381 research outputs found

    The World Trade Center health surveillance program: results of the first 10 years and implications for prevention.

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    BACKGROUND: The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) of September 11, 2001 resulted in the deaths of 2,823 persons. They also generated a long-lasting burden of multiple physical and mental health illnesses among the cohort of 50,000 rescue workers who responded to the attacks and in the 400,000 residents and workers in nearby areas of New York City. A comprehensive health surveillance program was developed from the first months after the accidents and was further developed in the subsequent ears. Individual exposure and health data were stored in ad hoc databases and produced epidemiological outcomes on the various exposure-related illnesses. METHODS: About 10 years of longitudinal assessment of this large cohort of WTC rescue and recovery workers, yielded data from participants in the WTC Screening, Monitoring, and Treatment Program. Police officers, firefighters, construction workers, and municipal workers were included in the cohort. Cumulative and annual incidence were estimated for various physical disorders including asthma, sinusitis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease, mental health disorders including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD], and panic disorder. Respiratory functionality was also assessed. Exposure was characterized with qualitative parameter including working on the pile and being engulfed in the dust cloud, and quantitative parameters including the time of arrival on site and the exposure duration. RESULTS: Upper and lower respiratory conditions such as rhinosinusitis and asthma have been found in a significant number of people in WTC-exposed populations. A lack of appropriate respiratory protection may have contributed to these effects. Other commonly observed physical health conditions include gastro-esophageal reflux disease, obstructive sleep apnea and musculo-skeletal injuries. Many WTC-exposed individuals also suffer from mental health conditions, primarily post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, panic disorder, and substantial stress reaction. Recent studies suggest that WTC exposure may increase the risk of cancer and of mortality from cardiac disease. CONCLUSION: Ten years of systematic health surveillance after the 9/11 WTC attacks, show long lasting burden of physical and mental health problems. Continued monitoring and treatment of this population is needed for early diagnoses of initial clinical conditions that can be treated more effectively. The experience of September 11 offers also indications on how to approach the acute and delayed health effects of civilian catastrophes. Critical lessons are derived about the importance of having trained responders--medical and non-medical--in place in advance of disasters, and about the need to proceed with adequate exposure assessment in a timely manner

    Mortality and ambient fine particles in southwest Mexico City, 1993-1995.

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    ++Epidemiologic studies have focused attention on the health effects of fine particulate air pollutants <2.5 microm in diameter (PM2.5). To further characterize the potential effects of fine particles, we investigated the relationship of air pollution t

    Estimating the global burden of disease of mild mental retardation and cardiovascular diseases from environmental lead exposure.

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    Abstract The disease burden from exposure to lead resulting in mild mental retardation (due to IQ point decreases) and cardiovascular outcomes (due to increases in blood pressure) was estimated at a global level. Blood lead levels were compiled from the literature for 14 geographical regions defined by the World Health Organization according to location and adult and child mortality rates. Adjustments were applied to these levels, where appropriate, to account for recent changes relating to the implementation of leadreduction programs and the lower levels seen in rural populations. It is estimated that mild mental retardation and cardiovascular outcomes resulting from exposure to lead amount to almost 1% of the global burden of disease, with the highest burden in developing regions. This estimate can be used to assess the magnitude of the benefits that could be accrued by increasing the global coverage of lead-reduction programs.

    Enduring Mental Health Morbidity and Social Function Impairment in World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery, and Cleanup Workers: The Psychological Dimension of an Environmental Health Disaster

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    Background The World Trade Center (WTC) attacks exposed thousands of workers to hazardous environmental conditions and psychological trauma. In 2002, to assess the health of these workers, Congress directed the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to establish the WTC Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program. This program has established a large cohort of WTC rescue, recovery, and cleanup workers. We previously documented extensive pulmonary dysfunction in this cohort related to toxic environmental exposures. Objectives Our objective in this study was to describe mental health outcomes, social function impairment, and psychiatric comorbidity in the WTC worker cohort, as well as perceived symptomatology in workers’ children. Methods Ten to 61 months after the WTC attack, 10,132 WTC workers completed a self-administered mental health questionnaire. Results Of the workers who completd the questionnaire, 11.1% met criteria for probable post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 8.8% met criteria for probable depression, 5.0% met criteria for probable panic disorder, and 62% met criteria for substantial stress reaction. PTSD prevalence was comparable to that seen in returning Afghanistan war veterans and was much higher than in the U.S. general population. Point prevalence declined from 13.5% to 9.7% over the 5 years of observation. Comorbidity was extensive and included extremely high risks for impairment of social function. PTSD was significantly associated with loss of family members and friends, disruption of family, work, and social life, and higher rates of behavioral symptoms in children of workers. Conclusions Working in 9/11 recovery operations is associated with chronic impairment of mental health and social functioning. Psychological distress and psychopathology in WTC workers greatly exceed population norms. Surveillance and treatment programs continue to be needed