate-depth earthquakes. The lower boundary occurs at 45-km depth and has S and P velocity contrasts of 1.3 and 1.4 km/sec, respectively. The material comprising the low-velocity zone has a Poisson ratio of at least 0.33 and is constrained by the average P and S travel times determined from the converted phases. The top of the earth model conforms to previously published refraction results

    Stay Woke

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    Throughout the pages of my thesis, I comprehensively analyze the processes, intentions, and production of my thesis film Stay Woke. My examination will exhaustively probe every stage of the film from development to preproduction to production to postproduction and beyond. Individual aspects of this process including writing, casting, locations, production design, cinematography, directing, budgeting, scheduling, and postproduction workflows will be detailed. As I make elaborations in each section, I will explain my learning experiences from each day’s new tasks, challenges, and lessons. All of these things will be framed with regards to the overall goal and themes of the film
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