43 research outputs found
Tüdőtranszplantáció magyar betegek számára
When conservative treatment fails, lung transplantation often remains the only therapeutic option for patients with end stage parenchymal or vascular lung diseases. According to the statistics of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, in 2010 more than 3500 lung transplantations have been performed worldwide. The Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Vienna is considered to be one of the world's leading lung transplantation centres; in the last year 115, since 1989 more than 1500 lung transplantation procedures under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Walter Klepetko. Similar to other Central-European countries, lung transplantation procedures of Hungarian patients have also been performed in Vienna whithin the framework of a twinning aggreement. However, many crucial tasks in the process, such indication and patient selection preoperative rehabilitation organ procurement and long term follow-up care have been stepwise taken over by the Hungarian team. Although the surgery itself is still preformed in Vienna, professional experience is already available in Hungary, since the majority of Hungarian recipients have been transplanted by hungarian surgeons who are authors of this article the professional and personal requirements of performing lung transplantations are already available in Hungary. The demand of performing lung transplantation in Hungary has been raising since 1999 and it soon reaches the extent which justifies launching of an individual national program. Providing the technical requirements is a financial an organisational issue. In order to proceed, a health policy decision has to be made
Circulating endothelial cells, bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells and proangiogenic haematopoietic cells in cancer: From biology to therapy
Vascularization, a hallmark of tumorigenesis, is classically thought to occur exclusively through angiogenesis (i.e. endothelial sprouting). However, there is a growing body of evidence that endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and proangiogenic hematopoietic cells (HCs) are able to support the vascularization of tumors and may therefore play a synergistic role with angiogenesis. An additional cell type being studied in the field of tumor vascularization is the circulating endothelial cell (CEC), whose presence in elevated numbers reflects vascular injury. Levels of EPCs and CECs are reported to correlate with tumor stage and have been evaluated as biomarkers of the efficacy of anticancer/antiangiogenic treatments. Furthermore, because EPCs and subtypes of proangiogenic HCs are actively participating in capillary growth, these cells are attractive potential vehicles for delivering therapeutic molecules. The current paper provides an update on the biology of CECs, EPCs and proangiogenic HCs, and explores the utility of these cell populations for clinical oncology
99mTc-besilesomab (Scintimun®) in peripheral osteomyelitis: comparison with 99mTc-labelled white blood cells
The diagnosis of osteomyelitis is a challenge for diagnostic imaging. Nuclear medicine procedures including white blood cell imaging have been successfully used for the identification of bone infections. This multinational, phase III clinical study in 22 European centres was undertaken to compare anti-granulocyte imaging using the murine IgG antibody besilesomab (Scintimun) with (99m)Tc-labelled white blood cells in patients with peripheral osteomyelitis. A total of 119 patients with suspected osteomyelitis of the peripheral skeleton received (99m)Tc-besilesomab and (99m)Tc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (HMPAO)-labelled white blood cells (WBCs) in random order 2-4 days apart. Planar images were acquired at 4 and 24 h after injection. All scintigraphic images were interpreted in an off-site blinded read by three experienced physicians specialized in nuclear medicine, followed by a fourth blinded reader for adjudication. In addition, clinical follow-up information was collected and a final diagnosis was provided by the investigators and an independent truth panel. Safety data including levels of human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) and vital signs were recorded. The agreement in diagnosis across all three readers between Scintimun and (99m)Tc-HMPAO-labelled WBCs was 0.83 (lower limit of the 95% confidence interval 0.8). Using the final diagnosis of the local investigator as a reference, Scintimun had higher sensitivity than (99m)Tc-HMPAO-labelled WBCs (74.8 vs 59.0%) at slightly lower specificity (71.8 vs 79.5%, respectively). All parameters related to patient safety (laboratory data, vital signs) did not provide evidence of an elevated risk associated with the use of Scintimun except for two cases of transient hypotension. HAMA were detected in 16 of 116 patients after scan (13.8%). Scintimun imaging is accurate, efficacious and safe in the diagnosis of peripheral bone infections and provides comparable information to (99m)Tc-HMPAO-labelled WBCs
Spin liquid and ferroelectricity close to a quantum critical point in PbCuTe2O6
Geometrical frustration among interacting spins combined with strong quantum
fluctuations destabilize long-range magnetic order in favour of more exotic
states such as spin liquids. By following this guiding principle, a number of
spin liquid candidate systems were identified in quasi-two-dimensional
(quasi-2D) systems. For 3D, however, the situation is less favourable as
quantum fluctuations are reduced and competing states become more relevant.
Here we report a comprehensive study of thermodynamic, magnetic and dielectric
properties on single crystalline and pressed-powder samples of PbCuTeO,
a candidate material for a 3D frustrated quantum spin liquid featuring a
hyperkagome lattice. Whereas the low-temperature properties of the powder
samples are consistent with the recently proposed quantum spin liquid state, an
even more exotic behaviour is revealed for the single crystals. These crystals
show ferroelectric order at , accompanied by
strong lattice distortions, and a modified magnetic response -- still
consistent with a quantum spin liquid -- but with clear indications for quantum
critical behaviour.Comment: 59 pages, 15 figures, This version of the article has been accepted
for publication, after peer review but is not the Version of Record and does
not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of
Record is available onlin
Comparative effectiveness of depot and oral second generation antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenia: A nationwide study in Hungary.
We conducted a nationwide, full-population based investigation to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of all marketed second generation antipsychotic drugs (SGA) prescribed for outpatients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia in Hungary. Using the national central register, our observational follow-up study included all patients with schizophrenia or related disorder between 01/01/2006 and 30/06/2008. The study cohort comprised 9567 patients who started new SGA during the inclusion period (01/07/2007-30/06/2008). All-cause medication discontinuation of 8 SGAs (1 depot and 7 oral formulations) marketed during the inclusion period, and the time to all-cause discontinuation were the main outcomes. Statistical models included the Kaplan-Meier and the Cox proportional hazards models with propensity score adjustment. Patients treated with a depot formulation risperidone had the longest time to discontinuation with a median of 215 days (95%CI:181-242 days), which was statistically significantly different compared to patients treated with the rest of the medications: olanzapine (136 days, 95%CI:121-153 days), aripiprazole (102 days, 95%CI:81-126 days), ziprasidone (93 days, 95%CI:82-119 days), quetiapine (89 days, 95%CI:81-100 days), clozapine (76 days, 95%CI:54-92 days), amisulpride (73 days, 95%CI:62-85 days), and risperidone (55 days, 95%CI: 41-63 days). Our results in Hungary are partly similar to those of a recent register-based study in Finland with patients who were discharged from their first hospitalization for schizophrenia (Tiihonen et al., 2006, 2011); namely the median times to all-cause medication discontinuation were <120 days for the majority of the oral SGA. In terms of medication differences, our data support the superior effectiveness of the depot formulation regarding all-cause discontinuation, followed by olanzapine at the efficacy rank order
Ki67 index is an independent prognostic factor in epithelioid but not in non-epithelioid malignant pleural mesothelioma: a multicenter study
BACKGROUND: Estimating the prognosis in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) remains challenging. Thus, the prognostic relevance of Ki67 was studied in MPM. METHODS: Ki67 index was determined in a test cohort of 187 cases from three centres. The percentage of Ki67-positive tumour cells was correlated with clinical variables and overall survival (OS). The prognostic power of Ki67 index was compared with other prognostic factors and re-evaluated in an independent cohort (n=98). RESULTS: Patients with Ki67 higher than median (>15%) had significantly (P<0.001) shorter median OS (7.5 months) than those with low Ki67 (19.1 months). After multivariate survival analyses, Ki67 proved to be-beside histology and treatment-an independent prognostic marker in MPM (hazard ratio (HR): 2.1, P<0.001). Interestingly, Ki67 was prognostic exclusively in epithelioid (P<0.001) but not in non-epithelioid subtype. Furthermore, Ki67 index was significantly lower in post-chemotherapy samples when compared with chemo-naive cases. The prognostic power was comparable to other recently published prognostic factors (CRP, fibrinogen, neutrophil-to-leukocyte ratio (NLR) and nuclear grading score) and was recapitulated in the validation cohort (P=0.048). CONCLUSION: This multicentre study demonstrates that Ki67 is an independent and reproducible prognostic factor in epithelioid but not in non-epithelioid MPM and suggests that induction chemotherapy decreases the proliferative capacity of MPM
Nem tapintható tüdőgócok drót- és izotópjelölés segítségével történő minimálinvazív műtéti eltávolítása = Minimally invasive resection of nonpalpable pulmonary nodules after wire- and isotope-guided localization
Bevezetés: Napjainkban egyre kisebb méretű tüdőgócok kerülnek
felismerésre, melyek esetén az elsődleges választás azok minimálinvazív műtéti
technikával történő eltávolítása diagnosztikus és terápiás céllal. Számos előnye
mellett a minimálinvazív technika hátránya a tüdő áttapintásának
korlátozottsága, a tüdőgócok felkeresése. Célkitűzés: A
probléma megoldására több lehetőség is rendelkezésre áll. Ezek közül kettőt
próbáltunk ki párhuzamosan, a drót-, illetve az izotópjelöléssel történő
tüdőgóc-lokalizációt. Anyag és módszer: Az Országos Onkológiai
Intézet Mellkassebészeti Osztályán öt betegnél távolítottunk el tüdőgócot
minimálinvazív technikával kettős, azaz drót- és izotópjelölés mellett. A
tüdőgócok mérete 0,5 és 1,2 cm között váltakozott. A betegek életkora 44 és 65
év között volt; minden beteg alacsony műtéti rizikójú csoportba tartozott,
súlyos társbetegség nélkül. Eredmények: Minden betegnél
sikeresen eltávolításra került a tüdőgóc a kettős jelölés mellett. Jelölés után
közvetlenül egy betegnél 2–3 mm-es légmellet észleltünk, mely azonnali
beavatkozásra nem szorult, és egy betegnél a drót miatt kiterjedt bevérzés
jelent meg a szúrcsatornában. A műtét során, a tüdőkollapszusnál két betegnél a
drót kimozdult, egynél pedig az említett kiterjedt bevérzés a mellüregbe került,
és diffúz izotópaktivitás jelent meg. Egy betegnél a műtét során drótjelöléses
területet reszekálva további izotópaktivitás állt fenn, mert a jelölt tüdőgóc a
reszekciós sík alatt volt. Következtetés: Mind az izotóppal,
mind a dróttal történő tüdőgócjelölés segítséget nyújt a nem tapintható
tüdőgócok minimálinvazív technikával történő eltávolításában. Kezdeti
tapasztalataink alapján azonban az izotópos jelölés esetén a tüdőgóc mélységi
megítélése pontosabb, és nem kell a drótkimozdulással járó kellemetlenségre
számítani. Ugyanakkor az infrastrukturális háttér, illetve a műtéti időpont
tervezése az izotópbeadás esetében nagyobb kihívást jelent, szemben a
drótjelöléssel. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(34): 1399–1404.
Introduction: Nowadays ever smaller, sub-centimetre lung nodules
are screened and diagnosed. For these, minimally invasive resection is strongly
recommended both with diagnostic and therapeutic purpose. Aim:
Despite many advantages of minimally invasive thoracic surgery, thorough
palpation of the lung lobes and thus the localization of lung nodules are still
limited. There are several options to solve this problem. From the possibilities
we have chosen and tried wire- and isotope-guided lung nodule localization.
Materials and methods: In 2017, at the Thoracic Surgery
Department of the National Institute of Oncology we performed wire- and
isotope-guided minimally invasive pulmonary nodule resection in five patients.
The diameter of the lung nodules was between 0.5 and 1.2 cm. The age of the
patients was between 44 and 65 years and none of them had severe comorbidities,
which meant low risk for complications. Results: We
successfully performed the minimally invasive atypical resection in all cases.
After the wire and isotope placement we found a 2–3 mm pneumothorax in one
patient that did not need urgent drainage. In another patient we found that high
amount of intraparenchymal bleeding surrounded the channel of the wire. During
the operation, two wires were displaced when the lung collapsed, and in another
case the mentioned bleeding got into the thoracic cavity and made it difficult
to detect the nodule. In one case we resected the wire-guided lung tissue, but
the isotope-guided lung nodule was below the resection line.
Conclusion: Both techniques could help to localize the
non-palpable lung nodules. Based on our initial experiences, the isotope-guided
method provides more details to estimate the exact depth of the nodule from the
visceral surface of the pleura and we can avoid the unpleasantness of wire
displacement. On the other hand, the production of the isotope requires a more
developed infrastructure and the exact timing of the operation after the isotope
injection is more strict. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(34): 1399–1404