1,479 research outputs found

    Aransemen Eri Raf pada Lagu Badminton Karya Mang Koko

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    Skripsi ini berjudul Aransemen Eri RAFPadaLagu Badminton KaryaMang Koko. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi olehbanyaknyaarranger-arranger Indonesia yang membuataransemenuntukpaduansuaradanvokalgrupterutamapadalagufolklore ataulagurakyat. Dalampenelitianinipenulistertarikpadaseorangarranger yang jugasering kali mengaransemenlagu-lagurakyatterutamalaguSundaataulaguberbahasaSunda. Dari hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data pada objek yang di analasisditemukanbahwapadaaransemennyastrukturharmoni yang adapadaaransemnnyatidakterlalurumitdanamatsederhana. Namundibalikkesederhaannyaaranemeninimenarikditelitiketikadiketahui sang arrangertidakmemilikilatarbelakangpendidikanmusik. Di tengah-tengahbanyaknyaarranger volal yang berlatarbelakangpendidikanmusik, bagaimanaaraansemeninidapatbersaingdengankaryaaransemenarrangerdilihatdarielemen-elemenmusikal yang adapadaaransemenEri RAF ini

    Impact of Daily Arctic Sea Ice Variability in CAM3.0 during Fall and Winter

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    Climate projections suggest that an ice-free summer Arctic Ocean is possible within several decades and with this comes the prospect of increased ship traffic and safety concerns. The daily sea ice concentration tendency in five Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) simulations is compared with observations to reveal that many models underestimate this quantity that describes high-frequency ice movements, particularly in the marginal ice zone. To investigate whether high-frequency ice variability impacts the atmosphere, the Community Atmosphere Model, version 3.0 (CAM3.0), is forced by sea ice with and without daily fluctuations. Two 100-member ensemble experiments with daily varying (DAILY) and smoothly varying (SMTH) sea ice are conducted, along with a climatological control, for an anoma- lously low ice period (August 2006–November 2007). Results are presented for three periods: September 2006, October 2006, and December–February (DJF) 2006/07. The atmospheric response differs between DAILY and SMTH. In September, sea ice differences lead to an anomalous high and weaker storm activity over northern Europe. During October, the ice expands equatorward faster in DAILY than SMTH in the Siberian seas and leads to a local response of near-surface cooling. In DJF, there is a 1.5-hPa positive sea level pressure anomaly over North America, leading to anomalous northerly flow and anomalously cool continental U.S. temperatures. While the atmospheric responses are modest, the differences arising from high temporal frequency ice variability cannot be ignored. Increasing the accuracy of coupled model sea ice variations on short time scales is needed to improve short-term coupled model forecasts

    Quantifying the Surface Energy Fluxes in South Greenland during the 2012 High Melt Episodes Using In-situ Observations

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    Two high melt episodes occurred on the Greenland ice sheet in July 2012, during which nearly the entire ice sheet surface experienced melting. Observations from an automatic weather station (AWS) in the lower ablation area in South Greenland reveal the largest daily melt rates (up to 28 cm d-1 ice equivalent) ever recorded on the ice sheet. The two melt episodes lasted 6 days, equivalent to 6% of the June-August melt period, but contributed 14 % to the total annual ablation of 8.5 m ice equivalent. We employ a surface energy balance model driven by AWS data to quantify the relative importance of the energy budget components contributing to melt through the melt season. During the days with largest daily melt rates, surface turbulent heat input peaked at 552 Wm-2, 77 % of the surface melt energy, which is otherwise typically dominated by absorbed solar radiation. We find that rain contributed ca. 7 % to melt during these episodes

    Greenland during the last interglacial:the relative importance of insolation and oceanic changes

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    Insolation changes during the Eemian (the last interglacial period, 129 000–116 000 years before present) resulted in warmer than present conditions in the Arctic region. The NEEM ice core record suggests warming of 8 ± 4 K in northwestern Greenland based on stable water isotopes. Here we use general circulation model experiments to investigate the causes of the Eemian warming in Greenland. Simulations of the atmospheric response to combinations of Eemian insolation and preindustrial oceanic conditions and vice versa are used to disentangle the impacts of the insolation change and the related changes in sea surface temperatures and sea ice conditions. The changed oceanic conditions cause warming throughout the year, prolonging the impact of the summertime insolation increase. Consequently, the oceanic conditions cause an annual mean warming of 2 K at the NEEM site, whereas the insolation alone causes an insignificant change. Taking the precipitation changes into account, however, the insolation and oceanic changes cause more comparable increases in the precipitation-weighted temperature, implying that both contributions are important for the ice core record at the NEEM site. The simulated Eemian precipitation-weighted warming of 2.4 K at the NEEM site is low compared to the ice core reconstruction, partially due to missing feedbacks related to ice sheet changes and an extensive sea ice cover. Surface mass balance calculations with an energy balance model further indicate that the combination of temperature and precipitation anomalies leads to potential mass loss in the north and southwestern parts of the ice sheet. The oceanic conditions favor increased accumulation in the southeast, while the insolation appears to be the dominant cause of the expected ice sheet reduction. Consequently, the Eemian is not a suitable analogue for future ice sheet changes

    Caloric Expenditure of Normal and Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill Running

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    Perceived Exertion and Affective Responses During Normal and Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill Running

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    Please refer to the pdf version of the abstract located adjacent to the title
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