274 research outputs found

    Bericht zur Untersuchung der DLR Institute zum Bedarf beim Forschungsdatenmanagement

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    Im Projekt FDM wurde für die Umsetzung des Konzeptes Forschungsdatenmanagement im DLR eine Umfrage unter den Instituten und Einrichtungen durchgeführt, um die tatsächlichen Bedarfe im Bereich des Forschungsdatenmanagements besser einordnen und abschätzen zu können

    PetaFLOP Molecular Dynamics for Engineering Applications

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations enable the investigation of multicomponent and multiphase processes relevant to engineering applications, such as droplet coalescence or bubble formation. These scenarios require the simulation of ensembles containing a large number of molecules. We present recent advances within the MD framework ls1 mardyn which is being developed with particular regard to this class of problems. We discuss several OpenMP schemes that deliver optimal performance at node-level. We have further introduced nonblocking communication and communication hiding for global collective operations. Together with revised data structures and vectorization, these improvements unleash PetaFLOP performance and enable multi-trillion atom simulations on the HLRS supercomputer Hazel Hen. We further present preliminary results achieved for droplet coalescence scenarios at a smaller scale.BMBF, 01IH16008, Verbundprojekt: TaLPas - Task-basierte Lastverteilung und Auto-Tuning in der Partikelsimulatio

    Axis I comorbidity in adolescent inpatients referred for treatment of substance use disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To assess comorbid DSM-IV-TR Axis I disorders in adolescent inpatients referred for treatment of substance use disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>151 patients (mean age 16.95 years, SD = 1.76; range 13 - 22) were consecutively assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and standardized clinical questionnaires to assess mental disorders, symptom distress, psychosocial variables and detailed aspects of drug use. A consecutively referred subgroup of these 151 patients consisting of 65 underage patients (mean age 16.12, SD = 1.10; range 13 - 17) was additionally assessed with the modules for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder (CD) using The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for school-aged children (K-SADS-PL).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>128 (84.8%) of the 151 patients were dependent on at least one substance, the remaining patients fulfilled diagnostic criteria for abuse only. 40.5% of the participants fulfilled criteria for at least one comorbid present Axis I disorder other than substance use disorders (67.7% in the subgroup additionally interviewed with the K-SADS-PL). High prevalences of present mood disorder (19.2%), somatoform disorders (9.3%), and anxiety disorders (22.5%) were found. The 37 female participants showed a significantly higher risk for lifetime comorbid disorders; the gender difference was significantly pronounced for anxiety and somatoform disorders. Data from the underage subgroup revealed a high prevalence for present CD (41.5%). 33% of the 106 patients (total group) who were within the mandatory school age had not attended school for at least a two-month period prior to admission. In addition, 51.4% had been temporarily expelled from school at least once.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present data validates previous findings of high psychiatric comorbidity in adolescent patients with substance use disorders. The high rates of school refusal and conduct disorder indicate the severity of psychosocial impairment.</p

    Dystroglycan versatility in cell adhesion: a tale of multiple motifs

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    Dystroglycan is a ubiquitously expressed heterodimeric adhesion receptor. The extracellular a-subunit makes connections with a number of laminin G domain ligands including laminins, agrin and perlecan in the extracellular matrix and the transmembrane b-subunit makes connections to the actin filament network via cytoskeletal linkers including dystrophin, utrophin, ezrin and plectin, depending on context. Originally discovered as part of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex of skeletal muscle, dystroglycan is an important adhesion molecule and signalling scaffold in a multitude of cell types and tissues and is involved in several diseases. Dystroglycan has emerged as a multifunctional adhesion platform with many interacting partners associating with its short unstructured cytoplasmic domain. Two particular hotspots are the cytoplasmic juxtamembrane region and at the very carboxy terminus of dystroglycan. Regions which between them have several overlapping functions: in the juxtamembrane region; a nuclear localisation signal, ezrin/radixin/moesin protein, rapsyn and ERK MAP Kinase binding function, and at the C terminus a regulatory tyrosine governing WW, SH2 and SH3 domain interactions. We will discuss the binding partners for these motifs and how their interactions and regulation can modulate the involvement of dystroglycan in a range of different adhesion structures and functions depending on context. Thus dystroglycan presents as a multifunctional scaffold involved in adhesion and adhesion-mediated signalling with its functions under exquisite spatiotemporal regulation

    Do diagnostic delays in cancer matter?

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    background: The United Kingdom has poorer cancer outcomes than many other countries due partly to delays in diagnosing symptomatic cancer, leading to more advanced stage at diagnosis. Delays can occur at the level of patients, primary care, systems and secondary care. There is considerable potential for interventions to minimise delays and lead to earlier-stage diagnosis. methods: Scoping review of the published studies, with a focus on methodological issues. results: Trial data in this area are lacking and observational studies often show no association or negative ones. This review offers methodological explanations for these counter-intuitive findings. conclusion: While diagnostic delays do matter, their importance is uncertain and must be determined through more sophisticated methods

    Influences on pre-hospital delay in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a systematic review

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    Colorectal cancer is a major global health problem, with survival varying according to stage at diagnosis. Delayed diagnosis can result from patient, practitioner or hospital delay. This paper reports the results of a review of the factors influencing pre-hospital delay – the time between a patient first noticing a cancer symptom and presenting to primary care or between first presentation and referral to secondary care. A systematic methodology was applied, including extensive searches of the literature published from 1970 to 2003, systematic data extraction, quality assessment and narrative data synthesis. Fifty-four studies were included. Patients' non-recognition of symptom seriousness increased delay, as did symptom denial. Patient delay was greater for rectal than colon cancers and the presence of more serious symptoms, such as pain, reduced delay. There appears to be no relationship between delay and patients' age, sex or socioeconomic status. Initial misdiagnosis, inadequate examination and inaccurate investigations increased practitioner delay. Use of referral guidelines may reduce delay, although evidence is currently limited. No intervention studies were identified. If delayed diagnosis is to be reduced, there must be increased recognition of the significance of symptoms among patients, and development and evaluation of interventions that are designed to ensure appropriate diagnosis and examination by practitioners