19,130 research outputs found

    On the scatter in the relation between stellar mass and halo mass: random or halo formation time dependent?

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    The empirical HOD model of Wang et al. 2006 fits, by construction, both the stellar mass function and correlation function of galaxies in the local Universe. In contrast, the semi-analytical models of De Lucia & Blazoit 2007 (DLB07) and Guo et al. 2011 (Guo11), built on the same dark matter halo merger trees than the empirical model, still have difficulties in reproducing these observational data simultaneously. We compare the relations between the stellar mass of galaxies and their host halo mass in the three models, and find that they are different. When the relations are rescaled to have the same median values and the same scatter as in Wang et al., the rescaled DLB07 model can fit both the measured galaxy stellar mass function and the correlation function measured in different galaxy stellar mass bins. In contrast, the rescaled Guo11 model still over-predicts the clustering of low-mass galaxies. This indicates that the detail of how galaxies populate the scatter in the stellar mass -- halo mass relation does play an important role in determining the correlation functions of galaxies. While the stellar mass of galaxies in the Wang et al. model depends only on halo mass and is randomly distributed within the scatter, galaxy stellar mass depends also on the halo formation time in semi-analytical models. At fixed value of infall mass, galaxies that lie above the median stellar mass -- halo mass relation reside in haloes that formed earlier, while galaxies that lie below the median relation reside in haloes that formed later. This effect is much stronger in Guo11 than in DLB07, which explains the over-clustering of low mass galaxies in Guo11. Our results illustrate that the assumption of random scatter in the relation between stellar and halo mass as employed by current HOD and abundance matching models may be problematic in case a significant assembly bias exists in the real Universe.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, published in MNRA

    A stochastic spectral analysis of transcriptional regulatory cascades

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    The past decade has seen great advances in our understanding of the role of noise in gene regulation and the physical limits to signaling in biological networks. Here we introduce the spectral method for computation of the joint probability distribution over all species in a biological network. The spectral method exploits the natural eigenfunctions of the master equation of birth-death processes to solve for the joint distribution of modules within the network, which then inform each other and facilitate calculation of the entire joint distribution. We illustrate the method on a ubiquitous case in nature: linear regulatory cascades. The efficiency of the method makes possible numerical optimization of the input and regulatory parameters, revealing design properties of, e.g., the most informative cascades. We find, for threshold regulation, that a cascade of strong regulations converts a unimodal input to a bimodal output, that multimodal inputs are no more informative than bimodal inputs, and that a chain of up-regulations outperforms a chain of down-regulations. We anticipate that this numerical approach may be useful for modeling noise in a variety of small network topologies in biology

    Tunable negative permeability in a three-dimensional superconducting metamaterial

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    We report on highly tunable radio frequency (rf) characteristics of a low-loss and compact three dimensional (3D) metamaterial made of superconducting thin film spiral resonators. The rf transmission spectrum of a single element of the metamaterial shows a fundamental resonance peak at ∼\sim24.95 MHz that shifts to a 25%\% smaller frequency and becomes degenerate when a 3D array of such elements is created. The metamaterial shows an \emph{in-situ} tunable narrow frequency band in which the real part of the effective permeability is negative over a wide range of temperature, which reverts to gradually near-zero and positive values as the superconducting critical temperature is approached. This metamaterial can be used for increasing power transfer efficiency and tunability of electrically small rf-antennas.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Solgel route to erbium-doped microlasers and Raman microlasers on-a-chip

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    Ultra-high-Q microresonators are fabricated on silicon chips by the solgel technique. Using wafer-based processing and selective reflow, we create toroid-shaped Er-doped microlasers directly from Er-doped solgel layers and Raman microlasers from undoped silica solgel layers

    Ground states and excited states of hypernuclei in Relativistic Mean Field approach

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    Hypernuclei have been studied within the framework of Relativistic Mean Field theory. The force FSU Gold has been extended to include hyperons. The effective hyperon-nucleon and nucleon-nucleon interactions have been obtained by fitting experimental energies in a number of hypernuclei over a wide range of mass. Calculations successfully describe various features including hyperon separation energy and single particle spectra of single-\Lambda hypernuclei throughout the periodic table. We also extend this formalism to double-\Lambda hypernuclei.Comment: 16 pages,3 figure

    PAK in Alzheimer disease, Huntington disease and X-linked mental retardation.

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    Developmental cognitive deficits including X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) can be caused by mutations in P21-activated kinase 3 (PAK3) that disrupt actin dynamics in dendritic spines. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease (AD), where both PAK1 and PAK3 are dysregulated, may share final common pathways with XLMR. Independent of familial mutation, cognitive deficits emerging with aging, notably AD, begin after decades of normal function. This prolonged prodromal period involves the buildup of amyloid-β (Aβ) extracellular plaques and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). Subsequently region dependent deficits in synapses, dendritic spines and cognition coincide with dysregulation in PAK1 and PAK. Specifically proximal to decline, cytoplasmic levels of actin-regulating Rho GTPase and PAK1 kinase are decreased in moderate to severe AD, while aberrant activation and translocation of PAK1 appears around the onset of cognitive deficits. Downstream to PAK1, LIM kinase inactivates cofilin, contributing to cofilin pathology, while the activation of Rho-dependent kinase ROCK increases Aβ production. Aβ activation of fyn disrupts neuronal PAK1 and ROCK-mediated signaling, resulting in synaptic deficits. Reductions in PAK1 by the anti-amyloid compound curcumin suppress synaptotoxicity. Similarly other neurological disorders, including Huntington disease (HD) show dysregulation of PAKs. PAK1 modulates mutant huntingtin toxicity by enhancing huntingtin aggregation, and inhibition of PAK activity protects HD as well as fragile X syndrome (FXS) symptoms. Since PAK plays critical roles in learning and memory and is disrupted in many cognitive disorders, targeting PAK signaling in AD, HD and XLMR may be a novel common therapeutic target for AD, HD and XLMR

    Erbium-doped and Raman microlasers on a silicon chip fabricated by the sol–gel process

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    We report high-Q sol–gel microresonators on silicon chips, fabricated directly from a sol–gel layer deposited onto a silicon substrate. Quality factors as high as 2.5×10^7 at 1561 nm were obtained in toroidal microcavities formed of silica sol–gel, which allowed Raman lasing at absorbed pump powers below 1 mW. Additionally, Er3+-doped microlasers were fabricated from Er3+-doped sol–gel layers with control of the laser dynamics possible by varying the erbium concentration of the starting sol–gel material. Continuous lasing with a threshold of 660 nW for erbium-doped microlaser was also obtained

    Meissner response of a bulk superconductor with an embedded sheet of reduced penetration depth

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    We calculate the change in susceptibility resulting from a thin sheet with reduced penetration depth embedded perpendicular to the surface of an isotropic superconductor, in a geometry applicable to scanning Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) microscopy, by numerically solving Maxwell's and London's equations using the finite element method. The predicted stripes in susceptibility agree well in shape with the observations of Kalisky et al. of enhanced susceptibility above twin planes in the underdoped pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 (Ba-122). By comparing the predicted stripe amplitudes with experiment and using the London relation between penetration depth and superfluid density, we estimate the enhanced Cooper pair density on the twin planes, and the barrier force for a vortex to cross a twin plane. Fits to the observed temperature dependence of the stripe amplitude suggest that the twin planes have a higher critical temperature than the bulk, although stripes are not observed above the bulk critical temperature.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Coherent control of photon transmission : slowing light in coupled resonator waveguide doped with Λ\Lambda Atoms

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    In this paper, we propose and study a hybrid mechanism for coherent transmission of photons in the coupled resonator optical waveguide (CROW) by incorporating the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) effect into the controllable band gap structure of the CROW. Here, the configuration setup of system consists of a CROW with homogeneous couplings and the artificial atoms with Λ\Lambda-type three levels doped in each cavity. The roles of three levels are completely considered based on a mean field approach where the collection of three-level atoms collectively behave as two-mode spin waves. We show that the dynamics of low excitations of atomic ensemble can be effectively described by an coupling boson model. The exactly solutions show that the light pulses can be stopped and stored coherently by adiabatically controlling the classical field.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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