17 research outputs found
Note on the Fortune of the Epistles of Marcantonio Sabellico : The Case of Matteo Bandello
This essay draws attention to the specific phenomenon of borrowings among contemporaries, using as an example Marcantonio Sabellico, whose magnificent descriptions often appeared elsewhere with the role of literary frescoes. I take a close look at the case of a 1493 letter to Barbavarus (Ep. III 18), part of which was reused by Sabellico in a different context (Enneades, X, lib. VIII). After finding this epistle, Matteo Bandello revived it and inserted it in his Parentalis oratio, written on the death of Francesco II Gonzaga. An edition of the letter, which ended up becoming a descriptive model par excellence of a bucentaur is presented in the Appendix
Note on the Fortune of the Epistles of Marcantonio Sabellico : The Case of Matteo Bandello
This essay draws attention to the specific phenomenon of borrowings among contemporaries, using as an example Marcantonio Sabellico, whose magnificent descriptions often appeared elsewhere with the role of literary frescoes. I take a close look at the case of a 1493 letter to Barbavarus (Ep. III 18), part of which was reused by Sabellico in a different context (Enneades, X, lib. VIII). After finding this epistle, Matteo Bandello revived it and inserted it in his Parentalis oratio, written on the death of Francesco II Gonzaga. An edition of the letter, which ended up becoming a descriptive model par excellence of a bucentaur is presented in the Appendix
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Note on the Fortune of the Epistles of Marcantonio Sabellico: The Case of Matteo Bandello
This essay draws attention to the specific phenomenon of borrowings among contemporaries, using as an example Marcantonio Sabellico, whose magnificent descriptions often appeared elsewhere with the role of literary frescoes. I take a close look at the case of a 1493 letter to Barbavarus (Ep. III 18), part of which was reused by Sabellico in a different context (Enneades, X, lib. VIII). After finding this epistle, Matteo Bandello revived it and inserted it in his Parentalis oratio, written on the death of Francesco II Gonzaga. An edition of the letter, which ended up becoming a descriptive model par excellence of a bucentaur is presented in the Appendix
Note on the Fortune of the Epistles of Marcantonio Sabellico : The Case of Matteo Bandello
This essay draws attention to the specific phenomenon of borrowings among contemporaries, using as an example Marcantonio Sabellico, whose magnificent descriptions often appeared elsewhere with the role of literary frescoes. I take a close look at the case of a 1493 letter to Barbavarus (Ep. III 18), part of which was reused by Sabellico in a different context (Enneades, X, lib. VIII). After finding this epistle, Matteo Bandello revived it and inserted it in his Parentalis oratio, written on the death of Francesco II Gonzaga. An edition of the letter, which ended up becoming a descriptive model par excellence of a bucentaur is presented in the Appendix
[Recensione a] I 'Mirabilia urbis Romae', a cura di Maria Accame e Emy Dell'Oro
I 'Mirabilia urbis Romae', a cura di Maria Accame e Emy Dell'Oro, Tivoli, Edizioni TORED, 2004, 204 pp
[Recensione a] Maria Accame, Pomponio Leto. Vita e insegnamento
MARIA ACCAME, Pomponio Leto. Vita e insegnamento, Tivoli, Edizioni TORED, 2008 (Biblioteca pomponiana, 1),240 pp
[Recensione a] Repertorio delle traduzioni umanistiche a stampa: secoli XV-XVI, a cura di Mariarosa Cortesi e Silvia Fiaschi
Repertorio delle traduzioni umanistiche a stampa: secoli XV-XVI, a cura di Mariarosa Cortesi e Silvia Fiaschi, 2 voll., Firenze, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2008 (Edizione nazionale delle traduzioni dei testi greci in età umanistica e rinascimentale" [= ENTG], 5 - Strumenti, 2), LXXVIII + 1846 pp. + 16 taw. f.t
Gli <i>Aborigines</i> e la prima <i>satura Menippea</i> di Varrone
Il tema che ci proponiamo di discutere si addentra pericolosamente
in un campo della critica varroniana fra i più spinosi e controversi,
le saturae Menippeae. Ci occuperemo qui in particolare dei frammenti
superstiti del primo (alfabeticamente) di tali componimenti, intitolato
Aborigines περί άνθρώπων φύσεως; tenteremo di chiarire il significato
del titolo, di indagare la sua possibile funzione in relazione al contenuto
della satura, e di offrire una nuova lettura dei frammenti
Su tre corrispondenti di Marcantonio Sabellico. Proposte di identificazione
Su tre corrispondenti di Marcantonio Sabellico. Proposte di identificazione
The collection of letters by Marcantonio Sabellico is characterized by a number of errors which have been passed down from the editio princeps (1502) to all subsequent printed editions. Within the frame of a study which aims to produce the first critical edition of these epistles, three letters are analyzed which have been variously misunderstood, especially as to the identity of the correspondents, that is: Georgios Bergikios, a philologist and copyist from Crete; Piero de’ Medici when he was very young and known as Piero il Fatuo (the eldest son and future successor of Lorenzo il Magnifico); and, finally, Emiliano Schenio, a poet from Piacenza who played a role in the humanistic debate concerning the auctor ad Herennium
Sulle dediche di Giovanni Calfurnio a Marco Aurelio, umanista mecenate
Negli anni 1476 e 1477, l'umanista ed editore bergamasco
Giovanni Calfurnio (Giovanni Perlanza de' Ruffinoni da Bordogna) dedica
al segretario ducale veneziano Marco Aurelio, nell'ordine, il suo
commento all'Heautontimorumenos di Terenzio e l'edizione dei Problemata
di Plutarco, nella traduzione latina di Giovan Pietro Vitali d'Avenza.
Il quadro sembra chiaro. Nondimeno, in tempi recenti, una concatenazione
di equivoci ha finito per far confluire tra gli omaggi letterari di
Calfurnio a Marco Aurelio anche due edizioni 'fantasma': una di Orazio,
l'altra di Lucano. Questo lavoro fa chiarezza sulla questione e affronta i testi delle dediche