285 research outputs found

    Gravitational non-commutativity and G\"odel-like spacetimes

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    We derive general conditions under which geodesics of stationary spacetimes resemble trajectories of charged particles in an electromagnetic field. For large curvatures (analogous to strong magnetic fields), the quantum mechanicical states of these particles are confined to gravitational analogs of {\it lowest Landau levels}. Furthermore, there is an effective non-commutativity between their spatial coordinates. We point out that the Som-Raychaudhuri and G\"odel spacetime and its generalisations are precisely of the above type and compute the effective non-commutativities that they induce. We show that the non-commutativity for G\"odel spacetime is identical to that on the fuzzy sphere. Finally, we show how the star product naturally emerges in Som-Raychaudhuri spacetimes.Comment: Two sections added (Relation to the fuzzy sphere, Emergence of the star product). 10 pages, Revtex. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Radiation recoil from highly distorted black holes

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    We present results from numerical evolutions of single black holes distorted by axisymmetric, but equatorially asymmetric, gravitational (Brill) waves. Net radiated energies, apparent horizon embeddings, and recoil velocities are shown for a range of Brill wave parameters, including both even and odd parity distortions of Schwarzschild black holes. We find that a wave packet initially concentrated on the black hole throat, a likely model also for highly asymmetric stellar collapse and late stage binary mergers, can generate a maximum recoil velocity of about 150 (23) km/sec for even (odd) parity perturbations, significantly less than that required to eject black holes from galactic cores.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Strong Phase Separation in a Model of Sedimenting Lattices

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    We study the steady state resulting from instabilities in crystals driven through a dissipative medium, for instance, a colloidal crystal which is steadily sedimenting through a viscous fluid. The problem involves two coupled fields, the density and the tilt; the latter describes the orientation of the mass tensor with respect to the driving field. We map the problem to a 1-d lattice model with two coupled species of spins evolving through conserved dynamics. In the steady state of this model each of the two species shows macroscopic phase separation. This phase separation is robust and survives at all temperatures or noise levels--- hence the term Strong Phase Separation. This sort of phase separation can be understood in terms of barriers to remixing which grow with system size and result in a logarithmically slow approach to the steady state. In a particular symmetric limit, it is shown that the condition of detailed balance holds with a Hamiltonian which has infinite-ranged interactions, even though the initial model has only local dynamics. The long-ranged character of the interactions is responsible for phase separation, and for the fact that it persists at all temperatures. Possible experimental tests of the phenomenon are discussed.Comment: To appear in Phys Rev E (1 January 2000), 16 pages, RevTex, uses epsf, three ps figure

    Classical and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Branes

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    It is argued that many non-extremal black branes exhibit a classical Gregory-Laflamme instability if, and only if, they are locally thermodynamically unstable. For some black branes, the Gregory-Laflamme instability must therefore disappear near extremality. For the black pp-branes of the type II supergravity theories, the Gregory-Laflamme instability disappears near extremality for p=1,2,4p=1,2,4 but persists all the way down to extremality for p=5,6p=5,6 (the black D3-brane is not covered by the analysis of this paper). This implies that the instability also vanishes for the near-extremal black M2 and M5-brane solutions.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX. v2: Various points clarified, typos corrected and reference adde

    Multiple Transitions to Chaos in a Damped Parametrically Forced Pendulum

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    We study bifurcations associated with stability of the lowest stationary point (SP) of a damped parametrically forced pendulum by varying ω0\omega_0 (the natural frequency of the pendulum) and AA (the amplitude of the external driving force). As AA is increased, the SP will restabilize after its instability, destabilize again, and so {\it ad infinitum} for any given ω0\omega_0. Its destabilizations (restabilizations) occur via alternating supercritical (subcritical) period-doubling bifurcations (PDB's) and pitchfork bifurcations, except the first destabilization at which a supercritical or subcritical bifurcation takes place depending on the value of ω0\omega_0. For each case of the supercritical destabilizations, an infinite sequence of PDB's follows and leads to chaos. Consequently, an infinite series of period-doubling transitions to chaos appears with increasing AA. The critical behaviors at the transition points are also discussed.Comment: 20 pages + 7 figures (available upon request), RevTex 3.

    The quantum vacuum at the foundations of classical electrodynamics

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    In the classical theory of electromagnetism, the permittivity and the permeability of free space are constants whose magnitudes do not seem to possess any deeper physical meaning. By replacing the free space of classical physics with the quantum notion of the vacuum, we speculate that the values of the aforementioned constants could arise from the polarization and magnetization of virtual pairs in vacuum. A classical dispersion model with parameters determined by quantum and particle physics is employed to estimate their values. We find the correct orders of magnitude. Additionally, our simple assumptions yield an independent estimate for the number of charged elementary particles based on the known values of the permittivity and the permeability, and for the volume of a virtual pair. Such interpretation would provide an intriguing connection between the celebrated theory of classical electromagnetism and the quantum theory in the weak field limit.Comment: Accepted in Applied Physics B: Special Issue for the 50 years of the laser. Comments are welcome

    Coulomb Effects on Electromagnetic Pair Production in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We discuss the implications of the eikonal amplitude on the pair production probability in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion transits. In this context the Weizs\"acker-Williams method is shown to be exact in the ultrarelativistic limit, irrespective of the produced particles' mass. A new equivalent single-photon distribution is derived which correctly accounts for the Coulomb distortions. As an immediate application, consequences for unitarity violation in photo-dissociation processes in peripheral heavy-ion encounters are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 .eps figure

    Landau Damping and Coherent Structures in Narrow-Banded 1+1 Deep Water Gravity Waves

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    We study the nonlinear energy transfer around the peak of the spectrum of surface gravity waves by taking into account nonhomogeneous effects. In the narrow-banded approximation the kinetic equation resulting from a nonhomogeneous wave field is a Vlasov-Poisson type equation which includes at the same time the random version of the Benjamin-Feir instability and the Landau damping phenomenon. We analytically derive the values of the Phillips' constant α\alpha and the enhancement factor γ\gamma for which the narrow-banded approximation of the JONSWAP spectrum is unstable. By performing numerical simulations of the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation we check the validity of the prediction of the related kinetic equation. We find that the effect of Landau damping is to suppress the formation of coherent structures. The problem of predicting freak waves is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Critical Dynamics of Magnets

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    We review our current understanding of the critical dynamics of magnets above and below the transition temperature with focus on the effects due to the dipole--dipole interaction present in all real magnets. Significant progress in our understanding of real ferromagnets in the vicinity of the critical point has been made in the last decade through improved experimental techniques and theoretical advances in taking into account realistic spin-spin interactions. We start our review with a discussion of the theoretical results for the critical dynamics based on recent renormalization group, mode coupling and spin wave theories. A detailed comparison is made of the theory with experimental results obtained by different measuring techniques, such as neutron scattering, hyperfine interaction, muon--spin--resonance, electron--spin--resonance, and magnetic relaxation, in various materials. Furthermore we discuss the effects of dipolar interaction on the critical dynamics of three--dimensional isotropic antiferromagnets and uniaxial ferromagnets. Special attention is also paid to a discussion of the consequences of dipolar anisotropies on the existence of magnetic order and the spin--wave spectrum in two--dimensional ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. We close our review with a formulation of critical dynamics in terms of nonlinear Langevin equations.Comment: Review article (154 pages, figures included

    Breakdown of superfluidity of an atom laser past an obstacle

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    The 1D flow of a continuous beam of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms in the presence of an obstacle is studied as a function of the beam velocity and of the type of perturbing potential (representing the interaction of the obstacle with the atoms of the beam). We identify the relevant regimes: stationary/time-dependent and superfluid/dissipative; the absence of drag is used as a criterion for superfluidity. There exists a critical velocity below which the flow is superfluid. For attractive obstacles, we show that this critical velocity can reach the value predicted by Landau's approach. For penetrable obstacles, it is shown that superfluidity is recovered at large beam velocity. Finally, enormous differences in drag occur when switching from repulsive to attractive potential.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure