1,055 research outputs found

    Holistic Health Solutions Business Plan

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    Insomnia symptom prevalence in England: a comparison of cross-sectional self-reported data and primary care records in the UK Biobank

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    Objectives: We aimed to use a large dataset to compare self-reported and primary care measures of insomnia symptom prevalence in England and establish whether they identify participants with similar characteristics. Design: Cross-sectional study with linked electronic health records (EHRs). Setting: Primary care in England. Participants: 163 748 UK Biobank participants in England (aged 38–71 at baseline) with linked primary care EHRs. Outcome measures: We compared the percentage of those self-reporting ‘usually’ having insomnia symptoms at UK Biobank baseline assessment (2006–2010) to those with a Read code for insomnia symptoms in their primary care records prior to baseline. We stratified prevalence in both groups by sociodemographic, lifestyle, sleep and health characteristics. Results: We found that 29% of the sample self-reported having insomnia symptoms, while only 6% had a Read code for insomnia symptoms in their primary care records. Only 10% of self-reported cases had an insomnia symptom Read code, while 49% of primary care cases self-reported having insomnia symptoms. In both primary care and self-reported data, prevalence of insomnia symptom cases was highest in females, older participants and those with the lowest household incomes. However, while snorers and risk takers were more likely to be a primary care case, they were less likely to self-report insomnia symptoms than non-snorers and non-risk takers. Conclusions: Only a small proportion of individuals experiencing insomnia symptoms have an insomnia symptom Read code in their primary care record. However, primary care data do provide a clinically meaningful measure of insomnia prevalence. In addition, the sociodemographic characteristics of people attending primary care with insomnia were consistent with those with self-reported insomnia, thus primary care records are a valuable data source for studying risk factors for insomnia. Further studies should replicate our findings in other populations and examine ways to increase discussions about sleep health in primary care

    A Scoping Review and Meta-Analysis of Anti-CGRP Monoclonal Antibodies: Predicting Response

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    Calcitonin gene-related peptide-targeted monoclonal antibodies (CGRP mAbs) are increasingly being used as preventive treatments for migraine. Their effectiveness and safety were established through numerous randomized placebo-controlled trials and real-world studies, yet a significant proportion of patients do not respond to this treatment, and currently, there is a lack of accepted predictors of response to guide expectations, as data from studies so far are lacking and inconsistent. We searched Embase and MEDLINE databases for studies reporting on predictors of response to CGRP and/or CGRP-receptor (CGRP-R) mAbs, defined as a 30% or 50% reduction in monthly headache or migraine days at varying durations of follow-up. Quantitative synthesis was performed where applicable. We found 38 real-world studies that investigated the association between various predictors and response rates. Based on these studies, good response to triptans and unilateral pain with or without unilateral autonomic symptoms are predictors of a good response to CGRP(-R) mAbs. Conversely, obesity, interictal allodynia, the presence of daily headaches, a higher number of non-successful previous prophylactic medications, and psychiatric comorbidities including depression are predictive of a poor response to CGRP(-R) mAbs. Future studies should confirm these results and help to generate more tailored treatment strategies in patients with migraine

    Chinas militÀrische Entwicklung: Modernisierung und Internationalisierung der StreitkrÀfte

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    'AnlĂ€sslich des 60. Jahrestages der GrĂŒndung der Volksrepublik China und der zur Feier dessen durchgefĂŒhrten, umfangreichen MilitĂ€rparade am 1. Oktober 2009 wird in der vorliegenden Studie die Entwicklung des chinesischen MilitĂ€rs - der grĂ¶ĂŸten Berufsarmee der Welt - entlang der folgenden Leitfragen untersucht: Welche programmatischen Richtlinien gibt die KPCh fĂŒr den Verteidigungssektor des wiedererstarkten modernen China vor? Welche strategischen Ziele lassen sich aus den bisherigen VerĂ€nderungen ablesen? Wie sind die militĂ€rischen Fortschritte politisch einzuordnen und zu bewerten? Welche Rolle spielen dabei die zunehmenden internationalen AktivitĂ€ten der chinesischen StreitkrĂ€fte? Es lĂ€sst sich feststellen, dass die Modernisierung des MilitĂ€rs in einen ĂŒbergreifenden politischen Anpassungsprozess eingeordnet wird, mit dem China den sicherheitspolitischen Gegebenheiten des 21. Jahrhunderts gerecht werden will. Die umfangreichen KapazitĂ€ten aus der Ära des Kalten Krieges werden schrittweise angepasst und qualitativ aufgewertet, um internationale Friedensmissionen sowie humanitĂ€re HilfseinsĂ€tze bewĂ€ltigen und bei militĂ€rischen Konflikten im Zeitalter des informationstechnologischen Wettstreits bestehen zu können. Die Grundausrichtung der Volksbefreiungsarmee ist dabei derzeit noch als eher defensiv zu bewerten, auch wenn im Bereich der Nuklear-, Weltraum-, Luft- und SeestreitkrĂ€fte das offensive Potential wĂ€chst. Gleichzeitig geht der rasante Anstieg bei Chinas militĂ€rischen FĂ€higkeiten bislang noch nicht mit einer ausreichenden politischen Kommunikation einher. Eine Erhöhung der sicherheits- und militĂ€rpolitischen Transparenz durch die chinesische FĂŒhrung könnte dazu beitragen, Irritationen bei anderen Staaten zu vermeiden.' (Autorenreferat)'The steady rise in China's defence budget over recent years naturally stokes the speculation. From just Dollar 9.8 billion in 1997 it more than quadrupled within a decade, according to the official figures, to reach Dollar 46.8 billion by 2007 (although the proportion of annual GDP rose by just 0.29 percentage points over the same period). Beijing's official defence budget for 2009 is Dollar 70.2 billion, but the real level of Chinese military spending is disputed. Because they leave important expenditures on strategic capabilities and military space programmes unaccounted for, the official figures say little about the actual state of China's armed forces (PLA). The PLA is still a fundamentally defensive force, although its offensive potential is growing in the fields of nuclear weapons and space-based systems, as well as air and naval forces. Military modernisation has progressed furthest in the realm of the strategic forces and the navy, while the greatest deficits remain in the air force, where a lack of force multipliers such as reconnaissance aircraft and aerial refuelling tankers is the main obstacle to greater strength and force projection. The Western arms embargo ensures that the import of such force multipliers and access to the relevant technologies remain restricted. If it is in the interests of the EU and the United States to deny China access to these technologies at least in the short to medium term, the embargo will have to be maintained on key technologies. The rapid expansion of China's military capabilities has not thus far been accompanied by adequate political communication. An increase in transparency on security and military matters could help to reassure other states. Effective international integration would support this process.' (author's abstract)

    Independent causal contributions of alpha- and beta-band oscillations during movement selection

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    To select a movement, specific neuronal populations controlling particular features of that movement need to be activated, whereas other populations are downregulated. The selective (dis)inhibition of cortical sensorimotor populations is governed by rhythmic neural activity in the alpha (8–12 Hz) and beta (15–25 Hz) frequency range. However, it is unclear whether and how these rhythms contribute independently to motor behavior. Building on a recent dissociation of the sensorimotor alpha- and beta-band rhythms, we test the hypothesis that the beta-band rhythm governs the disinhibition of task-relevant neuronal populations, whereas the alpha-band rhythm suppresses neurons that may interfere with task performance. Cortical alpha- and beta-band rhythms were manipulated with transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) while human participants selected how to grasp an object. Stimulation was applied at either 10 or 20 Hz and was imposed on the sensorimotor cortex contralaterally or ipsilaterally to the grasping hand. In line with task-induced changes in endogenous spectral power, the effect of the tACS intervention depended on the frequency and site of stimulation. Whereas tACS stimulation generally increased movement selection times, 10 Hz stimulation led to relatively faster selection times when applied to the hemisphere ipsilateral to the grasping hand, compared with other stimulation conditions. These effects occurred selectively when multiple movements were considered. These observations functionally differentiate the causal contribution of alpha- and beta-band oscillations to movement selection. The findings suggest that sensorimotor beta-band rhythms disinhibit task-relevant populations, whereas alpha-band rhythms inhibit neuronal populations that could interfere with movement selection

    Type of headache at onset and risk for complications in reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome

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    Background: In a recent Italian study, 30% of patients with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) presented without thunderclap headache (TCH), and tended to present more severe forms of RCVS than patients with TCH. We aimed to analyze the risk for complications of RCVS in patients with and without TCH at onset. Methods: In a pooled cohort of 345 French patients with RCVS, we compared patients with and without TCH at onset regarding rates of neurological complications, and the functional outcome at 3 months. Results: As compared to the 281 patients with TCH at onset, the 64 patients without TCH had a higher risk for any neurological complication (61% vs. 24%, OR 4.9, 95% CI 2.8-8.7, p < 0.001). The association was strongest for cervical artery dissections (28% vs. 5%, OR 8.1, 95% CI 3.7-17.6, p < 0.001), followed by posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (17% vs. 3%, OR 7.1, 95% CI 2.7-18.4, p < 0.001), seizures (9% vs. 2.5%, OR 4.1, 95% CI 1.3-12.5, p = 0.019), and subarachnoid hemorrhage (41% vs. 16%, OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.9-6.3, p < 0.001). In multivariable analysis, the risk for any neurological complication remained significantly elevated in the absence of TCH (OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.8-6.8, p < 0.001). The functional outcome was equal in both groups, with a modified Rankin scale score of 0-1 in ≄90% of patients. Conclusions: Absence of TCH at onset might predict a higher risk of complications in RCVS. Our results warrant further multicentric studies to prove this finding

    Perception of typical migraine images on the internet: Comparison between a metropolis and a smaller rural city in Germany

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    The medial portrayal of migraine is often stereotypical and inaccurate but reflects how society perceives migraine. The discrepancy between others' views and the reality of affected individuals may negatively affect access to treatment and the disease course of patients with migraine. This study aimed to investigate whether images presented in the media as typical migraine attacks are perceived as realistic and representative by migraine patients in Rostock, a smaller town in rural Germany, and compare the results to those from Berlin, a large metropolis. We performed an online survey in Rostock. Migraine patients were shown ten images of migraine attacks, which were among the most downloaded stock pictures on the internet under the search term "migraine". They rated on a scale of 0-100 to what extent the pictures were realistic for migraine attacks (realism score), representative of their own migraine (representation score), or the society's view of migraine (society score). In addition, we compared our results with a recently published study from the metropolitan region of Berlin. A total of 174 migraine patients completed our survey. Mean (SD) realism, representation, and society scores were 59.9 (17.5), 56.7 (18.3), and 58.4 (17.1) respectively. Images of older patients were perceived as significantly more realistic and representative than those of younger patients (P < .001). Patients in Rostock (rural region) rated the images as significantly more realistic and representative than survey participants in Berlin (metropolis). Migraine patients in a rural region found typical migraine images only moderately realistic and representative but to a higher degree than their counterparts from a metropolis

    Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-2 deficiency promotes vascular regeneration and attenuates pathological angiogenesis

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    AbstractIschemia-induced angiogenesis is critical for tissue repair, but aberrant neovascularization in the retina causes severe sight impairment. Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in neovascular eye disease because of its pro-angiogenic properties in the retina. Nitric oxide production is inhibited endogenously by asymmetric dimethylarginines (ADMA and L-NMMA) which are metabolized by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) 1 and 2. The aim of this study was to determine the roles of DDAH1, DDAH2, ADMA and L-NMMA in retinal ischemia-induced angiogenesis. First, DDAH1, DDAH2, ADMA and L-NMMA levels were determined in adult C57BL/6J mice. The results obtained revealed that DDAH1 was twofold increased in the retina compared to the brain and the choroid. DDAH2 expression was approximately 150 fold greater in retinal and 70 fold greater in choroidal tissue compared to brain tissue suggesting an important tissue-specific role for DDAH2 in the retina and choroid. ADMA and L-NMMA levels were similar in the retina and choroid under physiological conditions. Next, characterization of DDAH1+/− and DDAH2−/− deficient mice by in vivo fluorescein angiography, immunohistochemistry and electroretinography revealed normal neurovascular function compared with wildtype control mice. Finally, DDAH1+/− and DDAH2−/− deficient mice were studied in the oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) model, a model used to emulate retinal ischemia and neovascularization, and VEGF and ADMA levels were quantified by ELISA and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. In the OIR model, DDAH1+/− exhibited a similar phenotype compared to wildtype controls. DDAH2 deficiency, in contrast, resulted in elevated retinal ADMA which was associated with attenuated aberrant angiogenesis and improved vascular regeneration in a VEGF independent manner. Taken together this study suggests, that in retinal ischemia, DDAH2 deficiency elevates ADMA, promotes vascular regeneration and protects against aberrant angiogenesis. Therapeutic inhibition of DDAH2 may therefore offer a potential therapeutic strategy to protect sight by promoting retinal vascular regeneration and preventing pathological angiogenesis
