1,846 research outputs found

    Modeling the Effect of Traffic Calming on Local Animal Population Persistence

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    A steady growth in traffic volumes in industrialized countries with dense human populations is expected, especially on minor roads. As a consequence, the fragmentation of wildlife populations will increase dramatically. In human-dominated landscapes, typically minor roads occur in high densities, and animals encounter them frequently. Traffic calming is a new approach to mitigate negative impacts by reducing traffic volumes and speeds on minor roads at a regional scale. This leads to a distinction between roads with low volumes as being part of the traffic-calmed area, whereas roads with bundled traffic are located around this area. Within the traffic-calmed area, volumes and speeds can be decreased substantially; this is predicted to decrease the disturbance and mortality risk for animals. Thus far, data on the effects of traffic calming on wildlife population persistence remain scarce. Using metapopulation theory, we derived a model to estimate thresholds in the size of traffic-calmed areas and traffic volumes that may allow persistent populations. Our model suggests that traffic calming largely increases the persistence of roe deer in a landscape with a dense road network. Our modeling results show trade-offs between traffic volume on roads within the traffic-calmed area and both the area of habitat available for this species in the traffic-calmed area and the size of the traffic-calmed area. These results suggest ways to mitigate the fragmentation of wildlife habitat by road networks and their expected traffic volume

    Astrometry of circumstellar masers

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    The circumstellar masers around evolved stars offer an interesting possibility to measure stellar parameters through VLBI astrometry. In this paper the application of this technique is discussed, including the accuracy and the uncertainties of the method. The different maser species (OH, H_2O, SiO) have slightly different characteristics and applications. This paper does not concern astrometry of maser spots to study the kinematics of the envelope, but concentrates on attempting to measure the motion of the underlying star.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Mass-losing Stars and their Circumstellar Matter", eds Y. Nakada & M. Honma, Kluwer ASSL serie

    Multi-frequency VLBI observations of faint gigahertz peaked spectrum sources

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    We present the data and analysis of VLBI observations at 1.6, 5 and 15 GHz of a sample of faint Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources selected from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS). The 5 GHz observations involved a global array of 16 stations and yielded data on the total sample of 47 sources. A subsample of 26 GPS sources with peak frequencies > 5 GHz and/or peak flux densities > 125 mJy was observed with the VLBA at 15 GHz. A second subsample of 29 sources, with peak frequencies <5 GHz, was observed at 1.6 GHz using a 14 station global VLBI array. In this way, 44 of the 47 sources (94%) in the sample were observed above and at or below their spectral peak. Spectral decomposition allowed us to identify 3, 11, 7, and 2 objects as compact symmetric objects, compact doubles, core-jet and complex sources respectively. However, many of the sources classified as compact double or core-jet sources show only two components making their classification rather tentative. This may explain why the strong morphological dichotomy of GPS quasars and galaxies found for radio-bright GPS sources, is not as clear in this faint sample.Comment: Latex, 18 pages, 8 figures; MNRAS, accepted. The paper, with higher quality figures, may also be obtained from http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~snellen . Minor comments of referee incorporate

    Local positive feedback and the persistence and recovery of fringe Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. mangroves

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    While mangrove restoration efforts are reasonably successful, failure often occurs in high wave energy situations. Due to differences in wave energy, seedling mortality rates vary strongly with position on the intertidal flat between high water spring and high water neap elevations. However, a local positive feedback can be present between the pneumatophores of adult mangroves and the survival of mangrove seedlings to trigger recovery. In this study, a mangrove population of Avicennia marina is modelled to determine the effects of seedling mortality and local positive feedback on mangrove recovery. The model uses life history data and dispersal to simulate population dynamics. The mangrove range limits are determined by high water spring and high water neap levels. The results indicate that within these limits mangrove populations with life-history parameter values as derived from literature are indeed capable of fast growth under conditions with low seedling mortality. Local positive feedback has then a small positive influence on population recovery after mangrove loss. If, however, mortality rates increase, such as in high wave energy situations, the importance of a positive feedback increases. The model shows that a positive feedback may, given high seedling mortality rates, be an important factor for mangrove recovery. While a positive feedback may enable mangrove persistence in unfavourable conditions, destruction of adult mangroves can remove the positive feedback, which would render the system uninhabitable and practically prohibits reforestation of such areas. The model results and the presence of positive feedbacks and their importance for population dynamics in harsh conditions indicate that investigating and understanding possible feedbacks could be crucial for successful restoration effort

    The magnetic field of the evolved star W43A

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    The majority of the observed planetary nebulae exhibit elliptical or bipolar structures. Theoretical modeling has indicated that magnetically collimated jets may be responsible for the formation of the non-spherical planetary nebulae. The aim of this project is to measure the Zeeman splitting caused by the magnetic field in the OH and H2O maser regions occurring in the circumstellar envelope and bipolar outflow of the evolved star W43A. We report a measured magnetic field of approximately 100 micro-gauss in the OH maser region of the circumstellar envelope around W43A. The GBT observations reveal a magnetic field strength B|| of ~30 mG changing sign across the H2O masers at the tip of the red-shifted lobe of the bipolar outflow. We also find that the OH maser shell shows no sign of non-spherical expansion and that it probably has an expansion velocity that is typical for the shells of regular OH/IR stars. The GBT observations confirm that the magnetic field collimates the H2O maser jet, while the OH maser observations show that a strong large scale magnetic field is present in the envelope surrounding the W43A central star. The magnetic field in the OH maser envelope is consistent with the one extrapolated from the H2O measurements, confirming that magnetic fields play an important role in the entire circumstellar environment of W43A.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    3D modeling of 1612 MHz OH masers: Monte Carlo modeling of the maser shells and the amplified stellar image

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    We present the first results of our 3D Monte Carlo maser radiative transfer code, used to model the 1612 MHz OH maser shell and the amplification of emission from the stellar radio-photosphere.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; to be published in: Proceeding of WS on Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and their Circumstellar Matter, Sendai, Japan, Y.Nakada & M.Honma (eds), Kluwer ASSL serie
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