122 research outputs found

    Open access week at OCAD University: Post-event brief

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    Altruism: Biological Rationale vs. Christian Love Command

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    The idea of altruism and self-sacrifice appears counter to a simple view of evolution. While a “survival of the fittest” mindset occurs in some Darwinian views, there are counter-examples of animals and humans with cooperative, pro-social, and even self-sacrificial behavior. Social animals such as bees and ants work for the community and provide for the queen due to a haploid-diploid system of genetic relatedness. Some humans sacrifice their lives and money to promote the well-being of others even without genetic relatedness and, rarely, without reciprocity. We will explore why human animals often help people who are less fortunate by giving away financial and time resources. Such behaviors appear to violate natural law. A further complication in human behavior is the “do unto others” teaching in several religions including the Christian love command

    Learning outcomes assessment revisited: A new instructor’s perspective

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    Learning Outcomes Assessment (LOA) has been a key component of lesson planning in information literacy for some time now. This poster session will trace the LOA movement back to its roots in scientific management, explore its value to the mission of information literacy while also detail its limitations. Drawing on the library and information science literature, theories from critical pedagogy, and my own experience in teaching, this poster session intends to argue that while LOA misses out on crucial aspects of teaching and learning, it can in fact provide a powerful mechanism to aid new instructors in developing their practice
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