252 research outputs found

    Excited state energy transfer mechanism in oligopyrrole dyes bridged by truxene

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    Abstract : The transfer of energy between excited state chromophores is a topic of interest in the area of natural and laboratory photonic devices. Indeed, energy transfer is a process seen in nature in all photosynthetic organisms from complex multicellular plants to simple, single cell photosynthetic bacteria. For example, the purple photosynthetic bacteria uses two protein assemblies, referred to as the light-harvesting protein 1 (LH1) and the light-harvesting protein 2 (LH2), to collect light energy in order to survive. The LH2 protein serves only to absorb and transmit light energy to the LH1, which contains a special pair in a central reaction center. Energy transfer is essential to the survival of the organism. A photon of light absorbed by a bacteriochlorophyll molecule in the LH2 protein will undergo efficient energy transfer to other bacteriochlorophylls within the same protein structure. Energy transfer will also occur between different LH2 proteins and between the LH2 and LH1 protein. These energy transfer processes all serve to funnel the light to the reaction center which itself is excited by energy transfer. This process is highly efficient and essential to the organism’s survival. In the area of material sciences, the design of a covalent or non-covalent donor-acceptor assembly that exhibits efficient energy transfer, is a topic of interest for application in solar energy and light emitting diodes. Using the purple photosynthetic bacteria as a model, designs that append different dyes that serve to absorb and transmit light energy to a central backbone (a process referred to as the antenna effect) are being investigated. The principle being that the use of these antenna allows for the absorption of more light in regions of the electromagnetic spectrum that we cannot necessarily obtain with a single dye. The fall-back is that, in order for the process to work efficiently, the energy transfer between the antenna and backbone must be rapid. This work presents an investigation of the energy transfer processes between oligopyrrole dyes that are bridged by a truxene core, which exhibits a structural similarity to graphene. The aim of this work is to further understand the energy transfer processes between chromophores. We demonstrate in our work that the presence of a conjugated bridge between the donor and acceptor provides the possibility of a dual energy transfer process governed by both the Förster and Dexter mechanisms. We demonstrate that the use of this conjugated bridge leads to a very fast energy transfer process despite the large distance that separates the donor and acceptor. We further demonstrate that the process, although being a dual process, is dominated by the Dexter ix mechanism which is mediated by the conjugated system connecting the donor and acceptor. The rapid and efficient energy transfer processes suggest that in order to take full advantage of the antenna effect in man-made photonic devices, designs should be built upon the use of conjugated bridges between the donor and acceptor. The work presented in this thesis is divided into eight sections. In the introduction, a brief description of the chromophores that are seen throughout the rest of this work, is provided along with some general concepts with regard to density functional theory (DFT), which was employed as a tool throughout the presented works to demonstrate a certain degree of molecular orbital coupling. Chapter 1, entitled The Basic Principles of Photophysics, provides an introductory explanation of the theory that is required to fully understand the works that are presented in this thesis. Chapter 2 is simply entitled Instrumentation and serves to provide a description of the instruments used throughout the works. In Chapter 3: Maple™-Assisted Calculations of the J-integral: A Key Parameter for the Understanding of Excited State Energy Transfer in Porphyrins and other Chromophores a detailed description of the J-integral is provided and a tool for is calculation from spectral data is presented. The investigation of the energy transfer processes between truxene bridged chromophores begins in Chapter 4: Origin of the Temperature Dependence of the Rate of Singlet Energy Transfer in a Three-Component Truxene-bridged Dyads. In this chapter, the energy transfer between a Zn-porphyrin donor and a set of free-base porphyrin acceptors is investigated. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the energy transfer process that is observed, is occurring through a dual mechanism that may be dominated by the Dexter mechanism is provided. Chapter 5: Antenna Effect in Truxene-bridged BODIPY Triarylzinc(II)porphyrin Dyads: Evidence for a Dual Dexter-Förster Mechanism presents the investigation of the energy transfer processes between a BODIPY donor and two zinc(II)-porphyrin acceptors. In this chapter the comparison of the the energy transfer process to a similar dyad, that contains a non-conjugated bridge between the donor and acceptor, is made and it is shown that the truxene bridged dyad not only presents a faster rate, but that this faster rate can only be explained by a Dexter dominant process. In Chapter 6: Very Fast Singlet and Triplet Energy Transfers in a Tri-chromophoric Porphyrin Dyad Aided by the Truxene Platform the investigation of the energy transfer between a palladium(II)-porphyrin donor and pair of Zn-porphyrin acceptors bridged by a truxene core is x carried out. Here, a very fast triplet energy transfer process is observed, coroborating that the conjugated system promotes the Dexter process and leads to an efficient transfer of energy from the donor to the acceptor. Finally, Chapter 7 presents the last work that is included in this thesis. Chapter 7 is entitled Excited State N-H Tautomer Selectivity in the Singlet Energy Transfer in a Zinc(II)Porphyrin-Truxene-Corrole Assembly and once again presents a very fast and efficient energy transfer process. In this work the energy transfer occurs between a Zn-porphyrin donor and a set to free-base corrole acceptors. The rapid energy transfer process exhibits a rate constant that falls in the same order of magnitude of those presented in the earlier chapters, suggesting that the process is occurring through the same dual mechanism that is Dexter dominated. Interestingly, in this last the energy transfer process was found to occur selectively to only one of the two corrole tautomeric species. This prompted an investigation into the excited state tautomerization rates of the free base corrole and lead to the first report of an experimentally measured tautomerization rate from free-base corrole. This thesis closes with a general discussion of the works presented within its pages and a discussion of the impact that the results have on the scientific community.Les transferts d’énergie entre les états excités de chromophores est un sujet d’intérêt dans le domaine des dispositifs photovoltaïques naturelles ou artificielles. En effet, le transfert d’énergie est un processus que l’on observe dans la nature au sein de tous les organismes phototrophes depuis les végétaux multicellulaires complexes jusqu’aux bactéries unicellulaires photosynthétiques. Par exemple, dans le cas des bactéries photosynthétiques pourpres, ces dernières utilisent un photosystème de deux protéines assemblées, la première étant appelé protéine collectrice de lumière 1 (LH1 pour light-harvesting protein 1) et la seconde appelé protéine collectrice de lumière 2 (LH2 pour light-harvesting protein 2) afin de capter suffisamment d’énergie lumineuse pour assurer leur survie. La protéine LH2 n’a pour vocation que d’absorber et de transmettre l’énergie lumineuse à la protéine LH1, qui contient une paire spéciale dans un centre réactionnel. Les transferts d’énergie sont des phénomènes essentiels à la survie des organismes. Un photon absorbé par une molécule de type bactériochlorophylle dans la protéine LH2 subira un transfert d’énergie efficace à d’autres bactériochlorophylles au sein de la même structure protéique. Les transferts d’énergie se dérouleront aussi bien entre différentes protéines LH2 qu’entre des protéines LH1 et LH2. Ces processus de transfert d’énergie servent à canaliser l’énergie lumineuse jusqu’au centre réactionnel qui devient à son tour excité par transfert d’énergie. Ces processus sont hautement efficaces et essentiels à la survie de l’organisme en question. En science des matériaux, la conception d'un assemblage donneur-accepteur, covalent ou non, qui présente un transfert d'énergie efficace est un sujet d'intérêt pour des applications en photovoltaïque et diodes émettrices de lumière. En utilisant les bactéries pourpres photosynthétiques comme modèle, des structures similaires étudiant différents colorants permettant d'absorber et de transmettre de l'énergie lumineuse à un squelette central (un processus appelé effet antenne) font l'objet de recherches actives. Le principe étant que l'utilisation de ces antennes permet d'absorber plus de lumière dans les régions du spectre électromagnétique qu’il serait impossible d’obtenir avec un seul colorant. La conséquence est que, pour que le processus fonctionne efficacement, le transfert d'énergie entre l'antenne et le squelette doit être rapide, et parfois contrôlé. Dans ce travail, nous étudierons les processus de transfert d'énergie entre des colorants oligopyrroliques reliés par un noyau truxène, qui montre une similarité structurale avec le graphène. L'objectif du travail est de mieux comprendre les processus de transfert d'énergie entre les chromophores. Nous montrerons dans notre travail que la présence d'un système conjugué entre le donneur et l'accepteur ouvre la porte à l’hypothèse de la présence d'un double processus de transfert d'énergie régi par les mécanismes Förster et Dexter. Nous démontrerons que l'utilisation de ce système conjugué conduit à un processus de transfert d'énergie très rapide malgré la distance importante séparant le donneur et l’accepteur. Nous démontrerons en outre que le processus, bien qu'il s'agisse d'un double processus, est dominé par le processus Dexter grâce au système conjugué reliant le donneur et l'accepteur qui fait office de pont communiquant. Les processus de transfert d'énergie rapides et efficaces suggèrent que, pour tirer pleinement parti de l'effet antenne dans des applications photovoltaïques, les designs devraient être basés sur l'utilisation de ponts conjugués reliant donneurs et accepteurs. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse est divisé en huit sections. Dans l'introduction, une brève description des chromophores utilisés tout au long du présent travail sera fournie avec des concepts généraux non-exhaustifs pour la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) qui a été utilisé comme outil tout au long des travaux actuels pour démontrer un certain degré de couplage orbitalaire. Le chapitre 1, intitulé Les principes fondamentaux de la photophysique, proposera une introduction à la théorie nécessaire à la bonne compréhension des travaux présentés dans cette thèse. Le chapitre 2 est simplement intitulé Instrumentation et fournira une description des instruments utilisés tout au long des travaux. Au chapitre 3: « Maple™-Assisted Calculations of the J-integral: A Key Parameter for the Understanding of Excited State Energy Transfer in Porphyrins and other Chromophores », une description détaillée de l'intégrale J ainsi qu’un outil pour le calcul à partir de données spectrales seront exposés. L'étude des processus de transfert d'énergie entre les chromophores pontés par truxène commencera au chapitre 4: « Origin of the Temperature Dependence of the Rate of Singlet Energy Transfer in a Three-Component Truxene-bridged Dyads ». Dans ce chapitre, nous étudierons le transfert d'énergie entre un donneur de type zinc(II)-porphyrine et un ensemble d'accepteurs de porphyrine base libre. Des preuves circonstancielles indiquant que le processus de transfert d'énergie observé se produit à travers un double mécanisme qui peut être dominé par le mécanisme Dexter seront présentées. Le Chapitre 5: « Antenna Effect in Truxene-bridged BODIPY Triarylzinc(II)porphyrin Dyads: Evidence for a Dual Dexter-Förster Mechanism » présentera quant à lui l'étude des processus de transfert d'énergie entre un donneur BODIPY et deux accepteurs de type Zn-porphyrine. Dans ce chapitre, la comparaison du processus de transfert d'énergie à une dyade similaire qui contient un pont non-conjugué entre le donneur et l'accepteur sera effectuée et il sera démontré que la dyade ponté par truxène présente non seulement un taux plus rapide, mais que ce taux ne peut être expliqué que par un processus Dexter dominant. Au chapitre 6 : « Very Fast Singlet and Triplet Energy Transfers in a Tri-chromophoric Porphyrin Dyad Aided by the Truxene Platform », l'étude du transfert d'énergie entre une porphyrine de palladium(II) donneuse et une paire d'accepteurs de type zinc(II)-porphyrine pontés par un noyau de truxène sera montré. Ici, un processus de transfert d'énergie triplet très rapide est observé, ce qui prouve que le système conjugué favorise le processus Dexter et conduit à un transfert efficace d'énergie du donneur vers l'accepteur. Enfin, le chapitre 7 présentera le dernier travail inclus dans cette thèse. Le chapitre 7 est intitulé « Excited State N-H Tautomer Selectivity in the Singlet Energy Transfer in a Zinc(II)Porphyrin-Truxene-Corrole Assembly » et exposera une dernière fois un processus de transfert d'énergie très rapide et efficace. Dans ce travail, le transfert d'énergie se produit entre un donneur de type Zn-porphyrine et une corrole base libre acceptrice. Le processus de transfert d'énergie rapide présente une constante de vitesse qui se situe dans le même ordre de grandeur que ceux présentés dans les chapitres précédents, ce qui suggère que le processus se produit par le biais du même double mécanisme dominé par Dexter. Il est intéressant de noter que, dans ce dernier cas, le processus de transfert d'énergie s'est révélé sélectif sur l'une des deux espèces tautomériques du corrole. Ceci a mené à une étude sur les taux de tautomérisation de l'état excité de la corrole base libre conduisant à la premier mesure expérimentale du taux de tautomérisation de la corrole base libre. Cette thèse s’achèvera par une discussion générale sur les travaux présentés dans ces pages ainsi que sur l'impact que les résultats ont eus dans communauté scientifique dans ce domaine

    Characterization and minimization of Glaser competitive homocoupling in Sonogashira porphyrin-based polycondensation

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    Abstract: A series of porphyrin-containing polymers exhibiting various degrees of Glaser-Hay coupling is reported. The Sonogashira polycondensation of ethynyl-porphyrin (EP) is found to be prone to intramolecular homo-coupling; a problem that appears underestimated in the literature. 1H NMR spectroscopy (using the β-protons as probes) permits to assess the ratio of Glaser vs. Sonogashira couplings. These homo-couplings bear dramatic consequences on the photophysical properties of the resulting polymers. Good conditions to perform Glaser-free Sonogashira polycondensations are provided and the optimization increases Mn (average molecular weight in number) from 9700 to 18900

    The excited-state N−H tautomerization rate in free-base corroles

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    Abstract: Corrole is a tetrapyrrolic dye with a structure that resembles porphyrin, apart from a single missing carbon. The absence of this carbon results in the re-arrangement of the double bonds within the macrocycle, and the presence of three pyrrolic protons in the central cavity in its free-base form. These protons lead to the existence of two distinct tautomeric structures that exist in a dynamic equilibrium. Although the ground-state energies of the tautomers are similar, the excited states show a significant difference in energy which unbalances the equilibrium between the tautomers and results in rapid excited-state tautomerization, favouring one tautomeric species over the other. Although the excited-state tautomerization process has been known for a long time, very few studies have been performed on it, leaving many key aspects of the process poorly understood. Herein we show how ultrafast photoluminescence can be used to experimentally determine the rates of excited-state tautomerization and activation energies of three free-base corrole derivatives thus allowing us to completely describe the excited-state dynamics of the unusual excited state of free-base corrole and opening the door to the development of new materials that can exploit its unique characteristics

    The future of cosmology and the role of non-linear perturbations

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    Cosmological perturbation theory is a key tool to study the universe. The linear or first order theory is well understood, however, developing and applying the theory beyond linear order is at the cutting edge of current research in theoretical cosmology. In this article, I will describe some signatures of non-linear perturbation theory that do not exist at linear order, focusing on vorticity generation at second order. In doing so, we discuss why this, among other features such as induced gravitational waves and non-Gaussianities, shows that cosmological perturbation theory is crucial for testing models of the universe.Comment: 6 pages, essay originally submitted to GRF competition, to appear in Commun. Theor. Phy

    The non-adiabatic pressure in general scalar field systems

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    We discuss the non-adiabatic or entropy perturbation, which controls the evolution of the curvature perturbation in the uniform density gauge, for a scalar field system minimally coupled to gravity with non-canonical action. We highlight the differences between the sound and the phase speed in these systems, and show that the non-adiabatic pressure perturbation vanishes in the single field case, resulting in the conservation of the curvature perturbation on large scales.Comment: 6 pages, revtex4; v2: typos corrected, results clarified, version being submitted; v3: version accepted for publicatio

    Accelerated Testing Validation

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    The DOE Fuel Cell technical team recommended ASTs were performed on 2 different MEAs (designated P5 and HD6) from Ballard Power Systems. These MEAs were also incorporated into stacks and operated in fuel cell bus modules that were either operated in the field (three P5 buses) in Hamburg, or on an Orange county transit authority drive cycle in the laboratory (HD6 bus module). Qualitative agreement was found in the degradation mechanisms and rates observed in the AST and in the field. The HD6 based MEAs exhibited lower voltage degradation rates (due to catalyst corrosion) and slower membrane degradation rates in the field as reflected by their superior performance in the high potential hold and open-circuit potential AST tests. The quantitative correlation of the degradation rates will have to take into account the various stressors in the field including temperature, relative humidity, start/stops and voltage cycles

    Photophysical and Optical Properties of Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles Prepared from Hyaluronic Acid and Polysorbate 80

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    Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society. A nanoprecipitation procedure was utilized to prepare novel diketopyrrolopyrrole-based semiconducting polymer nanoparticles (SPNs) with hyaluronic acid (HA) and polysorbate 80. The nanoprecipitation led to the formation of spherical nanoparticles with average diameters ranging from 100 to 200 nm, and a careful control over the structure of the parent conjugated polymers was performed to probe the influence of π-conjugation on the final photophysical and thermal stability of the resulting SPNs. Upon generation of a series of novel SPNs, the optical and photophysical properties of the new nanomaterials were probed in solution using various techniques including transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, small-angle neutron scattering, transient absorption, and UV-vis spectroscopy. A careful comparison was performed between the different SPNs to evaluate their excited-state dynamics and photophysical properties, both before and after nanoprecipitation. Interestingly, although soluble in organic solution, the nanoparticles were found to exhibit aggregative behavior, resulting in SPNs that exhibit excited-state behaviors that are very similar to aggregated polymer solutions. Based on these findings, the formation of HA- and polysorbate 80-based nanoparticles does not influence the photophysical properties of the conjugated polymers, thus opening new opportunities for the design of bioimaging agents and nanomaterials for health-related applications

    Maxims or myths of beauty? A meta-analytic and theoretical review.

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    Restrictions impeding web-based courses: a survey of publishers' variation in authorising access to high quality on-line literature

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    BACKGROUND: Web-based delivery of educational programmes is becoming increasingly popular and is expected to expand, especially in medicine. The successful implementation of these programmes is reliant on their ability to provide access to web based materials, including high quality published work. Publishers' responses to requests to access health literature in the context of developing an electronic Master's degree course are described. METHODS: Two different permission requests were submitted to publishers. The first was to store an electronic version of a journal article, to which we subscribe, on a secure password protected server. The second was to reproduce extracts of published material on password protected web pages and CD Rom. RESULTS: Eight of 16 publishers were willing to grant permission to store electronic versions of articles without levying charges additional to the subscription. Twenty of 35 publishers gave permission to reproduce extracts of published work at no fee. Publishers' responses were highly variable to the requests for access to published material. This may be influenced by vague terminology within the 'fair dealing' provision in the copyright legislation, which seems to leave it open to individual interpretation. Considerable resource costs were incurred by the exercise. Time expended included those incurred by us: research to identify informed representatives within the publishing organisation, request 'chase-ups' and alternative examples being sought if publishers were uncooperative; and the publisher when dealing with numerous permission requests. Financial costs were also incurred by both parties through additional staffing and paperwork generated by the permission process, the latter including those purely borne by educators due to the necessary provision of photocopy 'course packs' when no suitably alternative material could be found if publishers were uncooperative. Finally we discuss the resultant bias in material towards readily available electronic resources as a result of publisher's uncooperative stance and encourage initiatives that aim to improve open electronic access. CONCLUSIONS: The permission request process has been expensive and has resulted in reduced access for students to the relevant literature. Variations in the responses from publishers suggest that for educational purposes common policies could be agreed and unnecessary restrictions removed in the future

    Assessing Health Research and Innovation Impact: Evolution of a Framework and Tools in Alberta, Canada

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    Publicly funded research and innovation (R&I) organizations around the world are facing increasing demands to demonstrate the impacts of their investments. In most cases, these demands are shifting from academically based outputs to impacts that benefit society. Funders and other organizations are grappling to understand and demonstrate how their investments and activities are achieving impact. This is compounded with challenges that are inherent to impact assessment, such as having an agreed understanding of impact, the time lag from research to impact, establishing attribution and contribution, and consideration of diverse stakeholder needs and values. In response, many organizations are implementing frameworks and using web-based tools to track and assess academic and societal impact. This conceptual analysis begins with an overview of international research impact frameworks and emerging tools that are used by an increasing number of public R&I funders to demonstrate the value of their investments. From concept to real-world, this paper illustrates how one organization, Alberta Innovates, used the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) impact framework to guide implementation of its fit-for-purpose impact framework with an agnostic international six-block protocol. The implementation of the impact framework at Alberta Innovates is also supported by adopting emerging web-based tools. Drawing on the lessons learned from this continuous organizational endeavor to assess and measure R&I impact, we present preliminary plans for developing an impact strategy for Alberta Innovates that can be applied across sectors, including energy, environment and agriculture, and may possibly be adopted by other international funders
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