1,311 research outputs found

    Nuevos conocimientos en el mecanismo de tintura de fibras acrílicas con colorantes básicos.

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    Se pone de relieve la importancia que las relaciones físico-químicas tienen para el tintorero, y por otra parte, busca nuevas relaciones que permitan explicar hechos que no podían ser esclarecidos a base de observaciones anteriores.Peer Reviewe

    A survey of RFID privacy approaches

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    A bewildering number of proposals have offered solutions to the privacy problems inherent in RFID communication. This article tries to give an overview of the currently discussed approaches and their attribute

    Ökologische Bewertung von Bächen auf La Gomera und Teneriffa (Spanien) – ein methodischer Ansatz zur Einschätzung von Renaturierungsmaßnahmen bei der Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie

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    In recent decades, the number of streams on the Canary Islands has decreased dramatically due to the non-sustainable consumption of water for agriculture and tourism. Natural reaches of streams with an endemic macroinvertebrate fauna do, however, still exist in protected areas of Tenerife and La Gomera. Those reaches serve as a reference to develop an assessment method for streams on islands. This method takes into account common parameters such as water quality and hydromorphology, while emphasizing biodiversity and endemism. The latter concepts as they relate to stream conservation are important in both nature conservation and protection of species as many endemic aquatic organisms are endangered.In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist die Zahl der Fließgewässer auf den Kanarischen Inseln drastisch zurückgegangen. Ursache dafür ist eine sehr hohe Wasserentnahme für Landwirtschaft und Tourismus, die das nachhaltig nutzbare Dargebot bei weitem überschreitet. Dennoch existieren in besonders geschützten Bereichen der Inseln Teneriffa und La Gomera noch naturnahe Abschnitte von Fließgewässern mit Elementen endemischer Makroinvertebraten-Fauna. Diese Abschnitte dienen als Referenzgewässer für die Entwicklung eines spezifischen Bewertungssystems für Fließgewässer auf Inseln. Dieses System berücksichtigt die üblichen Qualitätsparameter wie Wassergüte und Hydromorphologie, hebt aber die Biodiversität und den inseltypischen Endemismus besonders hervor. Die daraus resultierenden Gewässerentwicklungskonzepte stellen ein entscheidendes Instrument des Natur- und Artenschutzes dar, da viele der endemischen Gewässerorganismen vom Aussterben bedroht sind

    A privacy awareness system for ubiquitous computing environments

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    www.inf.ethz.ch/˜langhein Abstract. Protecting personal privacy is going to be a prime concern for the deployment of ubiquitous computing systems in the real world. With daunting Orwellian visions looming, it is easy to conclude that tamper-proof technical protection mechanisms such as strong anonymization and encryption are the only solutions to such privacy threats. However, we argue that such perfect protection for personal information will hardly be achievable, and propose instead to build systems that help others respect our personal privacy, enable us to be aware of our own privacy, and to rely on social and legal norms to protect us from the few wrongdoers. We introduce a privacy awareness system targeted at ubiquitous computing environments that allows data collectors to both announce and implement data usage policies, as well as providing data subjects with technical means to keep track of their personal information as it is stored, used, and possibly removed from the system. Even though such a system cannot guarantee our privacy, we believe that it can create a sense of accountability in a world of invisible services that we will be comfortable living in and interacting with.

    Engineering Privacy by Design: Are engineers ready to live up to the challenge?

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    Organizations struggle to comply with legal requirements as well as customers' calls for better data protection. On the implementation level, incorporation of privacy protections in products and services depends on the commitment of the engineers who design them. We interviewed six senior engineers, who work for globally leading IT corporations and research institutions, to inves- tigate their motivation and ability to comply with privacy regulations. Our findings point to a lack of perceived responsibility, control, autonomy, and frustrations with interactions with the legal world. While we increasingly call on engineers to go beyond functional requirements and be responsive to human values in our increasingly technological society, we may be facing the dilemma of asking engineers to live up to a challenge they are currently not ready to embrace

    SLS: Smart localization service: human mobility models and machine learning enhancements for mobile phone’s localization

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    In recent years we are witnessing a noticeable increment in the usage of new generation smartphones, as well as the growth of mobile application development. Today, there is an app for almost everything we need. We are surrounded by a huge number of proactive applications, which automatically provide relevant information and services when and where we need them. This switch from the previous generation of passive applications to the new one of proactive applications has been enabled by the exploitation of context information. One of the most important and most widely used pieces of context information is location data. For this reason, new generation devices include a localization engine that exploits various embedded technologies (e.g., GPS, WiFi, GSM) to retrieve location information. Consequently, the key issue in localization is now the efficient use of the mobile localization engine, where efficient means lightweight on device resource consumption, responsive, accurate and safe in terms of privacy. In fact, since the device resources are limited, all the services running on it have to manage their trade-off between consumption and reliability to prevent a premature depletion of the phone’s battery. In turn, localization is one of the most demanding services in terms of resource consumption. In this dissertation I present an efficient localization solution that includes, in addition to the standard location tracking techniques, the support of other technologies already available on smartphones (e.g., embedded sensors), as well as the integration of both Human Mobility Modelling (HMM) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The main goal of the proposed solution is the provision of a continuous tracking service while achieving a sizeable reduction of the energy impact of the localization with respect to standard solutions, as well as the preservation of user privacy by avoiding the use of a back-end server. This results in a Smart Localization Service (SLS), which outperforms current solutions implemented on smartphones in terms of energy consumption (and, therefore, mobile device lifetime), availability of location information, and network traffic volume

    Restoration of fen and waterbodies in the Drömling Natural Park (Saxony-Anhalt)

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    The Drömling Natural Park is the largest fen area in Central Germany. The management and development plan defines the re-wetting of fens, the preservation and development of extensively used wetlands and the improvement of the ecological status of water bodies as the main aims. In 11 areas, re-wetting already started or will start in the near future. Habitat quality of canals and ditches was enhanced by building shallow water zones and careful management. Function of canals and ditches changes stepwise from drainage to irrigation. Furthermore, new shallow ponds were created. This contribution presents examples for implementation of measures and first results of scientific evaluation. All the measures help to maintain and enhance aquatic and amphibic biodiversity and conservation value. A high total number of species correlates well with the occurrence of endangered species. 50 of such Red Lists species were found among aquatic macroinvertebrates and 20 among aquatic macrophytes. These values are above average compared to other fens in Germany. However, the maintenance of diverse landscape and water body structure demands high management efforts. A rising problem for native diversity is the appearance of invasive neozoons.Der Naturpark Drömling ist das größte Niedermoorgebiet in Mitteldeutschland. Die Wiedervernässung des Moorkörpers, der Schutz und die Pflege des extensiven Grünlandes und die Verbesserung des ökologischen Zustandes der Gewässer sind als Hauptziele im Pflege- und Entwicklungsplan festgeschrieben. In 11 Teilgebieten hat die Wiedervernässung bereits begonnen bzw. ist in Kürze geplant. Durch Umgestaltungsmaßnahmen wie Uferabflachung und Anlage von Flachwasserzonen sowie Einschränkung der Unterhaltungsmaßnahmen konnten die Lebensbedingungen für Flora und Fauna in den Gräben und Kanälen deutlich verbessert werden. Während die Gräben und Kanäle früher zur schnellen Entwässerung der Flächen im Frühjahr genutzt wurden, dienen sie heute auch dem Wasserrückhalt und der Bewässerung in Trockenzeiten. Eine Reihe von Flachgewässern vorwiegend für die amphibische und Avifauna wurden in den letzten Jahren neu geschaffen. Alle diese Maßnahmen fördern die Vielfalt der Lebensräume und damit den Naturschutzwert des Gebietes, so dass auch zahlreiche geschützte und gefährdete Arten auftreten. Es konnten 50 Arten von Makroinvertebraten und 20 Pflanzenarten der Roten Listen nachgewiesen werden; wesentlich mehr als in anderen Niedermoorgebieten Norddeutschlands. Ein zunehmendes Problem ist das Auftreten von Neozoen. Der Erhalt der Vielfältigkeit der Landschaft und der Gewässerformen erfordert jedoch einen gewissen Unterhaltungsaufwand

    Engineering Privacy by Design: Are engineers ready to live up to the challenge?

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    Organizations struggle to comply with legal requirements as well as customers' calls for better data protection. Yet, information privacy depends on system engineers putting effort into the matter. We interviewed six seniors in system engineering, who work for globally leading IT corporations and research institutions in order to investigate their motivation and ability to comply with privacy expectations. The results of our in-depth interview study point to a lack of perceived responsibility, control and autonomy and to a struggle with the legal world. The information society may be facing the dilemma of asking engineers to live up to a challenge they are currently not ready to embrace

    Understanding Engineers' Drivers and Impediments for Ethical System Development: The Case of Privacy and Security Engineering

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    Machine ethics is a key challenge in times when digital systems play an increasing role in people's life. At the core of machine ethics is the handling of personal data and the security of machine operations. Yet, privacy and security engineering are a challenge in today's business world where personal data markets, corporate deadlines and a lag of perfectionism frame the context in which engineers need to work. Besides these organizational and market challenges, each engineer has his or her specific view on the importance of these values that can foster or inhibit taking them into consideration. We present the results of an empirical study of 124 engineers based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Jonas' Principle of Responsibility to understand the drivers and impediments of ethical system development as far as privacy and security engineering are concerned. We find that many engineers find the two values important, but do not enjoy working on them. We also find that many struggle with the organizational environment. They face a lack of time and autonomy that is necessary for building ethical systems, even at this basic level. Organizations' privacy and security norms are often too weak or even oppose value-based design, putting engineers in conflict with their organizations. Our data indicate that it is largely engineers' individually perceived responsibility as well as a few character traits that make a positive difference