27,422 research outputs found

    Influence of Anomalous Dispersion on Optical Characteristics of Quantum Wells

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    Frequency dependencies of optical characteristics (reflection, transmission and absorption of light) of a quantum well are investigated in a vicinity of interband resonant transitions in a case of two closely located excited energy levels. A wide quantum well in a quantizing magnetic field directed normally to the quantum-well plane, and monochromatic stimulating light are considered. Distinctions between refraction coefficients of barriers and quantum well, and a spatial dispersion of the light wave are taken into account. It is shown that at large radiative lifetimes of excited states in comparison with nonradiative lifetimes, the frequency dependence of the light reflection coefficient in the vicinity of resonant interband transitions is defined basically by a curve, similar to the curve of the anomalous dispersion of the refraction coefficient. The contribution of this curve weakens at alignment of radiative and nonradiative times, it is practically imperceptible at opposite ratio of lifetimes . It is shown also that the frequency dependencies similar to the anomalous dispersion do not arise in transmission and absorption coefficients.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Momentum average approximation for models with boson-modulated hopping: Role of closed loops in the dynamical generation of a finite quasiparticle mass

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    We generalize the momentum average approximation to study the properties of single polarons in models with boson affected hopping, where the fermion-boson scattering depends explicitly on both the fermion's and the boson's momentum. As a specific example, we investigate the Edwards fermion-boson model in both one and two dimensions. In one dimension, this allows us to compare our results with exact diagonalization results, to validate the accuracy of our approximation. The generalization to two-dimensional lattices allows us to calculate the polaron's quasiparticle weight and dispersion throughout the Brillouin zone and to demonstrate the importance of Trugman loops in generating a finite effective mass even when the free fermion has an infinite mass.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Quantum phase transition in the Dicke model with critical and non-critical entanglement

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    We study the quantum phase transition of the Dicke model in the classical oscillator limit, where it occurs already for finite spin length. In contrast to the classical spin limit, for which spin-oscillator entanglement diverges at the transition, entanglement in the classical oscillator limit remains small. We derive the quantum phase transition with identical critical behavior in the two classical limits and explain the differences with respect to quantum fluctuations around the mean-field ground state through an effective model for the oscillator degrees of freedom. With numerical data for the full quantum model we study convergence to the classical limits. We contrast the classical oscillator limit with the dual limit of a high frequency oscillator, where the spin degrees of freedom are described by the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model. An alternative limit can be defined for the Rabi case of spin length one-half, in which spin frequency renormalization replaces the quantum phase transition.Comment: 1o pages, 10 figures, published versio

    Optical properties of small polarons from dynamical mean-field theory

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    The optical properties of polarons are studied in the framework of the Holstein model by applying the dynamical mean-field theory. This approach allows to enlighten important quantitative and qualitative deviations from the limiting treatments of small polaron theory, that should be considered when interpreting experimental data. In the antiadiabatic regime, accounting on the same footing for a finite phonon frequency and a finite electron bandwidth allows to address the evolution of the optical absorption away from the well-understood molecular limit. It is shown that the width of the multiphonon peaks in the optical spectra depends on the temperature and on the frequency in a way that contradicts the commonly accepted results, most notably in the strong coupling case. In the adiabatic regime, on the other hand, the present method allows to identify a wide range of parameters of experimental interest, where the electron bandwidth is comparable or larger than the broadening of the Franck-Condon line, leading to a strong modification of both the position and the shape of the polaronic absorption. An analytical expression is derived in the limit of vanishing broadening, which improves over the existing formulas and whose validity extends to any finite-dimensional lattice. In the same adiabatic regime, at intermediate values of the interaction strength, the optical absorption exhibits a characteristic reentrant behavior, with the emergence of sharp features upon increasing the temperature -- polaron interband transitions -- which are peculiar of the polaron crossover, and for which analytical expressions are provided.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Symmetries of hadrons after unbreaking the chiral symmetry

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    We study hadron correlators upon artificial restoration of the spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. In a dynamical lattice simulation we remove the lowest lying eigenmodes of the Dirac operator from the valence quark propagators and study evolution of the hadron masses obtained. All mesons and baryons in our study, except for a pion, survive unbreaking the chiral symmetry and their exponential decay signals become essentially better. From the analysis of the observed spectroscopic patterns we conclude that confinement still persists while the chiral symmetry is restored. All hadrons fall into different chiral multiplets. The broken U(1)_A symmetry does not get restored upon unbreaking the chiral symmetry. We also observe signals of some higher symmetry that includes chiral symmetry as a subgroup. Finally, from comparison of the \Delta - N splitting before and after unbreaking of the chiral symmetry we conclude that both the color-magnetic and the flavor-spin quark-quark interactions are of equal importance.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures; final versio

    Monte Carlo evaluation of path integrals for the nuclear shell model

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    We present in detail a formulation of the shell model as a path integral and Monte Carlo techniques for its evaluation. The formulation, which linearizes the two-body interaction by an auxiliary field, is quite general, both in the form of the effective `one-body' Hamiltonian and in the choice of ensemble. In particular, we derive formulas for the use of general (beyond monopole) pairing operators, as well as a novel extraction of the canonical (fixed-particle number) ensemble via an activity expansion. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various formulations and ensembles and give several illustrative examples. We also discuss and illustrate calculation of the imaginary-time response function and the extraction, by maximum entropy methods, of the corresponding strength function. Finally, we discuss the "sign-problem" generic to fermion Monte Carlo calculations, and prove that a wide class of interactions are free of this limitation.Comment: 38 pages, RevTeX v3.0, figures available upon request; Caltech Preprint #MAP-15

    Principals of the theory of light reflection and absorption by low-dimensional semiconductor objects in quantizing magnetic fields at monochromatic and pulse excitations

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    The bases of the theory of light reflection and absorption by low-dimensional semiconductor objects (quantum wells, wires and dots) at both monochromatic and pulse irradiations and at any form of light pulses are developed. The semiconductor object may be placed in a stationary quantizing magnetic field. As an example the case of normal light incidence on a quantum well surface is considered. The width of the quantum well may be comparable to the light wave length and number of energy levels of electronic excitations is arbitrary. For Fourier-components of electric fields the integral equation (similar to the Dyson-equation) and solutions of this equation for some individual cases are obtained.Comment: 14 page

    Profile alterations of a symmetrical light pulse coming through a quantum well

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    The theory of a response of a two-energy-level system, irradiated by symmetrical light pulses, has been developed.(Suchlike electronic system approximates under the definite conditions a single ideal quantum well (QW) in a strong magnetic field {\bf H}, directed perpendicularly to the QW's plane, or in magnetic field absence.) The general formulae for the time-dependence of non-dimensional reflection {\cal R}(t), absorption {\cal A}(t) and transmission {\cal T}(t) of a symmetrical light pulse have been obtained. It has been shown that the singularities of three types exist on the dependencies {\cal R}(t), {\cal A}(t), {\cal T}(t). The oscillating time dependence of {\cal R}(t), {\cal A}(t), {\cal T}(t) on the detuning frequency \Delta\omega=\omega_l-\omega_0 takes place. The oscillations are more easily observable when \Delta\omega\simeq\gamma_l. The positions of the total absorption, reflection and transparency singularities are examined when the frequency \omega_l is detuned.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures with caption

    Field- and pressure-induced phases in Sr4_{4}Ru3_{3}O10_{10}: A spectroscopic investigation

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    We have investigated the magnetic-field- and pressure-induced structural and magnetic phases of the triple-layer ruthenate - Sr4_{4}Ru3_{3}O10_{10}. Magnetic-field-induced changes in the phonon spectra reveal dramatic spin-reorientation transitions and strong magneto-elastic coupling in this material. Additionally, pressure-dependent Raman measurements at different temperatures reveal an anomalous negative Gruneisen-parameter associated with the B1g_{1g} mode (∼\sim 380 cm−1^{-1}) at low temperatures (T << 75K), which can be explained consistently with the field dependent Raman data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures final version published in PRL 96, 067004 (2006
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