31 research outputs found

    Anti-DFS70 antibodies detected by specific methods in patients with thrombosis or recurrent pregnancy loss: no evidence of an association

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    A dense fine speckled pattern (DFS) caused by antibodies to the DFS70 kDa nuclear protein is a relatively common finding while testing for anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on HEp-2 cells. However, despite many efforts and numerous studies, the clinical significance of anti-DFS70 antibodies is still unknown as they can be found in patients with various disorders and even in healthy subjects. In this study we aimed at verifying whether these antibodies are associated with thrombotic events or with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). We studied 443 patients with venous or arterial thrombosis or RPL and 244 controls by IIF on HEp-2 cells and by a DFS70-specific chemiluminescent immunoassay (CIA). The DFS pattern was observed in IIF in 31/443 (7.0%) patients and in 6/244 (2.5%) controls (p\u2009=\u20090.01) while anti-DFS70 specific antibodies were detected by CIA in 11 (2.5%) patients and in one (0.4%) control (p\u2009=\u20090.06). Positive samples, either by IIF or by CIA, were then assayed by a second DFS70-specific line-immunoassay (LIA) method: 83.3% of the CIA positive samples were confirmed DFS70 positive versus only 29.7% of the IIF positive samples. These findings show that IIF overestimates anti-DFS70 antibody frequency and that results obtained by specific CIA and LIA assays do not indicate that venous or arterial thrombosis or RPL are linked to a higher prevalence of anti-DFS70 antibodies

    Urinary tract infections: etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of uropathogens

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    Background: Urinary tract infections are a serious health problem affecting millions of people each year.They are the second most common type of infection in the body.The objective of study was to determine the etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of urinary tract infections pathogens isolated in our Patology Clinic laboratory. Materials and Methods: During the period July 2007- July 2008,were analysed 1422 urine samples.The determination of the total microbe load were acquire with an kit of the BIO-DETECTOR while the identification of germs with Apy sistem. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were assaied with the ATB UR strip. Results: About the total of samples analysed, 320 (22%) had significant bacteriuria. Escherichia coli was the most common etiologic agent isolated (62%), followed by Klebsiella ssp. (10%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5,95%) and Proteus mirabilis (5%). Gram-positive bacteria accounted for only 7.32% , with prevalence of Staphylococcus ssp (5,32) and Enterococcus spp (2%). The most effective antibiotics for Gram- were: Imipenem, Amikacin, Ceftazidime and Cefotaxim, while for Gram+ were: Minocyclin,Vancomycin and Oxacillin. Conclusion: Escherichia coli was the microrganism more frequently isolated between Gram negative bacteria with very susceptible to Amoxicillin. Currently, the empirical use of Cotrimoxazole and Amoxicillin is not recommended for Enterobacteriaceae. Urinary tract infections are more common in women than in men. Men are more likely to get a UTI once past the age of 65. Current data on the prevalence of multidrug resistance among urinary tract isolates should be a consideration to change the current empiric treatment of IVU

    Prevalence of Streptococcus spp. collected from vaginal samples and their antibiotic resistance

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    Background. Streptococci are a heterogeneous group Gram positive bacteria, predominantly anaerobes. They are classified by growth characteristics, hemolysis on blood and antigenic composition.Among the most pathogenic streptococci are ß-hemolytic Streptococcus group B (GBS) responsible for pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis in newborn. In order to prevent infections that might involve not only the female but also but also the future newborn, a bacterial culture have to be performed during pregnancy. Objectives. This study aims to assess the prevalence of GBS and their resistance to antibiotics among bacteria collected from vaginal samples. Methods. During the considered period of study: May 2008 - May 2009, 384 vaginal samples from young women were microbiologically investigated. Swabs were sown on CNA (bioMĂ©rieux) plates and incubated under CO2 environment for 24-48 hours. For the identification of group and the evaluation of their susceptibility to antibiotics the kit Slidex streptococcal Plus (bioMĂ©rieux) and the ATB Strep (bioMĂ©ieux) respectively were used. Breakpoint values were as suggested by CLSI. Results. GBS was the most frequently pathogen found with 59.5% (69) on a total of 116 positive samples, followed by Group D streptococci with 34.5% (40), and Group A with 4.3% (5), Group C and F, accounted for 0.8% (1). Moreover, all the isolates, with the exception of group D, resulted susceptible to penicillin, amoxicillin, vancomycin and cefotaxime, 45% to erythromycin, 47% to clindamycin, 75% to cotrimoxazole. Conclusions. The data from this survey show that GBS is the prevalent pathogen, among Streptococcus spp collected from the vagina.The percentage of antibiotic resistant strains found confirms the importance of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory in the surveillance of streptococcal infections for the control and prevention

    Advances in Mid-IR Fiber Lasers: Tellurite, Fluoride and Chalcogenide

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    A review on the recent progress in modeling and fabrication of medium infrared (Mid-IR) fiber lasers is reported. The main objective is to illustrate some recent examples of continuous wave optical sources at wavelengths longer than those commonly employed in telecom applications and allowing high beam quality. A small number of Mid-IR lasers, among the large variety of schemes, glasses, dopants and pumping schemes reported in literature, is selected on the basis of their slope efficiency and threshold pump power. In particular, tellurite, fluoride and chalcogenide fiber lasers are considered. More details are given with reference to the novel pumping schemes

    Advances on Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensors and Applications

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    In this review paper some recent advances on optical sensors based on photonic crystal fibres are reported. The different strategies successfully applied in order to obtain feasible and reliable monitoring systems in several application fields, including medicine, biology, environment sustainability, communications systems are highlighted. Emphasis is given to the exploitation of integrated systems and/or single elements based on photonic crystal fibers employing Bragg gratings (FBGs), long period gratings (LPGs), interferometers, plasmon propagation, off-set spliced fibers, evanescent field and hollow core geometries. Examples of recent optical fiber sensors for the measurement of strain, temperature, displacement, air flow, pressure, liquid-level, magnetic field, and hydrocarbon detection are briefly described

    Sterilisation in Dentistry: A Review of the Literature

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    In a small and medium-sized dental facility, the correct management of the sterilisation and presterilisation phases plays a fundamental role in good management of instruments and personnel, in order to ensure conditions that are more efficient with less down time. Nowadays, instrument sterilizers are increasingly efficient in achieving results, both in terms of time and size, and ensure that materials are sterile and ready to be stocked in a reasonable time. A literature search for articles related to revision work was performed using electronic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The following keywords have been entered in the previously mentioned databases: sterilisation instruments; dental autoclave; precleaning; instruments disinfectants. The records obtained were screened by three reviewers, and only relevant articles were read full text. In addition, the timings of dental and sterilisation procedures were measured, and from these, suggestions are made in order to improve the efficiency of instrumentation management (facility used as study subject: University Dental Clinic, University of Foggia) as a function of the health-care interventions. We arrived at the conclusion that without doubt, sterilisation of instruments and products plays a fundamental role, but the efficiency of the sterilisation and presterilisation procedures cannot be separated from managing the personnel in charge by giving them specific and precise tasks