19 research outputs found

    Gravitational Collapse of Gravitational Waves in 3D Numerical Relativity

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    We demonstrate that evolutions of three-dimensional, strongly non-linear gravitational waves can be followed in numerical relativity, hence allowing many interesting studies of both fundamental and observational consequences. We study the evolution of time-symmetric, axisymmetric {\it and} non-axisymmetric Brill waves, including waves so strong that they collapse to form black holes under their own self-gravity. The critical amplitude for black hole formation is determined. The gravitational waves emitted in the black hole formation process are compared to those emitted in the head-on collision of two Misner black holes.Comment: 4 page

    Assisting age related capabilities by ambient technology to prevent functional decline

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    The elderly is characterized by age related capabilities and handicaps. Whereas age related capabilities like plasticity and adaptability on changing living conditions can lead to subjective well-being and support the recovery of limiting conditions like disease and disability, age related handicaps can enforce these conditions. Multimorbidity can lead to acute and chronic functional decline, especially when limiting conditions are enforced by age related handicaps. In a "circulus vitiosus" disease and disability threaten the independence of the elderly that leads to immobility, social isolation, depression and other health conditions with amplification and generation of new diseases. Ambient Technology has the potential to interrupt this "circulus vitiosus" by limiting age related handicaps, assist age related capabilities, prevent acute or chronic diseases and as a consequence can improve the quality of life of elderly and their care giving relatives. In this overview we demonstrate a brief summary of past experience with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as part of Ambient Technology (AT) in the "TeleReha" project and ongoing approaches in the "Vitanet" project and the "FOG-1" project followed by a future considerations conducting ICT-Project in elderly

    The 3D Grazing Collision of Two Black Holes

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    We present results for two colliding black holes (BHs), with angular momentum, spin, and unequal mass. For the first time gravitational waveforms are computed for a grazing collision from a full 3D numerical evolution. The collision can be followed through the merger to form a single BH, and through part of the ringdown period of the final BH. The apparent horizon is tracked and studied, and physical parameters, such as the mass of the final BH, are computed. The total energy radiated in gravitational waves is shown to be consistent with the total mass of the spacetime and the final BH mass. The implication of these simulations for gravitational wave astronomy is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, revte

    The cactus framework and toolkit: Design and applications

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    Abstract. We describe Cactus, a framework for building a variety of computing applications in science and engineering, including astrophysics, relativity and chemical engineering. We first motivate by example the need for such frameworks to support multi-platform, high performance applications across diverse communities. We then describe the design of the latest release of Cactus (Version 4.0) a complete rewrite of earlier versions, which enables highly modular, multi-language, parallel applications to be developed by single researchers and large collaborations alike. Making extensive use of abstractions, we detail how we are able to provide the latest advances in computational science, such as interchangeable parallel data distribution and high performance IO layers, while hiding most details of the underlying computational libraries from the application developer. We survey how Cactus 4.0 is being used by various application communities, and describe how it will also enable these applications to run on the computational Grids of the near future. 1 Application Frameworks in Scientific Computing Virtually all areas of science and engineering, as well as an increasing number of other fields, are turning to computational science to provide crucial tools to further their disciplines. The increasing power of computers offers unprecedented ability to solve complex equations, simulate natural and man-made complex processes, and visualise data, as well as providing novel possibilities such as new forms of art and entertainment. As computational power advances rapidly, computational tools, libraries, and computing paradigms themselves also advance. In such an environment, even experienced computational scientists and engineers can easily find themselves falling behind the pace of change, while they redesign and rework their codes to support the next computer architecture. Thi

    The Cactus Worm: Experiments with Dynamic Resource Discovery and Allocation in a Grid Enviroment

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    The ability to harness heterogeneous, dynamically available grid resources, is attractive to typically resource-starved computational scientists and engineers, as in principle it can increase, by significant factors, the number of cycles that can be delivered to applications. However, new adaptive application structures and dynamic runtime system mechanisms are required if we are to operate effectively in grid environments. To explore some of these issues in a practical setting, the authors are developing an experimental framework, called Cactus, that incorporates both adaptive application structures for dealing with changing resource characteristics and adaptive resource selection mechanisms that allow applications to change their resource allocations (e.g., via migration) when performance falls outside specified limits. The authors describe the adaptive resource selection mechanisms and describe how they are used to achieve automatic application migration to "better" resources following performance degradation. The results provide insights into the architectural structures required to support adaptive resource selection. In addition, the authors suggest that the Cactus Worm affords many opportunities for grid computing