1,242 research outputs found

    An automatic deep learning approach for coronary artery calcium segmentation

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    Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is a significant marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events. In this work we present a system for the automatic quantification of calcium score in ECG-triggered non-contrast enhanced cardiac computed tomography (CT) images. The proposed system uses a supervised deep learning algorithm, i.e. convolutional neural network (CNN) for the segmentation and classification of candidate lesions as coronary or not, previously extracted in the region of the heart using a cardiac atlas. We trained our network with 45 CT volumes; 18 volumes were used to validate the model and 56 to test it. Individual lesions were detected with a sensitivity of 91.24%, a specificity of 95.37% and a positive predicted value (PPV) of 90.5%; comparing calcium score obtained by the system and calcium score manually evaluated by an expert operator, a Pearson coefficient of 0.983 was obtained. A high agreement (Cohen's k = 0.879) between manual and automatic risk prediction was also observed. These results demonstrated that convolutional neural networks can be effectively applied for the automatic segmentation and classification of coronary calcifications

    Sub-Doppler laser cooling of potassium atoms

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    We investigate sub-Doppler laser cooling of bosonic potassium isotopes, whose small hyperfine splitting has so far prevented cooling below the Doppler temperature. We find instead that the combination of a dark optical molasses scheme that naturally arises in this kind of systems and an adiabatic ramping of the laser parameters allows to reach sub-Doppler temperatures for small laser detunings. We demonstrate temperatures as low as 25(3)microK and 47(5)microK in high-density samples of the two isotopes 39K and 41K, respectively. Our findings will find application to other atomic systems.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Crossing Over from Attractive to Repulsive Interactions in a Tunneling Bosonic Josephson Junction

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    We explore the interplay between tunneling and interatomic interactions in the dynamics of a bosonic Josephson junction. We tune the scattering length of an atomic 39^{39}K Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a double-well trap to investigate regimes inaccessible to other superconducting or superfluid systems. In the limit of small-amplitude oscillations, we study the transition from Rabi to plasma oscillations by crossing over from attractive to repulsive interatomic interactions. We observe a critical slowing down in the oscillation frequency by increasing the strength of an attractive interaction up to the point of a quantum phase transition. With sufficiently large initial oscillation amplitude and repulsive interactions the system enters the macroscopic quantum self-trapping regime, where we observe coherent undamped oscillations with a self-sustained average imbalance of the relative well population. The exquisite agreement between theory and experiments enables the observation of a broad range of many body coherent dynamical regimes driven by tunable tunneling energy, interactions and external forces, with applications spanning from atomtronics to quantum metrology.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, supplemental materials are include

    Paleoecology and paleobiogeography of fossil mollusks from Isabela

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    Quantitative analysis of the epithelial lining architecture in radicular cysts and odontogenic keratocysts

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    BACKGROUND: This paper describes a quantitative analysis of the cyst lining architecture in radicular cysts (of inflammatory aetiology) and odontogenic keratocysts (thought to be developmental or neoplastic) including its 2 counterparts: solitary and associated with the Basal Cell Naevus Syndrome (BCNS). METHODS: Epithelial linings from 150 images (from 9 radicular cysts, 13 solitary keratocysts and 8 BCNS keratocysts) were segmented into theoretical cells using a semi-automated partition based on the intensity of the haematoxylin stain which defined exclusive areas relative to each detected nucleus. Various morphometrical parameters were extracted from these "cells" and epithelial layer membership was computed using a systematic clustering routine. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were observed across the 3 cyst types both at the morphological and architectural levels of the lining. Case-wise discrimination between radicular cysts and keratocyst was highly accurate (with an error of just 3.3%). However, the odontogenic keratocyst subtypes could not be reliably separated into the original classes, achieving discrimination rates slightly above random allocations (60%). CONCLUSION: The methodology presented is able to provide new measures of epithelial architecture and may help to characterise and compare tissue spatial organisation as well as provide useful procedures for automating certain aspects of histopathological diagnosis

    EUV emission lines and diagnostics observed with Hinode/EIS

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    Quiet Sun and active region spectra from the Hinode/EIS instrument are presented, and the strongest lines from different temperature regions discussed. A list of emission lines recommended to be included in EIS observation studies is presented based on analysis of blending and diagnostic potential using the CHIANTI atomic database. In addition we identify the most useful density diagnostics from the ions covered by EIS.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PASJ Hinode first results issu

    Improving plastic management by means of people awareness

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    In past decades the usage of plastic has seen a tremendous increment. This raise is mainly caused by industrial development and by the spread of this material in every aspect of people life, from food package to aerospace application. For sure plastic has a key role in society and it is not possible to erase, nevertheless its overuse has a serious impact on the environment as well know. In particular, just a few percentage of the total amount of plastic is recycled, the rest has to be landfilled or burnt causing serious pollution side effect. This poor circularity in plastic value chain is mainly caused by difficulties in sorting processes and expensiveness of recycling. By the way a great part of plastic applications could be avoided without implying a reduction in life quality for the people. In addition, a better education in plastic objects shopping and plastic waste management could decrease the difficulties in sorting and recycling. One of the crucial reason why these applications and incorrect behaviour are still present is that the information on alternatives are not present or very hard to be found. In the present paper a novel platform to enhance a more plastic-free life is presented. First a detailed description of the problem is stated, then the process to achieve the proposed solution is described. Finally the platform prototype is analysed in details among its functionalities

    Attachment forerunners, dyadic sensitivity and development of the child in families with a preterm born baby

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to explore attachment forerunners and dyadic sensitivity in the family with preterm born child. Methods: 89 families, 35 with preterm born children ( 2500 gr.) were studied from 3 months to 1 year corrected age (267 total subjects). Mother-child and father-child couples were subjected to CARE-Index and both parents to DAS, CES-D and STAI Y-2. The child\u2019s psychomotor development was assessed by Bayley Scales. Results: The mothers of preterm children presented high risk interactive behaviors at CARE-Index (low scores at Dyadic Sensitivity Scale, p = .000), high anxiety (p = .003) and depression (p = .03). Preterm fathers presented low scores at Dyadic Sensitivity Scale (p = .000) and high anxiety (p = .024). In interaction, attachment forerunners suggest an insecure attachment in preterm mothers (p = .001) and fathers (p = .000) and in preterm children in the interaction with the mother (p = .028). These risk factors were correlated, in both parents, with low performance of the child at Bayley Scales (p =.04). Fathers of preterm children presented also a negative perception of the child and an unsatisfied perception of the hospital care. Conclusions: The results show in the preterm family that 40% of mothers and 75% of fathers are in high risk area suggested by CARE-Index. In these cases, insecure attachment forerunners, low dyadic sensitivity and psychological difficulties (couple conflicts, anxiety, depression) seem to influence the psychomotor development of the preterm child

    L’influenza dell’attaccamento e della sensibilità diadica genitorialesullo sviluppo psicomotorio del bambino nato pretermine

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    Lo scopo di questa ricerca è studiare i precursori dell’attaccamento e la sensibilità diadica genitoriale nelle famiglie con bambino nato pretermine. Sono state considerate 110 famiglie delle quali 55 con figli nati pretermine ( peso alla nascita < 1500 gr.) per un totale di 330 soggetti valutati durante i primi sei mesi di età corretta del bambino. Le diadi madre-bambino e padre-bambino sono state sottoposte al CARE-Index, una procedura videoregistrata per la valutazione dei precursori dell’attaccamento; ad entrambi i genitori sono stati somministrati CES-D, per la valutazione della depressione e STAI Y-2, per la valutazione dell’ansia di tratto. Lo sviluppo psicomotorio dei neonati è stato valutato tramite le scale Bayley. Rispetto ai controlli, nelle madri dei bambini pretermine sono stati evidenziati bassi punteggi di Sensibilità Diadica al CARE-Index (p=.025) ed elevati livelli di ansia (p=.026). Nei padri sono stati riscontrati bassi punteggi di Sensibilità Diadica (p=.004) e alti livelli di sintomi depressivi (p=.003). Nelle famiglie pretermine i precursori dell’attaccamento sono più frequentemente di tipo insicuro nelle madri (p=.000) e nei padri (p=.000), mentre nei neonati solo nell’interazione con la madre (p=012). Questi fattori sono risultati associati a minori punteggi alle scale Bayley (p=.000). Nelle madri dei neonati pretermine si riscontrano frequenti difficoltà con la famiglia di origine, nei padri una percezione negativa del proprio bambino e una maggiore insoddisfazione per l’assistenza ricevuta. Questi risultati evidenziano che il 40% delle madri e il 75% dei padri dei bambini nati pretermine rientra nella fascia ad alto rischio del CARE-Index (che richiede un trattamento psicologico e/o farmacologico). In tali casi, la scarsa sensibilità diadica, i precursori di attaccamento insicuro e le difficoltà psicologiche dei genitori sembrano influenzare lo sviluppo psicomotorio del bambino
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