28 research outputs found

    The Intermediate Filament Network in Cultured Human Keratinocytes Is Remarkably Extensible and Resilient

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    The prevailing model of the mechanical function of intermediate filaments in cells assumes that these 10 nm diameter filaments make up networks that behave as entropic gels, with individual intermediate filaments never experiencing direct loading in tension. However, recent work has shown that single intermediate filaments and bundles are remarkably extensible and elastic in vitro, and therefore well-suited to bearing tensional loads. Here we tested the hypothesis that the intermediate filament network in keratinocytes is extensible and elastic as predicted by the available in vitro data. To do this, we monitored the morphology of fluorescently-tagged intermediate filament networks in cultured human keratinocytes as they were subjected to uniaxial cell strains as high as 133%. We found that keratinocytes not only survived these high strains, but their intermediate filament networks sustained only minor damage at cell strains as high as 100%. Electron microscopy of stretched cells suggests that intermediate filaments are straightened at high cell strains, and therefore likely to be loaded in tension. Furthermore, the buckling behavior of intermediate filament bundles in cells after stretching is consistent with the emerging view that intermediate filaments are far less stiff than the two other major cytoskeletal components F-actin and microtubules. These insights into the mechanical behavior of keratinocytes and the cytokeratin network provide important baseline information for current attempts to understand the biophysical basis of genetic diseases caused by mutations in intermediate filament genes

    Proximity mapping of desmosomes reveals a striking shift in their molecular neighbourhood associated with maturation

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    Desmosomes are multiprotein adhesion complexes that link intermediate filaments to the plasma membrane, ensuring the mechanical integrity of cells across tissues, but how they participate in the wider signalling network to exert their full function is unclear. To investigate this we carried out protein proximity mapping using biotinylation (BioID). The combined interactomes of the essential desmosomal proteins desmocollin 2a, plakoglobin and plakophilin 2a (Pkp2a) in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells were mapped and their differences and commonalities characterised as desmosome matured from Ca2+-dependence to the mature, Ca2+-independent, hyper-adhesive state, which predominates in tissues. Results suggest that individual desmosomal proteins have distinct roles in connecting to cellular signalling pathways and that these roles alter substantially when cells change their adhesion state. The data provide further support for a dualistic concept of desmosomes in which the properties of Pkp2a differ from those of the other, more stable proteins. This body of data provides an invaluable resource for the analysis of desmosome function

    Defolliculated (Dfl): a dominant mouse mutation leading to poor sebaceous gland differentiation and total elimination of pelage follicles

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    Defolliculated is a novel spontaneous mouse mutation that maps to chromosome 11 close to the type I keratin locus. Histology shows abnormal differentiation of the sebaceous gland, with the sebocytes producing little or no sebum and undergoing abnormal cornification. The hair follicles fail to regress during catagen leading to abnormally long follicles. In contrast the hair shafts are shorter than normal, suggesting altered differentiation or proliferation of matrix cells during anagen. The shafts emerge from the follicle with cornified material still attached. The dermis contains increased numbers of immune cells, including T cells (CD4-positive), macrophages, and mast cells, at all time points examined. Complete elimination of all pelage and tail follicles occurs after two to three hair cycles, apparently by necrosis. Defolliculated may be a useful model for determining further functions of the sebaceous gland, and for understanding the regulation of catagen and hair follicle immunology

    The mechanical behavior of mutant K14-R125P keratin bundles and networks in NEB-1 keratinocytes

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    Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) is an inherited skin-blistering disease that is caused by dominant mutations in the genes for keratin K5 or K14 proteins. While the link between keratin mutations and keratinocyte fragility in EBS patients is clear, the exact biophysical mechanisms underlying cell fragility are not known. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that mutant K14-R125P filaments and/or networks in human keratinocytes are mechanically defective in their response to large-scale deformations. We found that mutant filaments and networks exhibit no obvious defects when subjected to large uniaxial strains and have no negative effects on the ability of human keratinocytes to survive large strains. We also found that the expression of mutant K14-R125P protein has no effect on the morphology of the F-actin or microtubule networks or their responses to large strains. Disassembly of the F-actin network with Latrunculin A unexpectedly led to a marked decrease in stretch-induced necrosis in both WT and mutant cells. Overall, our results contradict the hypotheses that EBS mutant keratin filaments and/or networks are mechanically defective. We suggest that future studies should test the alternative hypothesis that keratinocytes in EBS cells are fragile because they possess a sparser keratin network

    A functional SNP associated with atopic dermatitis controls cell type-specific methylation of the VSTM1 gene locus

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    Abstract Background: Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) databases represent a valuable resource to link disease-associated SNPs to specific candidate genes whose gene expression is significantly modulated by the SNP under investigation. We previously identified signal inhibitory receptor on leukocytes-1 (SIRL-1) as a powerful regulator of human innate immune cell function. While it is constitutively high expressed on neutrophils, on monocytes the SIRL-1 surface expression varies strongly between individuals. The underlying mechanism of regulation, its genetic control as well as potential clinical implications had not been explored yet. Methods: Whole blood eQTL data of a Chinese cohort was used to identify SNPs regulating the expression of VSTM1, the gene encoding SIRL-1. The genotype effect was validated by flow cytometry (cell surface expression), correlated with electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and bisulfite sequencing (C-methylation) and its functional impact studied the inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Results: We found a significant association of a single CpG-SNP, rs612529T/C, located in the promoter of VSTM1. Through flow cytometry analysis we confirmed that primarily in the monocytes the protein level of SIRL-1 is strongly associated with genotype of this SNP. In monocytes, the T allele of this SNP facilitates binding of the transcription factors YY1 and PU.1, of which the latter has been recently shown to act as docking site for modifiers of DNA methylation. In line with this notion rs612529T associates with a complete demethylation of the VSTM1 promoter correlating with the allele-specific upregulation of SIRL-1 expression. In monocytes, this upregulation strongly impacts the IgA-induced production of ROS by these cells. Through targeted association analysis we found a significant Meta P value of 1.14 × 10⁻⁶ for rs612529 for association to atopic dermatitis (AD). Conclusion: Low expression of SIRL-1 on monocytes is associated with an increased risk for the manifestation of an inflammatory skin disease. It thus underlines the role of both the cell subset and this inhibitory immune receptor in maintaining immune homeostasis in the skin. Notably, the genetic regulation is achieved by a single CpG-SNP, which controls the overall methylation state of the promoter gene segment