22 research outputs found

    Individual development of preschool children - prevalences and determinants of delays in Germany: a cross-sectional study in Southern Bavaria

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    The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2431/12/188 Extent: 9p.Background: Even minor abnormalities of early child development may have dramatic long term consequences. Accurate prevalence rates for a range of developmental impairments have been difficult to establish. Since related studies have used different methodological approaches, direct comparisons of the prevalence of developmental delays are difficult. The understanding of the key factors affecting child development, especially in preschool aged children remains limited. We used data from school entry examinations in Bavaria to measure the prevalence of developmental impairments in pre-school children beginning primary school in 1997–2009. Methods: The developmental impairments of all school beginners in the district of Dingolfing- Landau, Bavaria were assessed using modified “Bavarian School Entry Model” examination from 1997 to 2009 (N=13,182). The children were assessed for motor, cognitive, language and psychosocial impairments using a standardised medical protocol. Prevalence rates of impairments in twelve domains of development were estimated. Using uni- and multivariable logistic regression models, association between selected factors and development delays were assessed. Results: The highest prevalence existed for impairments of pronunciation (13.8%) followed by fine motor impairments (12.2%), and impairments of memory and concentration (11.3%) and the lowest for impairments of rhythm of speech (3.1%). Younger children displayed more developmental delays. Male gender was strongly associated with all developmental impairments (highest risk for fine motor impairments = OR 3.22, 95% confidence interval 2.86-3.63). Preschool children with siblings (vs. children without any siblings) were at higher risk of having impairments in pronunciation (OR 1.31, 1.14-1.50). The influence of the non-German nationality was strong, with a maximum risk increase for the subareas of grammar and psychosocial development. Although children with non-German nationality had a reduced risk of disorders for the rhythm of speech and pronunciation, in all other 10 subareas their risk was increased. Conclusions: In preschool children, most common were delays of pronunciation, memory and concentration. Age effects suggest that delays can spontaneously resolve, but providing support at school entry might be helpful. Boys and migrant children appear at high risk of developmental problems, which may warrant tailored intervention strategies.Heribert L Stich, Bernhard Th Baune, Riccardo N Caniato, Rafael T Mikolajczyk and Alexander Kräme

    Natur als Fata Morgana? Naturideale in der Technikgeschichte

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    Radkau J. Natur als Fata Morgana? Naturideale in der Technikgeschichte. In: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Kulturamt, ed. Zum Naturbegriff der Gegenwart. KongreĂźdokumentation zum Projekt "Natur im Kopf", Stuttgart, 21. - 26. Juni 1993 (Bd. 2). Problemata, 134. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog; 1994: 281-230

    Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart. Energiebericht. Fortschreibung fuer das Jahr 2001

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    Die Energie- und Wasserverbrauchsstatistik 2001 weist bei Strom gegenueber 2000 einen Minderverbrauch von 1,3% aus. Der Wasserverbrauch blieb 2001 konstant. Der Heizenergieverbrauch stieg im Jahr 2001 um 2,9%. Die Gesamtkosten nahmen im Jahr 2001 um 4,3% auf 75,5 Mio. DM zu. In 2001 konnte eine Heizenergieeinsparung bezogen auf das Jahr 1977 von 253.601 MWh (Heizoelaequivalent 25,4 Mio. I), eine Stromeinsparung bezogen auf das Jahr 1982 von 30.702 MWh (entspricht dem Jahresstromverbrauch von 8.528 Vier-Personen-Haushalten) und eine Wassereinsparung bezogen auf das Jahr 1991 von 834.099 m"3 erreicht werden. Diese Einsparungen basieren sowohl auf Betriebsoptimierungen als auch auf neuen, energiesparenden Anlagen. Die Brutto-Kosteneinsparungen des Jahres 2001 belaufen sich auf 38,2 Mio. DM, jeweils bezogen auf das Jahr 1977. Die Aufwendungen fuer Personal und Abschreibung betragen 6,9 Mio. DM. Somit wurde eine Nettoeinsparung von 31,3 Mio. DM erzielt. Betrachtet man die Veraenderung des Energieverbrauchs bezogen auf das Jahr 1990, belaeuft sich die Heizenergieeinsparung auf 77.579 MWh; die Stromeinsparung betraegt 13.988 MWh. Die Emissionen verringerten sich 2001 im Vergleich zum Bezugsjahr 1973 bei SO_2 um 97,6% auf 5,7 t, bei NO_x um 50,6% auf 31,8 t, bei CO um 98,6% auf 35,4 t, bei Staub um 99,2% auf 0,2 t, bei den Kohlenwasserstoffen um 75,6% auf 3,9 t und bei CO_2 um 51,1% auf 44.435 t (orig.)The energy and water demand statistics for 2001 shows a 1.3% reduction in electricity demand and no change in water demand as compared with the year 2000. Heating energy demand rose 2.9% in 2001, while overall costs rose 4.3% to 75.7 mil. German marks. The year 2001 saw savings of 253,601 MWh (25.4 mil l of heating oil equivalent) in heating energy demand relative to 1997, 30,702 MWh in electricity demand (equivalent to 8,528 four-person households) relative to 1982 and 834,099 m"3 in water demand relative to 1991. These savings were achieved by optimising operations as well as through the installation of new, energy-saving plants. Referred to the year 1977 gross cost savings in 2001 amounted to 38.2 mil. marks, while staff costs and depreciation reached 6.9 mil. marks. This results in a net savings of 31,3 mil. marks. Compared with the year 1990 the change in energy demand consisted in a heating energy savings of 77, 579 MWh and an electricity savings of 13,988 MWh. Relative to the baseline year 1973 emissions decreased in all parameters: 5.7 t, down 97.6% for sulphur, 31.8 t, down 50.6% for NO_x, 35.4 t, down 98.6% for CO, 0.2 t, down 99.2% for dust, 3.9 t, down 75.6% for hydrocarbons and 44,435 t, down 51.5% for CO"2.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Analyses of Natm-Tunnels with 2-D And 3-D Finite Element Method

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    MOBILIST - Mobilitaet im Ballungsraum Stuttgart. Arbeitspakete: B4: Verkehrsvorhersage. C1: Regionales Parkraummanagement. C2: Modellgesteuerte Leitsysteme. D3: Virtueller Amtsgang. D4: Stadt- und regionalplanerische Ansaetze zur Verkehrsvermeidung Schlussbericht

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F03B1279 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman