431 research outputs found

    Fa.C.E. – Farsi Comunità Educanti: integrazione nei servizi educativi e di cura per l’infanzia

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    Fa.C.E., progetto triennale, aveva come obiettivo creare “le condizioni per costruire una comunità educante che porti alla ridefinizione delle politiche educative nelle aree coinvolte” (FRC, 2017). Questo articolo analizzerà alcune delle sue strategie innovative anche alla luce delle Successful Educational Actions per inclusione e coesione sociale (Flecha 2014), la teoria del capitale sociale (Putnam, 2000; Hollis, 1998; Uhlaner, 1989) e il Reggio Emilia Approach (Dahlberg et al., 2007, Rinaldi, 2006).Fa.C.E., a 3-years project has as core objective creating “the conditions to build an educating community which would lead to a redefinition of educational policies in the areas involved” (FRC, 2017). This article will analyze some of its innovative strategies also in the light of the Successful Educational Actions for inclusion and social cohesion (Flecha 2014), social capital theory (Putnam, 2000; Hollis, 1998; Uhlaner, 1989) and Reggio Emilia Approach (Dahlberg et al., 2007, Rinaldi, 2006)

    The Italian evaluation reform tries to change teaching methods: can professional development help?

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    This research takes the lead from the change in Italian primary school evaluation system, initiated during the 2020-21 school year (the reform decree OM172, from here on). The system changed from a 0-10 grade scale to a criterion-based evaluation (Ebel, Frisbie, 1965), with 4 levels based on 4 dimensions: autonomy, use of resources, known and unknown context and continuity. Widely unprepared schools reached out to university for professional development (PD) modules that could help them in the transition. This created the condition for a mixed-methods and case study research aiming at investigating two main areas: on one hand how teacher’s habitus and preconceived ideas of teaching and learning shape their idea of evaluation, self-efficacy, and their willingness to welcome change; on the other hand, what type of PD, institutional culture and community of practice can support systemic change (Barnes in Russel & Mumby (eds.), 1992)

    Fa.C.E. – Farsi Comunità Educanti: integrazione nei servizi educativi e di cura per l’infanzia

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    Fa.C.E., a 3-years project has as core objective creating “the conditions to build an educating community which would lead to a redefinition of educational policies in the areas involved” (FRC, 2017). This article will analyze some of its innovative strategies also in the light of the Successful Educational Actions for inclusion and social cohesion (Flecha 2014), social capital theory (Putnam, 2000; Hollis, 1998; Uhlaner, 1989) and Reggio Emilia Approach (Dahlberg et al., 2007, Rinaldi, 2006).  Fa.C.E., progetto triennale, aveva come obiettivo creare “le condizioni per costruire una comunità educante che porti alla ridefinizione delle politiche educative nelle aree coinvolte” (FRC, 2017). Questo articolo analizzerà alcune delle sue strategie innovative anche alla luce delle Successful Educational Actions per inclusione e coesione sociale (Flecha 2014), la teoria del capitale sociale (Putnam, 2000; Hollis, 1998; Uhlaner, 1989) e il Reggio Emilia Approach (Dahlberg et al., 2007, Rinaldi, 2006).

    Una settimana al museo: un percorso di ricerca-formazione tra scuola primaria e museo

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    Questo contributo analizza il tentativo di alcuni insegnanti di classe quinta primaria di uscire dai confini della propria classe, attraverso l’esperienza di una settimana di scuola vissuta al museo. Il museo che accoglie la scuola è diventata occasione per un piccolo percorso di ricerca-formazione che ha coinvolto insegnanti, educatori museali e una ricercatrice attorno alle domande di ricerca: quali sono i vantaggi per gli studenti di poter vivere un’esperienza educativa co-progettata da insegnanti ed educatori museali, avendo il museo come ambiente di apprendimento? Quali nuove consapevolezze possono sviluppare gli insegnanti da un’esperienza come questa? Protocolli dei bambini e questionari raccolti prima e dopo l’esperienza mostrano come i costrutti di museo e trasformazioni si siano arricchiti e trasformati in loro a seguito dell’esperienza. Emerge inoltre un potenziamento di alcune soft skills, in particolare la capacità di lavorare in gruppo e di creare connessioni tra ambiti diversi del sapere, oltre ad un rinnovata dimensione estetica di approccio al sapere. Per le insegnanti, le osservazioni svolte durante la progettazione, le attività al museo e il focus group finale, evidenziano l’attivazione di processi riflessivi e l’aspirazione a modificare routine consolidate e aspetti della propria azione didattica

    Controllo del pescato in ambito nazionale e normativa vigente

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    Dagli anni cinquanta a oggi, l’approccio ispettivo ai prodotti della pesca ha subito cambiamenti con riferimento al mutamento della situazione socio-economico. Possiamo individuare tre modelli ispettivi, tradizionale, basato sull’HACCP e basato sul rischio

    CO2-Induced Transcriptional Reorganization: Molecular Basis of Capnophillic Lactic Fermentation in Thermotoga neapolitana

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    Capnophilic lactic fermentation (CLF) is a novel anaplerotic pathway able to convert sugars to lactic acid (LA) and hydrogen using CO2 as carbon enhancer in the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga neapolitana. In order to give further insights into CLF metabolic networks, we investigated the transcriptional modification induced by CO2 using a RNA-seq approach. Transcriptomic analysis revealed 1601 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in an enriched CO2 atmosphere over a total of 1938 genes of the T. neapolitana genome. Transcription of PFOR and LDH genes belonging to the CLF pathway was up-regulated by CO2 together with 6-phosphogluconolactonase (6PGL) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydratase (EDD) of the Entner–Doudoroff (ED) pathway. The transcriptomic study also revealed up-regulation of genes coding for the flavin-based enzymes NADH-dependent reduced ferredoxin:NADP oxidoreductase (NFN) and NAD-ferredoxin oxidoreductase (RNF) that control supply of reduced ferredoxin and NADH and allow energy conservation-based sodium translocation through the cell membrane. These results support the hypothesis that CO2 induces rearrangement of the central carbon metabolism together with activation of mechanisms that increase availability of the reducing equivalents that are necessary to sustain CLF. In this view, this study reports a first rationale of the molecular basis of CLF in T. neapolitana and provides a list of target genes for the biotechnological implementation of this process

    A Spatial Analysis to evaluate the Farm's structure and the Geography of Rural Areas: The case study of Mugello Area

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    In order to promote rural development public agricultural policies need to constantly adapt to the continuous change of socio-economic conditions of rural areas, related to both farm and territorial dynamics. Hence beyond the zoning provided by the European Commission and developed by Member States [art. 11 Reg. Ce 1698/2005], policy makers should take into account geography, farms characteristics and farmers attitude to acquire a deeper knowledge of these rural areas. This paper aims at supporting the design of proper agricultural policies focusing on the case-study of Mugello territory, a rural area located in the North of Tuscany, which includes both: intermediate rural areas and areas with development problems. This purpose is firstly pursued by generating a geo-referenced database able to develop a deeper analysis on the existing interactions between socio - economic attributes of farms, land use and agricultural policies. The study combined several sources of data: the 2010 Italian Agriculture Census, the Tuscany Regional Agency for Payments in Agriculture (ARTEA) database, and cover land data from the database Corine Land Cover (CLC-06), as updated to 2007 by LaMMA (Laboratory for Environment Monitoring and Modeling). The resulting sample is composed by 821 farms operating in the Mugello area which are split in four different farm styles according to their level of multifunctionality and enterpreunership capacity. Results show that Mugello territory is characterized by an internal differentiation, that determines the prevalence of different farm structure according to the sub-areas characteristics. Especially analyzing the distribution of payments related to area with development problems we note that there are still margins of improvement

    A spatial analysis of terrain features and farming styles in a disadvantaged area of Tuscany (Mugello): implications for the evaluation and the design of CAP payments

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    In recent times there has been a growing awareness of the role of agriculture in providing public goods and services, in particular in less favoured areas. However, since agriculture is an economic activity, its permanence implies that it should be able to generate a satisfactory income for farmers. Where this is not possible, due to natural constraints or adverse economic and market conditions, in order to maintain an adequate use of farmland it is necessary to provide public aid to farmers. In this framework, the design of proper interventions aimed to promote rural development in less favoured areas should be based on a deep knowledge at the farm and territorial level. As regards the territorial level, the RDP zoning [art. 11 Reg. Ce 1698/2005] developed by Member States on the base of the guidelines provided by the European Commission is very often not sufficient to adequately define the territorial characteristics of rural areas. The use of GIS techniques may help to handle this issue by providing a better and more detailed knowledge at the territorial level. Farm level is important insofar as aid effectiveness is usually strongly depending on the type of farm that is receiving it. Thus, a careful selection of beneficiaries could determine a more effective and efficient distribution of resources. This paper aims to provide a spatial analysis of natural constraints and types of farming style in Mugello area and to analyse their relations with CAP aid distribution. Both Single Payment Scheme (SPS) and Rural Development Programme (RDP) payments have been taken into account. The paper combines a GIS analysis of terrain features with the theoretical approach of farming styles. For this purpose, the study integrates several sources of data: the 2010 Italian Agriculture Census, the Tuscany Regional Agency for Payments in Agriculture (ARTEA) database, and land cover data from the database Corine Land Cover (CLC-06), as updated to 2007 by LAMMA (Laboratory for Environment Monitoring and Modelling). A geo-referenced database including socioeconomic attributes of farms, land use, and terrain characteristics has been generated in order to merge information at territorial and farm level. The results of this integrated analysis confirm that Mugello is a very heterogeneous area as regards terrain characteristics despite the fact that it is totally included in less favoured areas. On the other side, farm strategies and economic results seem to be related to entrepreneurial characteristics as much as to natural constraints. The analysis of Pillar I payments and RDP payments for farms located in this mountainous area shows a very complex situation where the strategies implemented by farmers of the strongest farming styles may successfully counteract natural constraints. Besides, in the Authors' opinion, the analyses performed highlight the importance of spatial analysis as a tool for evaluating how public resources are distributed on a territory, thus providing also useful information on the way this distribution could be improved, e.g. for ensuring a higher level of environmental services

    PCTO al museo: orientarsi al futuro

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    Leggendo le istanze contemporanee del contesto europeo e prospettando veloci cambiamenti della società e del mondo del lavoro, la Commissione insieme al Consiglio d’Europa (2018/C189/01) rilancia la centralità di un’istruzione di qualità chiamata a svolgere un ruolo chiave per l’acquisizione di competenze utili a cogliere le opportunità che si presentano anche in previsione dei cambiamenti che si verificano nel mondo del lavoro. In questa direzione il processo di istruzione, formazione e apprendimento viene posto al centro delle più recenti politiche europee. I PCTO si pongono come momento di confronto e scambio tra mondo del lavoro e scuola per sostenere negli studenti l’acquisizione di mind-set più consapevoli per agire o reagire a idee, persone, situazioni. Luoghi e modalità di questo incontro hanno una profonda influenza sui processi di trasformazione e presa di consapevolezza che si possono innescare in ragazzi e ragazze che si affacciano all’età adulta. Il museo civico è un contesto forse poco usuale per un PCTO, ma presenta delle valenze uniche, perché sito di mediazione tra passato e presente; reperti e fruitori; arte, scienze, antropologia e storia (Zuccoli, 2014)

    Sostenere l'innovazione nella valutazione per cambiare la didattica: un percorso di formazione professionale.

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    Sostenere l'innovazione nella valutazione per cambiare la didattica: un percorso di formazione professionale, p.191-192 (Intervento presentato al convegno La ricerca educativa per la formazione degli insegnanti tenutosi a Perugia nel 27-28 ottobre 2022)
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