7 research outputs found

    Understanding representation learning for deep reinforcement learning

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    Representation learning is essential to practical success of reinforcement learning. Through a state representation, an agent can describe its environment to efficiently explore the state space, generalize to new states and perform credit assignment from delayed feedback. These representations may be state abstractions, hand-engineered or fixed features or implied by a neural network. In this thesis, we investigate several desirable theoretical properties of state representations and, using this categorization, design novel principled RL algorithms aiming at learning these state representations at scale through deep learning. First, we consider state abstractions induced by behavioral metrics and their generalization properties. We show that supporting the continuity of the value function is central to generalization in reinforcement learning. Together with this formalization, we provide an empirical evaluation comparing various metrics and demonstrating the importance of the choice of a neighborhood in RL algorithms. Then, we draw on statistical learning theory to characterize what it means for arbitrary state features to generalize in RL. We introduce a new notion called effective dimension of a representation that drives the generalization to unseen states and demonstrate its usefulness for value-based deep reinforcement learning in Atari games. The third contribution of this dissertation is a scalable algorithm to learn a state representation from a very large number of auxiliary tasks through deep learning. It is a stochastic gradient descent method to learn the principal components of a target matrix by means of a neural network from a handful of entries. Finally, the last part presents our findings on how the state representation in reinforcement learning influences the quality of an agent’s predictions but is also shaped by these predictions. We provide a formal mathematical model for studying this phenomenon and show how these theoretical results can be leveraged to improve the quality of the learning process

    Metrics and continuity in reinforcement learning

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    In most practical applications of reinforcement learning, it is untenable to maintain direct estimates for individual states; in continuous-state systems, it is impossible. Instead, researchers often leverage state similarity (whether explicitly or implicitly) to build models that can generalize well from a limited set of samples. The notion of state similarity used, and the neighbourhoods and topologies they induce, is thus of crucial importance, as it will directly affect the performance of the algorithms. Indeed, a number of recent works introduce algorithms assuming the existence of "well-behaved" neighbourhoods, but leave the full specification of such topologies for future work. In this paper we introduce a unified formalism for defining these topologies through the lens of metrics. We establish a hierarchy amongst these metrics and demonstrate their theoretical implications on the Markov Decision Process specifying the reinforcement learning problem. We complement our theoretical results with empirical evaluations showcasing the differences between the metrics considered.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 202

    Continuous Hierarchical Representations with Poincar\'e Variational Auto-Encoders

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    The variational auto-encoder (VAE) is a popular method for learning a generative model and embeddings of the data. Many real datasets are hierarchically structured. However, traditional VAEs map data in a Euclidean latent space which cannot efficiently embed tree-like structures. Hyperbolic spaces with negative curvature can. We therefore endow VAEs with a Poincar\'e ball model of hyperbolic geometry as a latent space and rigorously derive the necessary methods to work with two main Gaussian generalisations on that space. We empirically show better generalisation to unseen data than the Euclidean counterpart, and can qualitatively and quantitatively better recover hierarchical structures.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing System

    Bootstrapped Representations in Reinforcement Learning

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    In reinforcement learning (RL), state representations are key to dealing with large or continuous state spaces. While one of the promises of deep learning algorithms is to automatically construct features well-tuned for the task they try to solve, such a representation might not emerge from end-to-end training of deep RL agents. To mitigate this issue, auxiliary objectives are often incorporated into the learning process and help shape the learnt state representation. Bootstrapping methods are today's method of choice to make these additional predictions. Yet, it is unclear which features these algorithms capture and how they relate to those from other auxiliary-task-based approaches. In this paper, we address this gap and provide a theoretical characterization of the state representation learnt by temporal difference learning (Sutton, 1988). Surprisingly, we find that this representation differs from the features learned by Monte Carlo and residual gradient algorithms for most transition structures of the environment in the policy evaluation setting. We describe the efficacy of these representations for policy evaluation, and use our theoretical analysis to design new auxiliary learning rules. We complement our theoretical results with an empirical comparison of these learning rules for different cumulant functions on classic domains such as the four-room domain (Sutton et al, 1999) and Mountain Car (Moore, 1990).Comment: ICML 202

    Human Alignment of Large Language Models through Online Preference Optimisation

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    Ensuring alignment of language models' outputs with human preferences is critical to guarantee a useful, safe, and pleasant user experience. Thus, human alignment has been extensively studied recently and several methods such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), Direct Policy Optimisation (DPO) and Sequence Likelihood Calibration (SLiC) have emerged. In this paper, our contribution is two-fold. First, we show the equivalence between two recent alignment methods, namely Identity Policy Optimisation (IPO) and Nash Mirror Descent (Nash-MD). Second, we introduce a generalisation of IPO, named IPO-MD, that leverages the regularised sampling approach proposed by Nash-MD. This equivalence may seem surprising at first sight, since IPO is an offline method whereas Nash-MD is an online method using a preference model. However, this equivalence can be proven when we consider the online version of IPO, that is when both generations are sampled by the online policy and annotated by a trained preference model. Optimising the IPO loss with such a stream of data becomes then equivalent to finding the Nash equilibrium of the preference model through self-play. Building on this equivalence, we introduce the IPO-MD algorithm that generates data with a mixture policy (between the online and reference policy) similarly as the general Nash-MD algorithm. We compare online-IPO and IPO-MD to different online versions of existing losses on preference data such as DPO and SLiC on a summarisation task

    Perfect Density Models Cannot Guarantee Anomaly Detection

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    Thanks to the tractability of their likelihood, several deep generative models show promise for seemingly straightforward but important applications like anomaly detection, uncertainty estimation, and active learning. However, the likelihood values empirically attributed to anomalies conflict with the expectations these proposed applications suggest. In this paper, we take a closer look at the behavior of distribution densities through the lens of reparametrization and show that these quantities carry less meaningful information than previously thought, beyond estimation issues or the curse of dimensionality. We conclude that the use of these likelihoods for anomaly detection relies on strong and implicit hypotheses, and highlight the necessity of explicitly formulating these assumptions for reliable anomaly detection