3,999 research outputs found

    Retribalization as a Strategy for Achievement of Group and Individual Social Security in Alaska Native Villages β€” with a Special Focus on Subsistence [paper]

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    This paper was revised for publication as: Conn, Stephen; & Langdon, Steve J. (1988). "Retribalization as a Strategy for Achievement of Group and Individual Social Security in Alaska Native Villages β€” with a Special Focus on Subsistence." In F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G.R. Woodman & H.F. Zacher (eds.), Between Kinship and the State: Social Security and Law in Developing Countries, pp. 437–450. Providence, RI: Foris Publications.Alaska Native groups have adopted a strategy of seeking general welfare, including social security, through retribalization β€” a term of dual meaning discussed in this paper. The paper aims to describe the historical developments leading to the adoption of this strategy, explain its nature and the various forms which it takes, and assess its potential for the achievement of the general welfare of Alaska Natives.General Welfare and Social Security / Retribalization: Alaska Meanings / Manifestations of Retribalization in Alaska (Sitka Community Association; Yupiit Nation) / Other Tribal Strategies (Unalakleet Initiative - Externally Directed; Eschscholtz Bay - Management Among Native Groups; Venetie's Approach - Internal and Then External; Complex Interaction by Yupiit Villages; Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission (AEWC): External First and Then Internal) / Retribalization as Revitalization Movement / Footnote / Bibliograph

    Unravelling complex systems

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    Affymetrix probes containing runs of contiguous guanines are not gene-specific

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    High Density Oligonucleotide arrays (HDONAs), such as the Affymetrix HG-U133A GeneChip, use sets of probes chosen to match specified genes, with the expectation that if a particular gene is highly expressed then all the probes in the designated probe set will provide a consistent message signifying the gene's presence. However, we demonstrate by data mining thousands of CEL files from NCBI's GEO database that 4G-probes (defined as probes containing sequences of four or more consecutive guanine (G) bases) do not react in the intended way. Rather, possibly due to the formation of G-quadruplexes, most 4G-probes are correlated, irrespective of the expression of the thousands of genes for which they were separately intended. It follows that 4G-probes should be ignored when calculating gene expression levels. Furthermore, future microarray designs should make no use of 4G-probes

    Good management for the springers pays dividends

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    This article gives a striking example of the advantages of calving cows in good and rising conditionβ€”and explains why condition around calving time is so important. ALTHOUGH most farmers know that cows calving in good and improving condition will give higher yields than those calving in poor condition, few use this knowledge to improve the production from their cows

    A model of estrogen-related gene expression reveals non-linear effects in transcriptional response to tamoxifen

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    SynthSys is a Centre for Integrative Systems Biology (CISB) funded by BBSRC and EPSRC, reference BB/D019621/1.Background: Estrogen receptors alpha (ER) are implicated in many types of female cancers, and are the common target for anti-cancer therapy using selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs, such as tamoxifen). However, cell-type specific and patient-to-patient variability in response to SERMs (from suppression to stimulation of cancer growth), as well as frequent emergence of drug resistance, represents a serious problem. The molecular processes behind mixed effects of SERMs remain poorly understood, and this strongly motivates application of systems approaches. In this work, we aimed to establish a mathematical model of ER-dependent gene expression to explore potential mechanisms underlying the variable actions of SERMs. Results: We developed an equilibrium model of ER binding with 17 beta-estradiol, tamoxifen and DNA, and linked it to a simple ODE model of ER-induced gene expression. The model was parameterised on the broad range of literature available experimental data, and provided a plausible mechanistic explanation for the dual agonism/antagonism action of tamoxifen in the reference cell line used for model calibration. To extend our conclusions to other cell types we ran global sensitivity analysis and explored model behaviour in the wide range of biologically plausible parameter values, including those found in cancer cells. Our findings suggest that transcriptional response to tamoxifen is controlled in a complex non-linear way by several key parameters, including ER expression level, hormone concentration, amount of ER-responsive genes and the capacity of ER-tamoxifen complexes to stimulate transcription (e. g. by recruiting co-regulators of transcription). The model revealed non-monotonic dependence of ER-induced transcriptional response on the expression level of ER, that was confirmed experimentally in four variants of the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Conclusions: We established a minimal mechanistic model of ER-dependent gene expression, that predicts complex non-linear effects in transcriptional response to tamoxifen in the broad range of biologically plausible parameter values. Our findings suggest that the outcome of a SERM's action is defined by several key components of cellular micro-environment, that may contribute to cell-type-specific effects of SERMs and justify the need for the development of combinatorial biomarkers for more accurate prediction of the efficacy of SERMs in specific cell types.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Uncovering the expression patterns of chimeric transcripts using surveys of affymetrix GeneChips.

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    BACKGROUND: A chimeric transcript is a single RNA sequence which results from the transcription of two adjacent genes. Recent studies estimate that at least 4% of tandem human gene pairs may form chimeric transcripts. Affymetrix GeneChip data are used to study the expression patterns of tens of thousands of genes and the probe sequences used in these microarrays can potentially map to exotic RNA sequences such as chimeras. RESULTS: We have studied human chimeras and investigated their expression patterns using large surveys of Affymetrix microarray data obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus. We show that for six probe sets, a unique probe mapping to a transcript produced by one of the adjacent genes can be used to identify the expression patterns of readthrough transcripts. Furthermore, unique probes mapping to an intergenic exon present only in the MASK-BP3 chimera can be used directly to study the expression levels of this transcript. CONCLUSIONS: We have attempted to implement a new method for identifying tandem chimerism. In this analysis unambiguous probes are needed to measure run-off transcription and probes that map to intergenic exons are particularly valuable for identifying the expression of chimeras

    Kinetic modelling of in vitro data of PI3K, mTOR1, PTEN enzymes and on-target inhibitors Rapamycin, BEZ235, and LY294002

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    The phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (PI3K) and mammalian target of rapamycin-1 (mTOR1) are two key targets for anti-cancer therapy. Predicting the response of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR1 signalling pathway to targeted therapy is made difficult because of network complexities. Systems biology models can help explore those complexities but the value of such models is dependent on accurate parameterisation. Motivated by a need to increase accuracy in kinetic parameter estimation, and therefore the predictive power of the model, we present a framework to integrate kinetic data from enzyme assays into a unified enzyme kinetic model. We present exemplar kinetic models of PI3K and mTOR1, calibrated on in vitro enzyme data and founded on Michaelis-Menten (MM) approximation. We describe the effects of an allosteric mTOR1 inhibitor (Rapamycin) and ATP-competitive inhibitors (BEZ2235 and LY294002) that show dual inhibition of mTOR1 and PI3K. We also model the kinetics of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), which modulates sensitivity of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR1 pathway to these drugs. Model validation with independent data sets allows investigation of enzyme function and drug dose dependencies in a wide range of experimental conditions. Modelling of the mTOR1 kinetics showed that Rapamycin has an IC50 independent of ATP concentration and that it is a selective inhibitor of mTOR1 substrates S6K1 and 4EBP1: it retains 40% of mTOR1 activity relative to 4EBP1 phosphorylation and inhibits completely S6K1 activity. For the dual ATP-competitive inhibitors of mTOR1 and PI3K, LY294002 and BEZ235, we derived the dependence of the IC50 on ATP concentration that allows prediction of the IC50 at different ATP concentrations in enzyme and cellular assays. Comparison of the drug effectiveness in enzyme and cellular assays showed that some features of these drugs arise from signalling modulation beyond the on-target action and MM approximation and require a systems-level consideration of the whole PI3K/PTEN/AKT/mTOR1 network in order to understand mechanisms of drug sensitivity and resistance in different cancer cell lines. We suggest that using these models in systems biology investigation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR1 signalling in cancer cells can bridge the gap between direct drug target action and the therapeutic response to these drugs and their combinations
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