4,661 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Value of Individual Social Responsibility and Quality in the New Era

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    With the socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, which marks a new starting point, China has embarked on a new journey and shouldered a new mission. In this regard, it is the inevitable demand for the modernization of the new era to cultivate the quality of individual social responsibility. The quality of individual social responsibility is the basic requirement for the comprehensive development of human beings, the inevitable demand of social governance modernization, and also the natural demand of ideological and political education in the new era. A rational examination of the value of individual social responsibility quality is of great significance to the construction of spiritual civilization in China in the new era

    A Survey of the Factors Influencing the Quality of Social Responsibility of Adolescents from the Perspective of Role Field Theory

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    The evolvement of teenagers’ social responsibility quality is a long and complicated process influenced both internally and externally by a variety of factors.Based on the field theory, the influence of roles such as the ascriptive role, achieved role and companion role on the teenagers’ social responsibility quality was reviewed from the perspective of the role field. Presenting the compound influence variables of teenagers’ social responsibility quality in a multi-angle and three-dimensional way

    On the Goal of Social Responsibility Cultivation from the Psychology of Responsibility

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    The goal of individual social responsibility cultivation shall conform to the physical and mental developments of people in the modern society while the goal establishment shall also accord with the laws of responsibility psychology. The psychological quality of responsibility is an intrinsic psychological structure and the responsibility itself is a mental process. The psychology of responsibility development reveals a gradual advancement of individual social responsibility, in the process of which key elements move, change, and develop to form a relatively stable social responsibility. Therefore, the goal establishment of individual social responsibility cultivation shall as well follow the laws of responsibility psychology

    Exploration and Practice on Blended-Teaching Golden Course Featured “Dual Link, Triple Advancement, Quadruple Coordination”

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    Against the background of educational informationization, and based on the requirements for Golden Course, which should be advanced, innovative and challenging, this thesis takes the course “Teaching of Toy Making” for example to explore the major problems in teaching, and conduct an innovative and practical teaching reform of the course, in the hope to promote and expand our teaching work, optimize students’ learning styles, and improve our teaching quality. Specifically, the “dual link” refers to the link between online classroom and offline classroom; the “triple advancement”, which refers to the advancement of teaching contents, objectives, and forms, highlights the advanced quality of Golden Course; the “quadruple coordination”, which includes coordination of teaching contents, forms, difficulty and assessment, promotes students to realize a better, organic integration of their knowledge, competence and quality, and help to cultivate students’ comprehensive ability to deal with complicated problems as well as their advanced thinking

    Theoretical Prospect and Time Explanation for the Thought of All-Round Development of Human Beings

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    The all-round development of human beings is a lofty ideal for mankind as well as the value orientation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The thought of all-round development is theoretically traced through its connotation and social condition; and its historical prospect is presented from view of historical development. On this basis, contemporary explanation is carried out for the thought of all-round development of human beings through its uniqueness and diversity, freedom and creativity, specificity and relativity, its theoretical prospect is dynamically presented and a foundation is laid for a further exploration into the practice dimension for all-round development of human beings

    Link Clustering with Extended Link Similarity and EQ Evaluation Division.

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    Link Clustering (LC) is a relatively new method for detecting overlapping communities in networks. The basic principle of LC is to derive a transform matrix whose elements are composed of the link similarity of neighbor links based on the Jaccard distance calculation; then it applies hierarchical clustering to the transform matrix and uses a measure of partition density on the resulting dendrogram to determine the cut level for best community detection. However, the original link clustering method does not consider the link similarity of non-neighbor links, and the partition density tends to divide the communities into many small communities. In this paper, an Extended Link Clustering method (ELC) for overlapping community detection is proposed. The improved method employs a new link similarity, Extended Link Similarity (ELS), to produce a denser transform matrix, and uses the maximum value of EQ (an extended measure of quality of modularity) as a means to optimally cut the dendrogram for better partitioning of the original network space. Since ELS uses more link information, the resulting transform matrix provides a superior basis for clustering and analysis. Further, using the EQ value to find the best level for the hierarchical clustering dendrogram division, we obtain communities that are more sensible and reasonable than the ones obtained by the partition density evaluation. Experimentation on five real-world networks and artificially-generated networks shows that the ELC method achieves higher EQ and In-group Proportion (IGP) values. Additionally, communities are more realistic than those generated by either of the original LC method or the classical CPM method

    Social Guidance Path of Cultivating Social Responsibility Quality in Youth

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    The cultivation of social responsibility quality in youth is the expression and reflection of individual development and social development of youngsters, so it is necessary to create a social environment for the cultivation of social responsibility quality in youth through social guidance. This research constructed the social guidance path of cultivating social responsibility quality in youth with the communication theory as the theoretical basis for social guidance, socialist core values as its value orientation, and social participation as its practical form
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