12,890 research outputs found

    On Inflation and Variation of the Strong Coupling Constant

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    Variation of constants in the very early universe can generate inflation. We consider a scenario where the strong coupling constant was changing in time and where the gluon condensate underwent a phase transition ending the inflation.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Measurement of the complex Faraday angle in thin-film metals and high temperature superconductors

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    A sensitive polarization modulation technique uses photoelastic modulation and hetrodyne detection to simultaneously measure the Faraday rotation and induced ellipticity in light transmitted by semiconducting and metallic samples. The frequencies measured are in the mid-infrared and correspond to the spectral lines of a CO2 laser. The measured temperature range is continuous and extends from 35 to 330K. Measured samples include GaAs and Si substrates, gold and copper films, and YBCO and BSCCO high temperature superconductors.Comment: 12 pages of text, 6 figures, fixed typos in formulas, added figur

    Classical Rotons in Cold Atomic Traps

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    We predict the emergence of a roton minimum in the dispersion relation of elementary excitations in cold atomic gases in the presence of diffusive light. In large magneto-topical traps, multiple-scattering of light is responsible for the collective behavior of the system, which is associated to an effective Coulomb-like interaction between the atoms. In optically thick clouds, the re-scattered light undergoes diffusive propagation, which is responsible for a stochastic short-range force acting on the atoms. We show that the dynamical competition between these two forces results on a new polariton mode, which exhibits a roton minimum. Making use of Feynman's formula for the static structure factor, we show that the roton minimum is related to the appearance of long-range order in the system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Gravity Waves as a Probe of Hubble Expansion Rate During An Electroweak Scale Phase Transition

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    Just as big bang nucleosynthesis allows us to probe the expansion rate when the temperature of the universe was around 1 MeV, the measurement of gravity waves from electroweak scale first order phase transitions may allow us to probe the expansion rate when the temperature of the universe was at the electroweak scale. We compute the simple transformation rule for the gravity wave spectrum under the scaling transformation of the Hubble expansion rate. We then apply this directly to the scenario of quintessence kination domination and show how gravity wave spectra would shift relative to LISA and BBO projected sensitivities.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures

    Generalized Landau-Pollak Uncertainty Relation

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    The Landau-Pollak uncertainty relation treats a pair of rank one projection valued measures and imposes a restriction on their probability distributions. It gives a nontrivial bound for summation of their maximum values. We give a generalization of this bound (weak version of the Landau-Pollak uncertainty relation). Our generalization covers a pair of positive operator valued measures. A nontrivial but slightly weak inequality that can treat an arbitrary number of positive operator valued measures is also presented.Comment: Simplified the proofs. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    Critical currents, flux-creep activation energy and potential barriers for the vortex motion from the flux creep experiments

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    We present an experimental study of thermally activated flux creep in a superconducting ring-shaped epitaxial YBCO film as well as a new way of analyzing the experimental data. The measurements were made in a wide range of temperatures between 10 and 83 K. The upper temperature limit was dictated by our experimental technique and at low temperatures we were limited by a crossover to quantum tunneling of vortices. It is shown that the experimental data can very well be described by assuming a simple thermally activated hopping of vortices or vortex bundles over potential barriers, whereby the hopping flux objects remain the same for all currents and temperatures. The new procedure of data analysis also allows to establish the current and temperature dependencies of the flux-creep activation energy U, as well as the temperature dependence of the critical current Ic, from the flux-creep rates measured at different temperatures. The variation of the activation energy with current, U(I/Ic), is then used to reconstruct the profile of the potential barriers in real space.Comment: 12 pages, 13 Postscript figures, Submitted to Physical Review

    Nanomechanical properties of few-layer graphene membranes

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    We have measured the mechanical properties of few-layer graphene and graphite flakes that are suspended over circular holes. The spatial profile of the flake's spring constant is measured with an atomic force microscope. The bending rigidity of and the tension in the membranes are extracted by fitting a continuum model to the data. For flakes down to eight graphene layers, both parameters show a strong thickness-dependence. We predict fundamental resonance frequencies of these nanodrums in the GHz range based on the measured bending rigidity and tension.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, This article has been accepted by Appl. Phys. Lett. After it is published, it will be found at http://apl.aip.org

    Two-Particle Schroedinger Equation Animations of Wavepacket-Wavepacket Scattering (revised)

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    A simple and explicit technique for the numerical solution of the two-particle, time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation is assembled and tested. The technique can handle interparticle potentials that are arbitrary functions of the coordinates of each particle, arbitrary initial and boundary conditions, and multi-dimensional equations. Plots and animations are given here and on the World Wide Web of the scattering of two wavepackets in one dimension.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, animations at http://nacphy.physics.orst.edu/ComPhys/PACKETS

    Nonlocal extension of the dispersive-optical-model to describe data below the Fermi energy

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    Present applications of the dispersive-optical-model analysis are restricted by the use of a local but energy-dependent version of the generalized Hartree-Fock potential. This restriction is lifted by the introduction of a corresponding nonlocal potential without explicit energy dependence. Such a strategy allows for a complete determination of the nucleon propagator below the Fermi energy with access to the expectation value of one-body operators (like the charge density), the one-body density matrix with associated natural orbits, and complete spectral functions for removal strength. The present formulation of the dispersive optical model (DOM) therefore allows the use of elastic electron-scattering data in determining its parameters. Application to 40{}^{40}Ca demonstrates that a fit to the charge radius leads to too much charge near the origin using the conventional assumptions of the functional form of the DOM. A corresponding incomplete description of high-momentum components is identified, suggesting that the DOM formulation must be extended in the future to accommodate such correlations properly. Unlike the local version, the present nonlocal DOM limits the location of the deeply-bound hole states to energies that are consistent with (\textit{e,e}′^{\prime}\textit{p}) and (\textit{p,2p}) data.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Static response of Fermi liquids with tensor interactions

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    We use Landau's theory of a normal Fermi liquid to derive expressions for the static response of a system with a general tensor interaction that conserves the total spin and the total angular momentum of the quasiparticle-quasihole pair. The magnetic susceptibility is calculated in detail, with the inclusion of the center of mass tensor and cross vector terms in addition to the exchange tensor one. We also introduce a new parametrization of the tensor Landau parameters which significantly reduces the importance of high angular harmonic contributions. For nuclear matter and neutron matter we find that the two most important effects of the tensor interaction are to give a contribution from multipair states and to renormalize the magnetic moments. Response to a weak probe may be calculated using similar methods, replacing the magnetic moments with the matrix elements of the weak charges
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