22 research outputs found

    Protein intake from 0 to 18 years of age and its relation to health: a systematic literature review for the 5th Nordic Nutrition Recommendations.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.The present systematic literature review is a part of the 5th revision of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. The aim was to assess the health effects of different levels of protein intake in infancy and childhood in a Nordic setting. The initial literature search resulted in 435 abstracts, and 219 papers were identified as potentially relevant. Full paper selection resulted in 37 quality-assessed papers (4A, 30B, and 3C). A complementary search found four additional papers (all graded B). The evidence was classified as convincing, probable, limited-suggestive, and limited-inconclusive. Higher protein intake in infancy and early childhood is convincingly associated with increased growth and higher body mass index in childhood. The first 2 years of life is likely most sensitive to high protein intake. Protein intake between 15 E% and 20 E% in early childhood has been associated with an increased risk of being overweight later in life, but the exact level of protein intake above which there is an increased risk for being overweight later in life is yet to be established. Increased intake of animal protein in childhood is probably related to earlier puberty. There was limited-suggestive evidence that intake of animal protein, especially from dairy, has a stronger association with growth than vegetable protein. The evidence was limited-suggestive for a positive association between total protein intake and bone mineral content and/or other bone variables in childhood and adolescence. Regarding other outcomes, there were too few published studies to enable any conclusions. In conclusion, the intake of protein among children in the Nordic countries is high and may contribute to increased risk of later obesity. The upper level of a healthy intake is yet to be firmly established. In the meantime, we suggest a mean intake of 15 E% as an upper limit of recommended intake at 12 months, as a higher intake may contribute to increased risk for later obesity.Nordic Council of Minister

    Evaluation of Swallow Function in Patients with Craniofacial Microsomia

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    Craniofacial microsomia (CFM) is characterized by underdevelopment of the structures derived from the first and second pharyngeal arches resulting in aesthetic, psychological, and functional problems including feeding and swallowing difficulties. The aim of this study is to gain more insight into swallowing difficulties in patients with CFM. A retrospective study was conducted in the population of patients diagnosed with CFM at three major craniofacial units. Patients with feeding difficulties and those who underwent video fluoroscopic swallow (VFS) studies were included for further analyses. The outcome of the VFS-studies was reviewed with regard to the four phases of swallowing. In our cohort, 13.5% of the 755 patients were diagnosed with swallowing difficulties. The outcome of the VFS-studies of 42 patients showed difficulties in the oral and pharyngeal phases with both thin and thick liquids. Patients with more severe mandibular hypoplasia showed more difficulties to form an appropriate bolus compared to patients who were less severely affected. This is the first study to document swallowing problems in patients with CFM. Difficulties were seen in both the oral and pharyngeal phases. We recommend routine screening for swallowing issues by a speech and language therapist in all patients with CFM and to obtain a VFS-study in patients with a type III mandible

    Analyser av saltinnhold i utvalgte matvarer i Norge 2014-2018

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    Helsedirektoratet lanserte i 2014 Tiltaksplan salt 2014-2018 med mål om å redusere saltinntaket i befolkningen i Norge. Ett av tiltakene i denne tiltaksplanen var å følge utviklingen i saltinnhold i ulike matvarekategorier. Målene for prosjektet har vært å analysere innholdet av salt i utvalgte indikatormatvarer, følge utviklingen av saltinnholdet i perioden 2014 til 2018 og sammenligne resultatene med veiledende mål i Saltpartnerskapets saltlister, samt å oppdatere data om salt og andre næringsstoffer til matvaretabellen. De utvalgte indikatormatvarene var brød og kornvarer, kjøttprodukter, fiskeprodukter, meieri og spisefett, ferdigretter, sauser og majonesbaserte salater. Havforskningsinstituttet har på oppdrag fra Helsedirektoratet og Mattilsynet gjennomført analyseprosjektet. Matvarene ble innkjøpt i dagligvarebutikker i Norge og tre ulike produksjonsnumre av matvaren ble blandet sammen til en samleprøve. Analysert natriumkonsentrasjon ble omregnet til salt ved å multiplisere med 2,5. Analysemetoden har en måleusikkerhet på ± 15 %. Det ble analysert 196 matvarer i 2014-15 fra alle matvarekategoriene, 29 brød- og kornprodukter i 2016, 112 kjøtt- og fiskeprodukter i 2017 og 203 matvarer fra alle matvarekategoriene i 2018. Gjennomsnittlig saltinnhold i ferskt brød var lavere i 2018 sammenlignet med 2014-15. I 2018 var 18 av 32 (56 %) brød og kornvarer i tråd med Saltpartnerskapets saltmål, mens i 2014-15 var ni av 27 (33 %) i samsvar med saltmålene. For kjøttproduktene var gjennomsnittlig saltinnhold i kjøttpålegg lavere i 2018 sammenlignet med 2014-15. Saltmengden i leverpostei var noe lavere, mens for pølser, kjøttkaker-, boller og karbonader og for spekepølser var saltmengden uendret. Det ble til sammen analysert 74 kjøttprodukter i 2018 og 36 (49 %) av disse indikatormatvarene var i tråd med Saltpartnerskapets saltmål. I 2014-15 var 17 av 61 kjøttprodukter (28 %) i samsvar med saltmålene. For fiskeproduktene fiskemat fersk og frossen var det ingen endring av gjennomsnittlig saltinnhold fra 2014 til 2018. I de andre kategoriene av fiskeprodukter var det få produkter. Det ble til sammen analysert 33 fiskeprodukter i 2018 hvor 15 (45 %) av disse var i tråd med Saltpartnerskapets saltmål. I 2014-15 var 18 av 33 (55 %) fiskeprodukter i samsvar med saltmålene. Det var få produkter i kategorien meieri- og spisefett. I 2018 var syv av 15 (47 %) og i 2014-15 var seks av 18 (33 %) av produktene i samsvar med saltmålene. I kategoriene ferdigretter, sauser og majonesbaserte salater var gjennomsnittlig saltinnhold uendret for middags- og lunsjretter og lavere for tomatsaus/orientalsk saus i 2018 sammenlignet med 2014-15. I 2018 var 16 av 33 produkter (48 %) i tråd med saltmålet, mens det gjaldt 14 av 41 produkter (34 %) i 2014-15. Det ble i perioden 2014 til 2018 utført 540 analyser i utvalgte indikatormatvarer. Selv om antall produkter i matvarekategoriene varierer og flere kategorier har få produkter, viser resultatene samlet sett at flere matvarer var i samsvar med Saltpartnerskapets saltmål i 2018 (49 %) sammenlignet med 2014-15 (36 %).publishedVersio

    Dietary patterns among Norwegian 2-year-olds in 1999 and in 2007 and associations with child and parent characteristics

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    Infant and childhood nutrition influences short- and long-term health. The objective of the present paper has been to explore dietary patterns and their associations with child and parent characteristics at two time points. Parents of Norwegian 2-year-olds were, in 1999 (n 3000) and in 2007 (n 2984), invited to participate in a national dietary survey. At both time points, diet was assessed by a semi-quantitative FFQ that also provided information on several child and parent characteristics. A total of 1373 participants in the 1999 sample and 1472 participants in the 2007 sample were included in the analyses. Dietary patterns were identified by principal components analysis and related to child and parent characteristics using the general linear model. Four dietary patterns were identified at each time point. The ‘unhealthy’ and ‘healthy’ patterns in 1999 and 2007 showed similarities with regard to loadings of food groups. Both the ‘bread and spread-based’ pattern in 1999 and the ‘traditional’ pattern in 2007 had high positive loadings for bread and spreads; however, the ‘traditional’ pattern did also include positive associations with a warm meal. The last patterns identified in 1999 and in 2007 were not comparable with regard to loadings of food groups. All dietary patterns were significantly associated with one or several child and parent characteristics. In conclusion, the ‘unhealthy’ patterns in 1999 and in 2007 showed similarities with regard to loadings of food groups and were, at both time points, associated with sex, breastfeeding at 12 months of age, parity, maternal age and maternal work situation. This reserarch was originally published in the British Journal of Nutrition. © 2012 Cambridge University Pres

    Factors associated with exclusive breast-feeding and breast-feeding in Norway

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    Objective: To identify factors associated with exclusive breast-feeding and breastfeeding during the first year of life among Norwegian infants. Design: Data on breast-feeding practices were collected by a semi-quantitative FFQ. Setting: In 2006–2007 about 3000 infants were invited to participate in a populationbased prospective cohort study in Norway. Subjects: A total of 1490 mothers/infants participated at both 6 and 12 months of age. Results: Exclusive breast-feeding at 4 months was associated with parental education, parity and geographical region, while exclusive breast-feeding at 5?5 months was associated only with maternal age. At both ages, a negative association with exclusive breast-feeding was observed for maternal smoking. Breast-feeding at 6 months was associated with parental education, maternal age and marital status. Breast-feeding at 12 months was associated with maternal education, maternal age and number of children. At both ages, negative associations with breast-feeding were observed for maternal smoking and descending birth weight. At 12 months, a negative association was also observed for having day care by other than the parents. Conclusions: Even though Norway has an extensive and positive breast-feeding tradition and a maternal leave system that supports the possibility to breast-feed, factors like maternal education, maternal age and maternal smoking are strongly associated with duration of exclusive breast-feeding and breast-feeding. Research to better understand the reasons for inequalities in breast-feeding is needed to facilitate the development of more effective breast-feeding promotion strategies. This again may improve compliance with recommendations and reduce inequalities in infant feeding practices This research was originally published in Public Health Nutrition. © 2010 Cambridge University Pres

    [Moreton 20 chain map]. [Sheet] 28B [cartographic material] /

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    Cadastral map of the Moreton Bay area, Queensland.; Also available in an electronic version via the internet at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-rm2014-18

    Effect of changes in an FFQ: comparing data from two national dietary survey instruments among 2-year-olds

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    In the interpretation of dietary trends, it is important to consider the potential effect of modifications in the dietary assessment method. Therefore, our objective was to explore the comparability of data obtained at two time points by a semi-quantitative FFQ (SFFQ) which has had slight modifications over time. In the national dietary surveys among Norwegian 2-year-olds, diet was assessed by an SFFQ which underwent modifications between the 1999 survey and the 2007 survey. In the present study, fifty-nine families with a 2-year-old child participated by completing both the SFFQ in a crossover design within a month's time. With regard to the reported intake of energy and nutrients, the largest significant differences observed between the two questionnaires were for carbohydrates and added sugar. According to intake of food groups, significant differences were observed for five out of sixteen food groups. Spearman's correlation coefficients for energy, nutrients and food groups ranged from 0·43 (Ca) to 0·85 (soft drinks). Most Bland–Altman plots indicated broad limits of agreement. The differences between the two questionnaires can be explained by changes in the questionnaires, changes in the food composition databases used and random variation. Comparing differences between the questionnaires by maternal educational level, number of children and type of day care revealed minor differences. In conclusion, this study showed that at the group level there was reasonable comparability between the two questionnaires, except for carbohydrates, added sugar and some food groups. Moreover, there were moderate to high correlations for energy, nutrients and food groups. This research was originally published in the British Journal of Nutrition. © 2012 Cambridge University Pres