6 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the Swedish EU Presidency: Difficult Setting, Pragmatic Style and Mixed Results

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    This ARI reviews the achievements and set-backs of the 2009 Swedish EU Presidency. The Swedish EU Presidency during the second half of 2009 delivered few surprises, pleasant or otherwise. In style, the Presidency is better characterised by pragmatic brokerage than by providing leadership for the Union. Progress was made on a number of issues, most notably the ratification and implementation of the Lisbon Treaty and the adoption of the Stockholm Programme concerning future cooperation in the field of freedom, security and justice. Also, the agreements on financial oversight and on a tentative exit strategy are worth highlighting, but on all these issues much work remains to be done. Among the setbacks, the failure to reach a comprehensive and legally-binding deal in Copenhagen on climate change stands out

    Las prioridades de la Presidencia sueca de la UE

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    Este ARI aborda las seis áreas prioritarias de la Presidencia sueca de la UE durante la segunda mitad de 2009, al mismo tiempo que contempla sus retos clave. El acuerdo sobre el cambio climático que deberá concluirse en Copenhague en diciembre de 2009 es la principal prioridad de la Presidencia sueca de la UE. La crisis económica y financiera también será una cuestión esencial para la Presidencia tanto por su propia importancia como debido a la forma en la que afecta al margen de maniobra en otras políticas. Las incertidumbres en los ámbitos constitucional e institucional también afectan a la Presidencia y la aplicación de un nuevo tratado y el proceso de formación de una nueva Comisión requerirán mucha atención por parte de la Presidencia. El Programa de Estocolmo, sucesor del Programa de La Haya, en el ámbito de la libertad, la seguridad y la justicia se concluirá durante el otoño, al igual que el primer acuerdo de cooperación macrorregional en la UE: la Estrategia del Mar Báltico. La Presidencia también dará prioridad a la dimensión externa de la UE y abordará cuestiones que van desde la ampliación hasta la OMC

    A Citizens Compact: Reaching out to the Citizens of Europe. CEPS EPIN Working Papers No. 14, 1 September 2005

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    [Executive Summary]. How can the deadlock after the ‘no’ to the European Constitutional Treaty in France and the Netherlands be overcome? What should be the aim of the ‘period of reflection’ that has been agreed by the European Council? The authors of this paper propose the adoption of a ‘Citizens Compact’, which should directly address the larger malaise among citizens that underlies the Constitutional crisis. It should contribute to the reduction of the EU’s democratic deficit without treaty reform. The following measures should be envisaged: • National parliaments should participate more strongly in the controversies on core European issues through earlier and intensive debates about EU initiatives. • Every six months governments should explain their positions on the priorities of the EU-presidency in their national parliaments. • EU-actors (MEPs, Commissioners and top officials) should participate more intensively in national debates about European issues and contribute to a better understanding of the European political processes among citizens. • National governments should regularly publish information bulletins about the latest EU initiatives and –decisions. • Public fora about European issues should be established in every member state with speakers coming from national politics, from the EU level and other member states as well as representatives from civil society. • Uncontroversial elements of the Constitutional Treaty that strengthen EU democracy could already be adopted through inter-institutional agreements. • A White Paper on the establishment of a ‘European Democratic and Civic Space’ in the EU should be elaborated. • In the future important legislative acts should contain an impact assessment of the consequences on citizens’ lives

    Vad innebär reformfördraget?

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    Does subsidiarity ask the right question?

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