31 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of streamwise vortices on a high-lift wing

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    This contribution presents results of numerical simulations on a generic high-lift configuration. Properties of the computational grid are briefly described. The numerical simulations are performed with the DLR-TAU-Code at different angles of attack up to stall. The Menter-SST eddy viscosity turbulence model and the JHh-v2 Reynolds stress model are applied. Streamwise vortices arise at the edge of a slat, which is cut off in the spanwise direction, and the corresponding edge of the clean nose. These vortices interact with the flow along the suction side of the wing. While proceeding downstream, a strong interaction between the vortices is observed for high angles of attack. The behavior of the vortex system and the influence on the high-lift performance of the configuration is characterized. In particular, the effect of the applied turbulence models of different types on the prediction of the vortex behavior is shown within this contribution

    Assessing the viability of studying motion indicators of autism spectrum disorders in infants at high and low risk for ASD using a passive motion capture system

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    Gemstone Team AMIRAAutism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of socially debilitating disorders that affect 1 in 110 children. Researchers have long understood that early diagnosis and intervention lead to the best possible outcome for children with ASD, compelling researchers to develop early diagnostic methods. Researchers believe that a better understanding of the effect of ASD on movement will aid in developing these early diagnostic techniques. To assist in understanding the effect of ASD on movement, our team performed a proof of concept study to determine if a passive motion capture system can be used to characterize motion indicators of ASD. To accomplish this goal, our team analyzed three distinct movements in infants, six to twelve months, at high and low risk for ASD. We determined that passive motion capture systems can characterize movement indicators of infants at high and low risk for ASD

    Children’s imaginaries in the city: on things and materials

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    The article is an exploration of urban imaginaries emerging through a play with materials. Starting from a complex activist exercise for reimagining the space of a park in decay, whose protagonists are children, we propose a reflection on the productivity and resilience of matter. We argue that a new materialist sociology is one that takes disappearances seriously. Capitalism renders space abstract not only through flow and circulation, but also through stillness. We follow the curious disappearances and reappearances of the park in question, tracing the mutations of urban planning, of the juridical domain, and of the everyday use of space. Finally, we analyse the making of a maquette of the park by a group of children and their alliances with activists. The maquette is a political “thing”: it leads us away from an urban imaginary populated by discrete objects to an urban imaginary of depth and it reconcretises space

    Translating environments

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    Far from being inert materials activated by human ingenuity, natural resources come to be made and unmade through ongoing processes of translation, through which they acquire new potentialities and meanings. In this introduction, we review the key concept of translation for anthropology and explore some of its multiple analytical possibilities in the context of human-environment relations. Based on insights offered by the articles in this collection, we propose a twofold definition of environments as both translating subjects and objects of translation. In grounding our analytical definition, we focus on the enactment of material transformations (as the result of both relations of mutual determination with humans and processes of objectification of the environment), the implications of incommensurability and erasure in processes of (attempted) translation, and the indeterminacy that accompanies (re)configurations of materials, relations and values

    Publishing data to support the fight against human vector-borne diseases

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    Vector-borne diseases are responsible for more than 17% of human cases of infectious diseases. In most situations, effective control of debilitating and deadly vector-bone diseases (VBDs), such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, Zika and Chagas requires up-to-date, robust and comprehensive information on the presence, diversity, ecology, bionomics and geographic spread of the organisms that carry and transmit the infectious agents. Huge gaps exist in the information related to these vectors, creating an essential need for campaigns to mobilise and share data. The publication of data papers is an effective tool for overcoming this challenge. These peer-reviewed articles provide scholarly credit for researchers whose vital work of assembling and publishing well-described, properly-formatted datasets often fails to receive appropriate recognition. To address this, GigaScience 's sister journal GigaByte partnered with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) to publish a series of data papers, with support from the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), hosted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Here we outline the initial results of this targeted approach to sharing data and describe its importance for controlling VBDs and improving public health

    Numerical simulations of streamwise vortices on a high-lift wing

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    This contribution presents results of numerical simulations on a generic high-lift configuration. Properties of the computational grid are briefly described. The numerical simulations are performed with the DLR-TAU-Code at different angles of attack up to stall. The Menter-SST eddy viscosity turbulence model and the JHh-v2 Reynolds stress model are applied. Streamwise vortices arise at the edge of a slat, which is cut off in the spanwise direction, and the corresponding edge of the clean nose. These vortices interact with the flow along the suction side of the wing. While proceeding downstream, a strong interaction between the vortices is observed for high angles of attack. The behavior of the vortex system and the influence on the high-lift performance of the configuration is characterized. In particular, the effect of the applied turbulence models of different types on the prediction of the vortex behavior is shown within this contribution

    Numerical simulations of streamwise vortices on a high-lift wing

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    This contribution presents results of numerical simulations on a generic high-lift configuration. Properties of the computational grid are briefly described. The numerical simulations are performed with the DLR-TAU-Code at different angles of attack up to stall. The Menter-SST eddy viscosity turbulence model and the JHh-v2 Reynolds stress model are applied. Streamwise vortices arise at the edge of a slat, which is cut off in the spanwise direction, and the corresponding edge of the clean nose. These vortices interact with the flow along the suction side of the wing. While proceeding downstream, a strong interaction between the vortices is observed for high angles of attack. The behavior of the vortex system and the influence on the high-lift performance of the configuration is characterized. In particular, the effect of the applied turbulence models of different types on the prediction of the vortex behavior is shown within this contribution

    Einbringen eines fĂŒr einen Delta-FlĂŒgel charakteristischen LĂ€ngswirbels in die freie Strömung mittels der Actuator-Disk Randbedingung des DLR TAU Codes. Ein numerisches Prinzipexperiment

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    In diesem Bericht werden Arbeiten beschrieben, die im Rahmen des DFG Projekts „Simulation von LĂ€ngswirbeln im Hochauftrieb von Verkehrsflugzeugen“ durchgefĂŒhrt wurden. Das ĂŒbergeordnete Projektziel ist die Etablierung einer wissenschaftlich fundierten hybriden RANS/LES Methodik fĂŒr die numerische Vorhersage der Strömung von TragflĂŒgeln in Hochauftriebskonfiguration, deren Grenzschichten in Wechselwirkung mit freien LĂ€ngswirbeln stehen. Der beschriebene Strömungszustand ist typisch fĂŒr Verkehrsflugzeuge, bei denen LĂ€ngswirbel am Strake der Triebwerksgondel zur gezielten Beeinflussung der Grenzschicht auf dem Hauptelement des FlĂŒgels genutzt werden In diesem Bericht werden Arbeiten und Ergebnisse zur Entwicklung einer Methodik beschrieben, mit der ein LĂ€ngswirbel in eine freie Strömung unter Anwendung der Actuator-Disk Randbedingung des DLR TAU Code eingebracht werden kann. Der LĂ€ngswirbel soll dabei die charakteristischen Eigenschaften eines von einem DeltaflĂŒgel erzeugten LĂ€ngswirbels haben. Dann werden unter Nutzung dieser Randbedingung zwei numerische Prinzipexperimente durchgefĂŒhrt, und zwar der Testfall N1 „Transport eines isolierten generischen LĂ€ngswirbels“ und der Testfall N2 „Transport eines generischen LĂ€ngswirbels und dessen Wechselwirkung mit der Grenzschicht eines umströmten TragflĂŒgelprofils (HGR01-Profil)“. Die TestfĂ€lle N1 und N2 umfassen die relevanten PhĂ€nomene fĂŒr die Wechselwirkung von LĂ€ngswirbeln mit der Grenzschicht von Profilen im Hochauftrieb, erlauben aber hinsichtlich GittergrĂ¶ĂŸe und Simulationszeit gĂŒnstigere Simulationen. In den Simulationen werden Details des Rechengitters (Hexaeder- vs. Tetraederelemente sowie die Frage nach der Gitterfeinheit), Details des numerischen Flussdiskretisierungsschemas (LD- vs. LD2-Schema) und Details der Methodik zum Einbringen synthetischer Turbulenz in den freien Wirbel unter Nutzung des Synthetischen Turbulenzgenerators (STG) untersucht. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse fĂŒr die Best-Practice Settings zusammengefasst

    Simulation of Longitudinal Vortices on a High-Lift Wing

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    The influence of longitudinal vortices on the high-lift behavior of a generic three-dimensional configuration is presented. A simplified vortex system originates at a spanwise slat cut off. The vortex system passes along the suction side of the wing and influences the high-lift and stall behavior. A grid convergence study is performed for the two-dimensional high-lift airfoil and different grid topologies are discussed. Numerical simulations are performed with the DLR TAU code at dif- ferent angles of attack. For the simulations, the Menter-SST turbulence model is applied. The vortex behavior is characterized and the influence on the stall mecha- nism is shown