138 research outputs found


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    Voluntary conservation agreements are becoming increasingly important in implementing the Endangered Species Act on private land. We analyze when such agreements arise and what level of conservation they generate in the presence of uncertainty about future government regulation and conservation benefits. Our results suggest that the likelihood of an agreement depends on the availability of assurances regarding future regulation. In particular, an agreement may not be reached if there is a high degree of uncertainty regarding future conservation requirements. The level of conservation attainable from an agreement depends on the likelihood of regulation, the bargaining power of the parties, the irreversibility of development, and the availability of assurances. Under conditions likely to hold in practice, a higher conservation level may be achieved by offering assurances. However, this level of conservation will not be optimal, and may be lower than that attainable from regulation.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    It has been argued that the traditional regulatory approach of the Endangered Species Act, based on land-use restrictions, has failed to protect endangered species on private land. In response, there has been a call for the use of incentives to complement this regulatory approach. This paper examines the potential of incentives programs to elicit conservation-oriented management choices from landowners. Data obtained from a survey of non-industrial private forest owners in Oregon and Washington is used to examine the effectiveness of various incentives. The results indicate that incentives, in particular compensation and assurances, can be effective in increasing the conservation effort provided by landowners. The results also suggest that conservation policy for private lands could be improved by relying on a combination of incentives, including financial incentives and assurances, rather than exclusively on the threat of regulation.endangered species, incentives, regulation, Endangered Species Act, conservation, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q220, Q230, Q280, K320,


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    The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is one of the most controversial pieces of environmental legislation. Part of the controversy stems from doubts about its effectiveness in generating improvements in species viability. This paper uses ordered probit models to test whether the ESA has been successful in promoting species recovery. We find a negative correlation between listing and species recovery. Additionally, we find evidence of positive effects for species-specific spending and the achievement of recovery goals. The evidence also shows that recovery plan completion and the designation of critical habit are not correlated or negatively correlated with recovery.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Allocating Conservation Resources under the Endangered Species Act

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    The necessity to develop a priority system to guide the allocation of resources to the conservation of endangered species is widely recognized. The economic theory of biodiversity has established a framework to do so, and has identified priority criteria that should be considered when making conservation decisions. This paper uses a random effects ordered probit model of endangered species recovery to simulate the effects of reallocating conservation funds among species listed under the Endangered Species Act according to these criteria. Our results suggest that if the goal of conservation policy is to preserve a diverse set of species, reallocating conservation funds according to criteria identified by economic theory would yield an improvement over actual spending patterns without significant tradeoffs in terms of overall species recovery.Endangered Species Act, endangered species, recovery plans, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, biodiversity, critical habitat, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    White Lies.

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    The audio-visual research asks why certain events, experiences and aspects of everyday life are rendered visible and made public while others are elided or overlooked in contemporary Nepal. This subject is explored from the point of view (P.O.V.) of photographers based in the country. The main output of this research is an observational documentary film, White Lies, The Emancipated Spectator in Contemporary Nepal. The provided imagery highlights how photographic forms of representation are linked with notions of power and recalls Hall's argument that "What is not said is as important to what is said as the things that are actually in the picture" (2013: 15). Acknowledging the events during fieldwork the research also questions the idea of film as a method to generate knowledge.La recherche audio-visuelle questionne pourquoi certains Ă©vĂ©nements, expĂ©riences et aspects de la vie quotidienne sont rendus visibles et rendus publics tandis que d'autres sujets sont Ă©ludĂ©s ou nĂ©gligĂ©s au NĂ©pal contemporain. Le sujet est explorĂ© Ă  partir du point de vue (P.O.V.) de photographes vivant au NĂ©pal. Le corpus photographique fourni met en Ă©vidence la maniĂšre dont les formes photographiques de reprĂ©sentation sont liĂ©es aux notions de pouvoir et rappelle l'argument de Hall: "Ce qui n'est pas dit est aussi important pour ce qui est dit que ce qui est rĂ©ellement dans l'image" (Hall 2013: 15). Le rĂ©sultat principal de cette recherche est un film documentaire d’observation; Pieux mensonges. Le spectateur Ă©mancipĂ© du NĂ©pal contemporain (original: White Lies. The Emancipated Spectator in Contemporary Nepal). En mentionnant les Ă©vĂ©nements survenus au cours du travail de terrain, la recherche questionne Ă©galement l'idĂ©e du film comme mĂ©thode de production de connaissances.La investigaciĂłn audiovisual pregunta por quĂ© ciertos eventos, experiencias y aspectos de las experiencias cotidianas devienen visibles y son hechos pĂșblicos mientras otros temas son ignorados u omitidos en el Nepal contemporĂĄneo. Este tema es investigado desde el punto de vista de fotĂłgrafos nepaleses. Las imĂĄgenes proporcionadas muestran cĂłmo las formas fotogrĂĄficas de representaciĂłn estĂĄn relacionadas con ciertas nociones de poder, y recuerdan al argumento de Hall: "Lo que no se es tan importante como que la se dice, asĂ­ como aquello que estĂĄ realmente en la imagen " (Hall 2013: 15). La mayor parte del resultado de Ă©sta investigaciĂłn es un documental observacional; Mentiras Blancas. El espectador emancipado en el Nepal contemporĂĄneo (original: White Lies, The Emancipated Spectator in Contemporary Nepal). Reconociendo los eventos ocurridos durante el trabajo de campo, Ă©sta investigaciĂłn tambiĂ©n cuestiona la idea del cine como mĂ©todo para generar conocimiento

    Characterization of a Bovine Parvovirus

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    Bovine parvovirus has been shown to produce calf scours (40). Although exact figures are unavailable, a sizeable economic loss is suffered annually by South Dakotans as a result of this disease. Bovine parvovirus has been isolated in South Dakota (7). However, the extent of exposure to the virus is unknown. The object of this study is to characterize the South Dakota parvovirus isolate and determine by serological methods the extent of exposure in cattle. A preliminary study to determine the ability of parvovirus to cause abortion in cattle will also be undertaken

    Centering Educator Voices in School Based Mental Health Promotion Research for High Schoolers with Disabilities

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    49 pagesThe current study is part of a larger federally funded project focused on the implementation of an integrated multi-tiered mental health support model for high school students with disabilities receiving special education services. This thesis will explore the challenges and strengths of a current mental health service delivery model in secondary settings with the goal of identifying specific needs relevant to teacher and school mental health professional perspectives on student mental health. Findings from the needs assessment highlighted specific obstacles related to understaffing, equity and inclusion of students with disabilities, and accessibility of mental health resources for students and their families. Teacher perceptions of facilitators of successful mental health supports for students centered on increased targeted mental health training on supporting students with disabilities and forming multi-disciplinary teams to provide mental health services. Emerging needs provided by the panel of educators included professional development aimed at equipping teachers with universal level strategies and supports and providing school based mental health professionals with specific knowledge about the intersection of disability and mental health, along with hiring more trained therapists. A desired implication of this research is to use the data from the needs assessments to inform targetted and relevant professional development activities for teachers and other school staff working with students with disabilities
