15 research outputs found

    The Hector Mine, California, Earthquake of 16 October 1999: Introduction to the Special Issue

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    The Hector Mine, California, earthquake (M_w 7.1) struck the Mojave Desert at 09:46 UTC, 16 October 1999. The earthquake occurred approximately 55 km northwest of the town of Twentynine Palms, California, and about 200 km east-northeast of Los Angeles (Fig. 1). The shock was widely felt throughout southern California, southern Nevada, western Arizona, and northernmost Baja California, Mexico. The Hector Mine earthquake, like the M_w 7.3 Landers earthquake seven years earlier, was associated with fault rupture in the eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) (Fig. 1), which is an approximately 80-km-wide zone of deformation that accommodates about 24% of the relative Pacific–North American plate motion (Sauber et al., 1986, 1994; Dokka and Travis, 1990; Savage et al., 1990, 2001; Gan et al., 2000; Miller et al., 2001). A block diagram highlighting some of the basic aspects of the Hector Mine earthquake is presented in Figure 2. A preliminary summary of the Hector Mine earthquake, its effects, and the response of the geoscience community is presented by Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey; Southern California Earthquake Center, and California Division of Mines and Geology (USGS, SCEC, and CDMG, 2000)

    A New Perspective on the Geometry of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California and Its Relationship to Lithospheric Structure

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    The widely held perception that the San Andreas fault (SAF) is vertical or steeply dipping in most places in southern California may not be correct. From studies of potential-field data, active-source imaging, and seismicity, the dip of the SAF is significantly nonvertical in many locations. The direction of dip appears to change in a systematic way through the Transverse Ranges: moderately southwest (55°–75°) in the western bend of the SAF in the Transverse Ranges (Big Bend); vertical to steep in the Mojave Desert; and moderately northeast (37°–65°) in a region extending from San Bernardino to the Salton Sea, spanning the eastern bend of the SAF in the Transverse Ranges. The shape of the modeled SAF is crudely that of a propeller. If confirmed by further studies, the geometry of the modeled SAF would have important implications for tectonics and strong ground motions from SAF earthquakes. The SAF can be traced or projected through the crust to the north side of a well documented high-velocity body (HVB) in the upper mantle beneath the Transverse Ranges. The north side of this HVB may be an extension of the plate boundary into the mantle, and the HVB would appear to be part of the Pacific plate

    Pleistocene Brawley and Ocotillo Formations: Evidence for Initial Strike-Slip Deformation Along the San Felipe and San Jacinto Fault Zones, Southern California

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    We examine the Pleistocene tectonic reorganization of the Pacific–North American plate boundary in the Salton Trough of southern California with an integrated approach that includes basin analysis, magnetostratigraphy, and geologic mapping of upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sedimentary rocks in the San Felipe Hills. These deposits preserve the earliest sedimentary record of movement on the San Felipe and San Jacinto fault zones that replaced and deactivated the late Cenozoic West Salton detachment fault. Sandstone and mudstone of the Brawley Formation accumulated between ∼1.1 and ∼0.6–0.5 Ma in a delta on the margin of an arid Pleistocene lake, which received sediment from alluvial fans of the Ocotillo Formation to the west-southwest. Our analysis indicates that the Ocotillo and Brawley formations prograded abruptly to the east-northeast across a former mud-dominated perennial lake (Borrego Formation) at ∼1.1 Ma in response to initiation of the dextral-oblique San Felipe fault zone. The ∼25-km-long San Felipe anticline initiated at about the same time and produced an intrabasinal basement-cored high within the San Felipe–Borrego basin that is recorded by progressive unconformities on its north and south limbs. A disconformity at the base of the Brawley Formation in the eastern San Felipe Hills probably records initiation and early blind slip at the southeast tip of the Clark strand of the San Jacinto fault zone. Our data are consistent with abrupt and nearly synchronous inception of the San Jacinto and San Felipe fault zones southwest of the southern San Andreas fault in the early Pleistocene during a pronounced southwestward broadening of the San Andreas fault zone. The current contractional geometry of the San Jacinto fault zone developed after ∼0.5–0.6 Ma during a second, less significant change in structural style

    Subsurface Geometry of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) and Strong Ground Motion Expectations

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    The San Andreas fault (SAF) is one of the most studied strike‐slip faults in the world; yet its subsurface geometry is still uncertain in most locations. The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) was undertaken to image the structure surrounding the SAF and also its subsurface geometry. We present SSIP studies at two locations in the Coachella Valley of the northern Salton trough. On our line 4, a fault‐crossing profile just north of the Salton Sea, sedimentary basin depth reaches 4 km southwest of the SAF. On our line 6, a fault‐crossing profile at the north end of the Coachella Valley, sedimentary basin depth is ∼2–3  km and centered on the central, most active trace of the SAF. Subsurface geometry of the SAF and nearby faults along these two lines is determined using a new method of seismic‐reflection imaging, combined with potential‐field studies and earthquakes. Below a 6–9 km depth range, the SAF dips ∼50°–60° NE, and above this depth range it dips more steeply. Nearby faults are also imaged in the upper 10 km, many of which dip steeply and project to mapped surface fault traces. These secondary faults may join the SAF at depths below about 10 km to form a flower‐like structure. In Appendix D, we show that rupture on a northeast‐dipping SAF, using a single plane that approximates the two dips seen in our study, produces shaking that differs from shaking calculated for the Great California ShakeOut, for which the southern SAF was modeled as vertical in most places: shorter‐period (T<1  s) shaking is increased locally by up to a factor of 2 on the hanging wall and is decreased locally by up to a factor of 2 on the footwall, compared to shaking calculated for a vertical fault

    Geophysical Constraints on the Virgin River Depression, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona

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    Includes tables and maps. The United States Geological Survey collected gravity and aeromagnetic data in support ofhydrogeologic framework studies of the Virgin River depression

    Principal Facts for Gravity Stations and Physical Property Measurements in the Lake Mead 30’ by 60’ Quadrangle, Nevada and Arizona

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    The United States Geological Survey (USGS) collected 811 gravity stations on the Lake Mead 30' by 60' quadrangle from October, 1997 to September, 1999. These data were collected in support of geologic mapping of the Lake Mead quadrangle. In addition to these new data, gravity stations were compiled from a number of sources. These stations were reprocessed according to the reduction method described below and used for the new data

    Preliminary Geophysical Framework of the Upper and Middle Verde River Watershed, Yavapai County, Arizona

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    The goal of this study is to improve understanding of the geologic framework of the upper Verde River region from analysis of geophysical data. This work builds upon earlier geohydrologic studies and geologic studies that focused on geologic mapping and water well information. This study concentrates on projecting surficial structures and stratigraphy into the subsurface using geophysical data

    Mineralogy and physical properties of plutonic and metamorphic rocks of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, San Diego County, California

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    In the Peninsular Ranges batholith of southern California, a central belt of Jurassic metagranites was intruded by a Cretaceous magmatic arc that migrated from west to east across the belt. The Cretaceous batholith has been divided into western and eastern zones, zones that correspond to age, lithologic, geochemical, and geophysical zonations. In this study, density and magnetic susceptibility measurements performed on ~960 hand samples show that, in the eastern zone of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, values of magnetic susceptibility are uniformly low (<0.5 x 10-3 cgs [centimeter-gram-second] units), while density values are in general lower and have less scatter than those in the western zone. A relatively sharp break between western and eastern zones indicates the existence of two crustal types separated by a tectonic suture: on the west, oceanic crust (mainly Mesozoic and older mantle and mantlederived rocks) and on the east, continental crust (Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic, and early Mesozoic rocks). Previous studies in the San Diego County segment of the Peninsular Ranges batholith revealed petrologic distinctions between two Jurassic metagranite suites (S-type and transitional I-S type) and nine Cretaceous granite suites (exclusively I-type). The results of electron microprobe (EM) analyses of mafic minerals from Jurassic and Cretaceous plutonic rocks in general confirm plutonic suite subdivision. On biotite and hornblende variation diagrams, Early Cretaceous plutons tend to plot in distinct fields/trends that are characteristic of their various plutonic suites. Hornblende from three Early Cretaceous tonalite suites is Mg enriched, as expected from melts of mafic-intermediate composition that were H₂O rich and contained hornblende as an early-crystallizing phase. Hornblende from gabbro plutons (Cuyamaca Gabbro) shows the greatest Mg enrichment for a given whole-rock SiO2 value, reflecting cumulate processes in the evolution of gabbroic magmas. Biotite and hornblende from highly evolved leucomonzogranite-leucogranodiorite plutons assigned to three leucogranite suites have the most Fe- and Mn-rich compositions. Hornblende compositions of two Late Cretaceous tonalite suites overlap those of the Early Cretaceous tonalite suites, but, in general, Late Cretaceous hornblende does not show the extreme fractionation shown by hornblende of Early Cretaceous suites with similar SiO₂ contents. Biotite of two Jurassic plutonic suites has the most aluminous compositions of all Peninsular Ranges batholith suites, with biotite of the S-type Harper Creek suite markedly more Al rich than that of the transitional I-S-type Cuyamaca Reservoir suite. Complete overlap of Harper Creek biotite compositions with those of metasedimentary rocks of the Triassic-Jurassic Julian Schist indicates that partial melting of the latter was an appropriate source for Harper Creek magma. The existence of two Cuyamaca Reservoir biotite trends suggests that its parental magma originated by fractionation and contamination of an I-type magma by aluminous metasedimentary material, thus producing transitional I-S characteristics. All but one sample of hornblende from the Cuyamaca Reservoir suite falls in the subaluminous compositional range.46 page(s