21 research outputs found

    Postulates and Proposals of Members of the Polish Government-in-Exile for Poland’s Economic Security in the Context of the Reconstruction of the State in 1944–1945: Selected Examples

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    The article aims to indicate selected, postulated directions of Poland’s economic recovery in the early years after World War II, considering the contribution made by the Polish Government-in-Exile (Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile). The analysis includes a query of archival documents from 1944–1945 and a review of scientific literature. The thesis has been put forward that the substantive developments from the years 1944–1945 prepared by the Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile may constitute a valuable cognitive source for the analysis of possible directions of reconstruction and development of the Polish economy after the destruction caused by the events of World War II. It has been shown that the Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile created numerous studies on the economic recovery of the country after World War II, even before the armed conflict formally ended. Many of the valuable guidelines referred to the reconstruction and development of the coal mining industry, oil industry, and forest management

    Legal regulations in the field of cultural heritage protection in Poland after 1989 – evaluation attempt

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    This article attempts to analyze the legal regulations developed in the field of cultural heritage protection after 1989, with particular reference to the acquis after 2003. A thesis has been formulated that the period after 1989 was characterized by a clear redefinition of objectives and priorities in the field of cultural heritage protection compared to the period of the People’s Republic of Poland. To prove the thesis, the author referred to legal acts and jurisprudence, as well as to literature based on studies and articles from scientific journals on the legal protection of monuments. The research methods used were the legal acts analysis method and the literature analysis method. The presented content shows that the issue of legal protection of cultural heritage in Poland after 1989 was treated as one of the most important aspects of the long-term cultural policy of the state, although the work on the new law lasted for a relatively long time, 14 years after the political and structural transformation. The 2003 Act regulated a number of important issues regarding the protection of monuments and the care for monuments, redefining, and in many aspects setting, new directions in the field of cultural heritage protection in Poland. At the same time the legislator rejected the possibility of continuing the direction in this sphere, which had been chosen in the period between 1944 and 1989

    Wybrane obszary i rezultaty działań Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa na rzecz ochrony zabytków i opieki nad zabytkami w latach 2015-2019

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    In the article, the subject of considerations is the effects of actions of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in selected areas of monument protection and care in the years 2015-2019. The undertaken subject corresponds to the protection of cultural heritage in the context of strengthening the cultural security of the Republic of Poland. The purpose of the considerations is to present the results of the activities of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in the system of protection and care of monuments in Poland, in the years 2015-2019, taking into account selected areas of task implementation by the cultural institution under study. The analysis is based on statistical data published by the National Institute of Cultural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as NID) in periodic and annual reports on the activities of the institution, in additional reports, as well as on scientific literature on the protection and care of historical monuments. In the article, it was established that NID has carried out numerous activities for the protection and care of monuments, and thus the protection of cultural heritage in the context of strengthening the cultural security of the Republic of Poland. The main areas of activities of NID concerned maintaining records and documentation of monuments, monitoring and counteracting threats to cultural heritage, as well as performance of training and information tasks. Opinions and expertise issued for public administration bodies and the implementation of programmes for the protection and care of monuments were important.Przedmiotem rozważań w artykule jest problematyka efektów działań podjętych przez Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa w wybranych obszarach ochrony zabytków i opieki nad zabytkami w latach 2015-2019. Podejmowana tematyka koresponduje z ochroną dziedzictwa kulturowego w kontekście wzmacniania bezpieczeństwa kulturowego RP. Celem rozważań jest przedstawienie rezultatów działań NID w systemie ochrony i opieki nad zabytkami w Polsce w latach 2015-2019, z uwzględnieniem wybranych dziedzin realizacji zadań przez opisywaną instytucję kultury. Analizę oparto na danych statystycznych opublikowanych przez Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa w okresowych, rocznych sprawozdaniach z działalności instytucji, dodatkowych raportach, a ponadto na literaturze naukowej z problematyki ochrony i opieki nad zabytkami. W artykule ustalono, że NID realizował liczne działania na rzecz ochrony i opieki nad zabytkami, a tym samym ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego w kontekście wzmacniania bezpieczeństwa kulturowego RP. Główne obszary działań NID dotyczyły ewidencjonowania i dokumentowania zabytków, monitorowania i przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom dla dziedzictwa kulturowego, a także realizowania zadań szkoleniowo-informacyjnych. Ważne były wydawane opinie i ekspertyzy dla organów administracji publicznej i realizacja programów na rzecz ochrony i opieki nad zabytkami

    Warunki i problemy funkcjonowania Polaków w wybranych odległych regionach Związku Sowieckiego w dokumentach Ambasady RP w Moskwie-Kujbyszewie w latach 1941–1943

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    Restytucja polskich dóbr kultury w Polsce – uwagi de lege lata i podstawy oceny systemu. Przyczynek do dyskusji

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    The article aims to present the legal and factual state of restitution of Polish cultural property and point out selected, interesting doubts, problems, and disputable issues related to applying the current law. The analysis is based on legal regulations, the latest literature, and statistics on the effectiveness of restitution of cultural property in Poland in 2011-2017. The thesis was put forward that a coherent system of restitution of cultural property, before the adoption and against the background of application of the Act on Restitution of National Cultural Assets, has not yet been developed in Poland. The regulation can be treated as an essential way to stimulate change and increase the importance of the restitution of cultural assets. Restitution of Polish cultural property in the years 2011-2017 is a complex process, encountering various problems. The adoption of the Act on the Restitution of National Cultural Assets, despite numerous critical voices, may constitute a critical developmental impulse due to numerous difficulties in the effective enforcement of the restitution idea in Poland recently.Celem artykułu jest przestawienie stanu prawno-faktycznego restytucji polskich dóbr kultury oraz wskazanie na wybrane, interesujące wątpliwości, problemy i kwestie sporne związane ze stosowaniem obowiązującego prawa. Analizę oparto na przepisach prawnych, najnowszym piśmiennictwie i statystykach skuteczności restytucji dóbr kultury w Polsce w latach 2011-2017. Postawiono tezę, że w Polsce nie udało się wypracować spójnego systemu restytucji dóbr kultury, zarówno przed uchwaleniem, jak i na tle stosowania ustawy o restytucji narodowych dóbr kultury. Regulację można traktować, jako istotny sposób pobudzenia zmian oraz zwiększenia rangi problematyki restytucji dóbr kultury. Restytucja polskich dóbr kultury w latach 2011-2017 to proces złożony, napotykający na szereg problemów. Przyjęcie ustawy o restytucji narodowych dóbr kultury, mimo licznych głosów krytycznych, może stanowić ważny impuls rozwojowy ze względu na liczne trudności w skutecznym egzekwowaniu idei restytucyjnej w Polsce w ostatnim okresie

    Prometheism as a political and ideological assumption in correspondence of Polish Prometheus Group in London in the first years after the Second World War

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    The article presents the characteristics of Prometheism as a political and ideological concept in the first few years after the end of World War II. The analysis was based on archival material gathered in the Archives of the Józef Piłsudski Institute in London (hereinafter: AIJP in London) in Team No. 148: Prometheus, main contents contained in the correspondence (documents) of the Polish Promethean Group in London, and also in the literature. The thesis was put forward that in the first years after the end of World War II in the Polish emigration environment, Prometheism still appeared as a political and ideological assumption and also a measure whose implementation could contribute to the internal weakening of the USSR. It can be said that the implementation of the Promethean idea was continued by the Polish emigration environment also after the end of World War II. The Polish Promethean Group in London was the center of the Promethean affairs, inspiring the work of other centers, as well as analyzing the signifi cance of various initiatives inscribed in the vision of post-war Prometeism

    Wpis do rejestru zabytków jako forma administracyjnoprawnej ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego w Polsce – aspekty prawne i praktyczne

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    The aim of the article is to characterize entry in the register of monuments as a statutory form of administrative and legal protection of monuments in Poland and to identify regional disparities (differences) in the practice of implementation of entry in the register of monuments in provinces, as at the end of June 2018. The thesis was put forward that entry in the register of monuments is an important way of protecting cultural assets in Poland after 2003, while the practice of use of the identified administrative and legal form of monument protection may testify to the particularly rich historical stock of some Polish provinces. Entry in the register of monuments is a necessary administrative and legal measure for protection of monuments in a democratic state that takes care of the development of cultural resources. The condition of culture depends largely on protection of monuments. Monuments in Poland are characterized by significant diversity in terms of geographical distribution and costs of their protection.Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka wpisu do rejestru zabytków jako ustawowej formy administracyjnoprawnej ochrony zabytków w Polsce i identyfikacja dysproporcji (różnic) regionalnych w praktyce realizacji wpisu do rejestru zabytków w województwach, według stanu na koniec czerwca 2018 roku. Postawiono tezę, że wpis do rejestru zabytków to ważny sposób ochrony dóbr kultury w Polsce po 2003 roku, natomiast praktyka korzystania z zidentyfikowanej administracyjnoprawnej formy ochrony zabytków może świadczyć o szczególnie bogatych zasobach zabytkowych niektórych polskich województw. Wpis do rejestru zabytków to niezbędny środek administracyjnoprawnej ochrony zabytków w państwie demokratycznym dbającym o rozwój zasobów kulturowych. Stan kultury zależy w dużej mierze od ochrony zabytków. Zabytki w Polsce cechuje istotne zróżnicowanie pod względem geograficznego rozmieszczenia czy kosztów ich ochrony

    Bezpieczeństwo kulturowe na obszarze Unii Europejskiej w aspekcie wybranych uwarunkowań ekonomiki kultury

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    The subject of the article is cultural security analyzed from the perspective of the economics of such security, and more broadly cultural economics. The analysis is based on statistical data published by Eurostat, reports from this statistical institution, and a critical analysis of scientific literature. The considerations aim to comparatively analyze trends and phenomena occurring in relation to selected spheres of cultural economics and cultural security in EU countries in 2011-2018. The article establishes that the selected economic conditions formed after 2011 may have positively impacted the state of cultural security in EU countries. That was primarily determined by the increase in employment in the cultural sector, the promotion of sustainable employment based on gender parity, and the continually increasing number of enterprises offering access to cultural goods and services. The disparities between EU countries in household expenditure on culture were a weakening factor.Przedmiotem rozważań w artykule jest bezpieczeństwo kulturowe analizowane z perspektywy ekonomiki takiego bezpieczeństwa, a szerzej: ekonomiki kultury. Analizę oparto na danych statystycznych opublikowanych przez Eurostat, raportach tej instytucji statystycznej oraz krytycznej analizie literatury naukowej. Celem rozważań jest komparatystyczna analiza tendencji oraz zjawisk zachodzących w odniesieniu do wybranych sfer ekonomiki kultury i bezpieczeństwa kulturowego w krajach UE w latach 2011-2018. W artykule ustalono, że ukształtowane po 2011 roku, wybrane uwarunkowania ekonomiczne mogły korzystnie oddziaływać na stan bezpieczeństwa kulturowego w państwach UE. Przesądzały o tym zwłaszcza wzrost zatrudnienia w sektorze kulturalnym, promocja zrównoważonego zatrudnienia opartego na parytecie płci oraz stale zwiększająca się liczba przedsiębiorstw oferujących dostęp do dóbr i usług kulturalnych. Czynnikiem osłabiającym były z kolei dysproporcje między państwami UE w wydatkach gospodarstw domowych na kulturę

    Wybrane przejawy sowietyzacji Ukraińskiej Socjalistycznej Republiki Radzieckiej na początku lat trzydziestych XX wieku w rozpoznaniu Oddziału II Sztabu Głównego Wojska Polskiego i władz politycznych II RP — część I

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    The aim of this article is to present selected facts and tendencies proving the increasing sovietization of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the early 1930s. The analysis is based on archival material collected in the Józef Piłsudski Institute of America and current scientific literature. A thesis was put forward that the sovietization phenomenon of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic appeared in various forms and proved harmful to the implementation of Ukrainian national slogans in the early 1930s. The presented arguments allow to conclude that at the turn of the 1920s and the 1930s sovietization replaced the earlier policy of Ukrainization in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The sovietization tendencies were reflected in economic reforms (especially in agriculture and industry), political and administrative transformation, or changes in the spirit of socialist society. The sovietization of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, as an important postulate implemented by the communist authorities, was one of the forms of opposition to nationalist slogans that indicated the need for reconstruction of Ukraine independent of the Soviet Union.The aim of this article is to present selected facts and tendencies proving the increasing sovietization of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the early 1930s. The analysis is based on archival material collected in the Józef Piłsudski Institute of America and current scientific literature. A thesis was put forward that the sovietization phenomenon of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic appeared in various forms and proved harmful to the implementation of Ukrainian national slogans in the early 1930s. The presented arguments allow to conclude that at the turn of the 1920s and the 1930s sovietization replaced the earlier policy of Ukrainization in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The sovietization tendencies were reflected in economic reforms (especially in agriculture and industry), political and administrative transformation, or changes in the spirit of socialist society. The sovietization of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, as an important postulate implemented by the communist authorities, was one of the forms of opposition to nationalist slogans that indicated the need for reconstruction of Ukraine independent of the Soviet Union

    Wybrane dziedziny aktywności Francuskiej Misji Wojskowej w Polsce w latach 1919–1921 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kontekstu wojny polsko-bolszewickiej

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    Избранные сферы деятельности Французской военной миссии в Польше в 1919–1921 годах в контексте Советско-польской войныВ статье поставлена цель — показать роль и избранные сферы деятельности французской военной миссии в Польше в 1919–1921 годах, совпадающих по времени с советско -польской войной. Данный анализ опирается на архивные материалы, находящиеся в архиве Института Юзефа Пилсудского в Америке. В статье выдвинут тезис о важности деятельности французской военной миссии в Польше в подготовке почвы для развития польского военного потенциала, а также в контроле за ходом и результатами советско-польской войны. Представленные в статье аргументы позволяют утверждать, что французская военная миссия в Польше сыграла содействующую роль в развитии военного потенциала Войска Польского. Офицеры, выбранные для реализации этой миссии, выполняли разные роли, главным образом оказывали услуги по технической поддержке и проводили инструкторско-методические занятия. Кроме того, французы реализовали свои собственные цели — разведку ситуации на фронте советско-польской войны. Selected fi elds of activity of the French Military Missions in Poland in the years 1919–1921 with particular emphasis on the context of the Polish-Boshevik WarThe purpose of the article was to present the role and selected areas of activity of the French Military Missions in Poland in the years 1919–1921, overlapping with the duration of the Polish-Bolshevik War. The analysis was based on archival material collected in the archives of the Joseph Pilsudski Institute in America. A thesis on the vital activity of the French Military Missions in Poland was prepared during preparations for the development of the Polish military potential, as well as during monitoring the course and results of the Polish-Bolshevik war. The arguments put forward indicate that the French Military Mission in Poland played a supporting role in the development of the military capabilities of the Polish Army. Officers assigned to this mission played various roles, with a dominant share of technical support and instructor-training advice provided to the Polish army. In addition, the French were pursuing their own goals for identifying the situation at the front of the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1919–1921. Избранные сферы деятельности Французской военной миссии в Польше в 1919–1921 годах в контексте Советско-польской войныВ статье поставлена цель — показать роль и избранные сферы деятельности французской военной миссии в Польше в 1919–1921 годах, совпадающих по времени с советско -польской войной. Данный анализ опирается на архивные материалы, находящиеся в архиве Института Юзефа Пилсудского в Америке. В статье выдвинут тезис о важности деятельности французской военной миссии в Польше в подготовке почвы для развития польского военного потенциала, а также в контроле за ходом и результатами советско-польской войны. Представленные в статье аргументы позволяют утверждать, что французская военная миссия в Польше сыграла содействующую роль в развитии военного потенциала Войска Польского. Офицеры, выбранные для реализации этой миссии, выполняли разные роли, главным образом оказывали услуги по технической поддержке и проводили инструкторско-методические занятия. Кроме того, французы реализовали свои собственные цели — разведку ситуации на фронте советско-польской войны. Selected fi elds of activity of the French Military Missions in Poland in the years 1919–1921 with particular emphasis on the context of the Polish-Boshevik WarThe purpose of the article was to present the role and selected areas of activity of the French Military Missions in Poland in the years 1919–1921, overlapping with the duration of the Polish-Bolshevik War. The analysis was based on archival material collected in the archives of the Joseph Pilsudski Institute in America. A thesis on the vital activity of the French Military Missions in Poland was prepared during preparations for the development of the Polish military potential, as well as during monitoring the course and results of the Polish-Bolshevik war. The arguments put forward indicate that the French Military Mission in Poland played a supporting role in the development of the military capabilities of the Polish Army. Officers assigned to this mission played various roles, with a dominant share of technical support and instructor-training advice provided to the Polish army. In addition, the French were pursuing their own goals for identifying the situation at the front of the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1919–1921