4 research outputs found

    Normal Probability Plots For Evaluation Of Seeds Distribution Mechanisms In Seeders [gráficos De Probabilidade Normal Para Avaliação De Mecanismos De Distribuição De Sementes Em Semeadoras]

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    Currently great emphasis is given for seed metering that assist rigorous demands in relation to longitudinal distribution of seeds, as well as to the index of fails in spacing laws, breaks and double seeds. The evaluation of these variable demands much time and work of attainment of data and processing. The objective of this work went propose to use of graphs of normal probability, facilitating the treatment of the data and decreasing the time of processing. The evaluation methodology consists in the counting of broken seeds, fail spacing and double seeds through the measure of the spacing among seeds, preliminary experiments through combinations of treatments had been carried through whose factors of variation were the level of the reservoir of seeds, the leveling of the seed metering, the speed of displacement and dosage of seeds. The evaluation was carried through in two parts, first through preliminary experiments for elaboration of the graphs of normal probability and later in experiments with bigger sampling for evaluation of the influence of the factors most important. It was done the evaluation of seed metering of rotating internal ring, and the amount of necessary data for the evaluation was very decreased through of the graphs of normal probability that facilitated to prioritize only the significant factors. The dosage of seeds was factor that more important because factor (D) have greater significance.332507518Adami, M., Rizzi, R., Moreira, M.A., Rudorff, B.F.T., Ferreira, C.C., Amostragem probabilística estratificada por pontos para estimar a área cultivada de soja (2010) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 45 (6), pp. 585-592. , BrasíliaAlbiero, D., (2006) Avaliação Do Preparo de Solo Empregando O Sistema de Cultivo Conservacionista em Faixas Com "Paraplow" Rotativo Usando Análise Dimensional., , Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) -Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasAlbiero, D., MacIel, A.J.S., Milan, M., Monteiro, L.A., Mion, R.L., Avaliação da distribuição de sementes por uma semeadora de anel interno rotativo utilizando média móvel exponencial (2012) Revista Ciência Agronômica, 43 (1), pp. 86-95. , FortalezaArmas, S., Herrera, L., Amplitud de intervalos de confianza obtenidos por bonferroni de acuerdo al número de vaiables y del tamaño de la muestra en poblaciones multinormales (2008) Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 49 (2), pp. 95-105. , CaracasBarros Neto, B., Scarminio, I.S., Bruns, R.E., (2003) Como Fazer Experimentos, p. 403. , Campinas: UNICAMPCargnelutti Filho, A., Matzenauer, R., Maluf, J.R.T., Silva, B.P., Tamanho de amostra para estimativa das médias decendiais de radiação solar global no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (2007) Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 31 (5), pp. 1402-1410. , LavrasCarolla, C., Sanches, R., Montiel, E., Modelo estadistico que permite inferir concentración de potasio em composto producido a partir de desechos orgánicos (2007) Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad Central de Venezuela, 22 (2), pp. 125-132. , CaracasCasão Jr., R.O., Máquinas e qualidade de semeadura em plantio direto (2006) Revista Plantio Direto, 95 (5), pp. 14-24. , Passo FundoChang, C.S., (1998) Semeadora de Precisão Com Anel Rotativo Interno Vertical e O Distribuidor de Adubo Espiral Cônica, , Patente da UNICAMP INPI (INPI 9802269-5) Campinas: UNICAMPDaniel, C., (1976) Applications of Statistics to Industrial Experimentation, p. 512. , New York: John Wiley and SonsFragiadakis, K., Karlis, D., Meintanis, S.G., Tests of fit for normal inverse gaussian distributions (2009) Statistical Methodology, 6 (7), pp. 559-564. , AmsterdanHeo, J.H., Kho, Y.W., Shin, H., Kim, S., Kim, T., Regression equations of probability plot correlation coeficient test stadistics from several probability distributions (2008) Journal of Hydrology, 355 (2), pp. 1-15. , SilsoeHines, W.W., Montgomery, D.C., Goldsman, D.M., Borror, C.M., (2006) Probabilidade e Estatística Na Engenharia, p. 642. , Rio de Janeiro: LTCKozak, M., Analyzing one-way experiments: A piece of cake or a pain in the neck? 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