43 research outputs found

    Numerical Modeling Of The Shock Tube Flow Fields Before Andduring Ignition Delay Time Experiments At Practical Conditions

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    An axi-symmetric shock-tube model has been developed to simulate the shock-wave propagation and reflection in both non-reactive and reactive flows. Simulations were performed for the full shock-tube geometry of the high-pressure shock tube facility at Texas A&M University. Computations were carried out in the CFD solver FLUENT based on the finite volume approach and the AUSM+ flux differencing scheme. Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithm was applied to the time-dependent flow fields to accurately capture and resolve the shock and contact discontinuities as well as the very fine scales associated with the viscous and reactive effects. A conjugate heat transfer model has been incorporated which enhanced the credibility of the simulations. The multi-dimensional, time-dependent numerical simulations resolved all of the relevant scales, ranging from the size of the system to the reaction zone scale. The robustness of the numerical model and the accuracy of the simulations were assessed through validation with the analytical ideal shock-tube theory and experimental data. The numerical method is first applied to the problem of axi-symmetric inviscid flow then viscous effects are incorporated through viscous modeling. The non-idealities in the shock tube have been investigated and quantified, notably the non-ideal transient behavior in the shock tube nozzle section, heat transfer effects from the hot gas to the shock tube side walls, the reflected shock/boundary layer interactions or what is known as bifurcation, and the contact surface/bifurcation interaction resulting into driver gas contamination. The non-reactive model is shown to be capable of accurately simulating the shock and expansion wave propagations and reflections as well as the flow non-uniformities behind the reflected shock wave. Both the inviscid and the viscous non-reactive models provided a baseline for the combustion model iii which involves elementary chemical reactions and requires the coupling of the chemistry with the flow fields adding to the complexity of the problem and thereby requiring tremendous computational resources. Combustion modeling focuses on the ignition process behind the reflected shock wave in undiluted and diluted Hydrogen test gas mixtures. Accurate representation of the Shock - tube reactive flow fields is more likely to be achieved by the means of the LES model in conjunction with the EDC model. The shock-tube CFD model developed herein provides valuable information to the interpretation of the shock-tube experimental data and to the understanding of the impact the facility-dependent non-idealities can have on the ignition delay time measurements

    Évaluation de l'activité insecticide de quelques espèces végétales du Maroc

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    L'activité insecticide de 15 espèces de plantes marocaines a été testée vis-à-vis de deux insectes ravageurs des denrées stockées: Rizopertha dominica (F) et Sitophilus oryzae (L). Les essais ont été effectués a une température de 24 ± 1°C. Les résultats des tests de toxicité obtenus ont montré que la poudre des graines de Smyrnium olusatrum (L), Nigella sativa (L) et Piper nigrum (L) possède une activité insecticide appréciable contre les deux Coléoptères ravageurs des céréales stockées. Le taux de mortalité maximal enregistré pour R. dominica est de 95% avec S. olusatrum et 98% avec P. nigrum alors que pour S. oryzae ce taux est de 100% avec N. sativa et de 96% avec P. nigrum

    Activité insecticide de quelques plantes médicinales du Maroc

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    Des essais de toxicité aiguë et chronique, utilisant la poudre et les extraits de différentes parties, de 12 plantes médicinales marocaines, ont été conduits sur deux insectes ravageurs des céréales stockés: Sitophilus oryzae et Rizopertha dominica. Ces tests préliminaires ont montré que parmi les plantes testées,M elia azedarach, Capsicum frutescens et Citrullus colocynthis ont présenté une toxicité appréciable pour les deux espèces d'insectes. Les fruits de ces plantes ont montré une activité plus élevée que les feuilles et les pépins.Insecticidal activity of some medicinal plants of MoroccoAcute and chronic toxicity tests against two insect pests of stored grains: S. oryzae and R. dominica were conducted with the powder and crud extracts of different parts of 12 indigenous medicinal plants. These preliminary studies showed that Melia azedarach, Capsicum frutescens and Citrullus colocynthis presented the highest toxicity against both insect species. FlUits ofthese plants were more active than leaves and seeds

    Characterization of the flavonoids of the Argan tree leaves (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels, Sapotaceae) and study of their antimicrobial activity

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    Quatre flavonoïdes, la quercétine, la myricétine, la quercétrine et la myricétrine ont été isolés à partir des feuilles d’Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels, Sapotaceae. Ces composés ont été séparés à l’aide de méthodes chromatogaphiques usuelles et identifiés sur la base de leurs caractéristiques spectroscopiques (UV, SM, RMN 1H et13C). La myricétine et la myricétrine ont montré une activité anti-microbienne plus importante contre les bactéries que contre les levures

    Arts-based therapy of eating disorders in youth

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    Background. Eating disorders (EDs) are highly prevalent in the general adolescent population. There are several of effective treatments, yet still unmet treatment exists. In recent years, arts-based therapies (ABTs) had been widely used along with traditional evidence-based therapies to treat various health conditions. (Swanson et al. 2011, 714—723.) Aim and task. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the important role of ATBs in treatment of EDs by displaying general knowledge and information to adolescents who are affected by an eating disorder (ED). The task is to support youth with an ED under MIMO project’s multiprofessional co-operation concept to regain a correct body image in order to cope better with EDs in their later lives. Empirical implementation. MIMO is the commissioner of this project. Project was under supervision of Turku University of Applied Science teachers and commissioners. Seven groups of teen students age from 13—14 in Salo Hermanni School participated. Posters and leaflets (See Picture 1—5) were made as tools of public education. Workshops were in form of creative bodymovement exercise. Face-to-face interview used in discussion. Video filming was available before which photo release papers were given and signed. Discussion. This project is considered meaningful. Arts-based workshops have been seen to be appropriate to be implemented as a form of education and awareness. Conclusion. Arts-based therapy (ABT), as one of uplifting methods, has been increasingly used in treatments and rehabilitations of an ED. It has shown a positive impact on ED. (Frisch, Franko and Herzog 2006, 2.

    Accusing beauty, liberating anxiety: The pedagogical meaning of controversial pictures in art education

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    Tutkimusaiheena oli levottomuutta herättävien kuvien pedagoginen merkitys nuorten kuvataidekasvatuksessa. ”Levottomuutta herättävä” viittasi vaikeasti ymmärrettäviin ja siksi pedagogisesti haastaviin kuviin. Tutkimukseni empiirinen aineisto koostui neljältä kuvataidekasvattajalta keräämästäni haastatteluaineistosta sekä heidän valitsemistaan ja opetuksessa käyttämistään, levottomuutta herättävistä kuvista. Tutkimusmetodeina käytin kyselyä, ryhmähaastattelua ja ryhmäkeskustelua. Tutkimuskysymyksiäni olivat: Mikä teki levottomuutta herättävästä kuvista pedagogisesti merkityksellisiä ja miten opetus, jossa käytettiin levottomuutta herättäviä kuvia, rakentui? Minkälaisia olivat levottomuutta herättäviin kuviin perustuvan opetuksen reunaehdot? Oliko levottomuutta herättävillä kuvilla sijaa kuvataidekasvatuksessa? Mitä levottomuutta herättävien kuvien kohtaaminen näytti nuorten koulutodellisuudesta? Haastattelemieni kuvataidekasvattajien valitsemien kuvien pedagoginen merkityksellisyys ja keskeisin oppimisen tavoite vaikutti olevan huolen herättämisessa todellisten ilmiöiden pohdiskeluun esteettisen mielihyvän sijaan. Oppilailla kuvien tulkinta purki stereotypioita ennen kaikkea opettajaan rooliin kohdistuvien oletusten osoittautuessa stereotyyppisiksi. Aineistoni mukaan kuvien kontekstikeskeinen tulkinta oli perusteltua, koska sitä tarvittiin katseen kohdentamiseksi pedagogisesti merkitykselliseen. Opettajat painottivat kuvauksissaan lisäksi kokijakeskeistä lähestymistapaa. Siihen viittasivat eettisten arvojen pohdiskelu ja heidän käyttämistään ilmaisuista välittyvä moniaistisuuden korostaminen. Myös oppilaat lähestyivät opettajien kuvauksissa esteettistä tilannetta kokijakeskeisesti. Erona opettajiin, esteettinen mielihyvä oli edellytys, ei lähtökohta esteettiselle kokemukselle. Esteettiseen mielihyvään perustuva tulkitseminen sekä vapaa itseilmaisu vaikuttivat kahlitsevan kuvallisen ilmaisun kehitystä ja arvostelukykyä. Vapaa itseilmaisu liittyi usein uskomukseen, jonka mukaan tarpeeksi ilmaisuvoimainen kuva ei kaivannut tulkintaa. Vapaan itseilmaisun korostaminen oli eräs syy siihen miksi levottomuutta herättäviä kuvia oli niin vaikea kohdata. Aineiston perusteella levottomuutta herättävillä kuvilla oli paikkansa nuorten taidekasvatuksessa. Niiden avulla opettajat pystyivät havainnollistamaan, että kuvallinen kehitys vaati tulkinnallisten taitojen kehittämistä ja että pedagogisesti merkityksellinen tulkinta edellytti aistittavaan eläytymistä, kontekstin tuntemista ja kuvan käyttöarvon priorisoimista nautintoarvon sijaan. Levottomuutta herättävien kuvien kautta opettajat pystyivät myös havainnollistamaan tulkinnallisten taitojen kehittämisen tärkeyden, koska tämän kaltaiset kuvat saattoivat johtaa myötätunnon heräämiseen myös jotakin omalle elämismaailmalle vierasta kohtaan.The topic of this research was the pedagogical meaning of controversial pictures in art education, especially among teenagers. “Controversial” indicated to pictures that were hard to understand and because of that, pedagogically challenging. The empirical corpus consisted of interviewing four art educator and pictures which they had chosen and used in their teaching. Researching methods were inquiry, group interview and group discussion. Research questions were: What made controversial pictures pedagogically meaningful and how was teaching constructed? What kinds of preconditions were needed when the teaching was based on controversial pictures? Had the art education any room for controversial pictures? What did the encountering of controversial pictures showed about school reality of teenagers? The main focus of the picture’s pedagogical meaning and also the target of learning seemed to be evoking concern towards thinking real phenomena instead of pursuing esthetic pleasure. Pupils’ interpretations of pictures dismantled stereotypes especially when the stereotypes towards teachers’ role became unsustainable. According to empirical corpus, interpreting pictures with their context was justified because context was needed for focusing the wandering gaze to the pedagogically meaningful. In addition of context, art educators emphasized experience while approaching pictures. Thoughts about esthetic values and descriptions based on multisensory indicated that. According to teachers, also pupils approached esthetic situation mainly with their individual experiences. Compared to teachers, pupils took esthetic pleasure as a precondition, not as a starting point for esthetic experience. Interpreting pictures based exclusively on esthetic pleasure. Free expression seemed to chain the development of visual expression and criticism. Free expression was often related to belief, that picture with strong expression didn’t need any interpretation. Emphasizing free expression was one reason why it was so difficult to encounter controversial pictures. According to empirical corpus the controversial pictures had their place in art education. With them teachers could demonstrate that visual development demanded exercising interpretative skills and that pedagogically meaningful interpretation required empathizing sensual, knowing the context and prioritizing the picture’s using value over their pleasure value. With the controversial pictures teachers could demonstrate also importance of interpretative skills, because these kind of pictures could evoke compassion towards something strange to pupils own life world

    Living at home with MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    The motivation behind this research was to acquire information and learn various approaches to preclude Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from spreading, educating doctors, nurses, and patients (in Morocco) creating implementation and awareness about MRSA, but the most important purpose of this research is to educate nurses in Morocco who are in charges with bacteria diseases on how to take preventative measures of MRSA. The responsibility for patients' well-being rests with health care workers. (Fleisher, Zimmerman, Wuste & Behrens 2009, 339). The writer tried his best to discuss S.aureus from a clinical perspective and to define how methicillin-resistant S. aureus alerted his opinion of gram-positive infections in homes with C-A MRSA. The author of this thesis wants to print a booklet summarizing all the information extracted from this research. A literature review was used in this thesis with a descriptive approach. Information was retrieved from several databases including CDC, EBSCO, Cinahl, WHO, PubMed, and Science Direct. The literature review was based on 15 articles. The findings of this literature study revealed that preventing the spread of MRSA requires patient education at home and in LTFC, public awareness, and adequate wound care techniques. Diagnosing these infections as soon as feasible aids in timely treatment, and patients are required to complete the entire treatment series (Thompson & Workman 2014.

    Les protéines sériques du mouton de race locale

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    A partir d'un Ă©chantillon de 400 ovins d'âge, de sexe et de conditions d'Ă©levages diffĂ©rents, nous avons calculĂ© un taux moyen des protĂ©ines sĂ©riques qui est de l'ordre de 66 g/l. L'Ă©tude des variations de ce taux nous a permis d'apprĂ©cier le rĂ´le de certains facteurs physiologiques. C'est  ainsi que l'âge semble jouer un rĂ´le prĂ©pondĂ©rant puis vient l'effet de la saison qui serait liĂ© notamment Ă  l'alimentation et Ă  l'Ă©tat physiologique (gestation, lactation). Des facteurs d'ordre pathologique sont Ă©galement susceptibles d'entrainer des variations du taux des protĂ©ines sĂ©riques mais sont très peu diffĂ©rentes des valeurs normales. Il est alors difficile de porter un diagnostic de certitude par le simple dosage de ces protĂ©ines. Le fractionnement des protĂ©ines  sĂ©riques par Ă©lectrophorèse nous a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une augmentation de la fraction Ă©lectrophorĂ©tique gamma lors d'atteinte du f oie et du poumon en particulier. Dans le cas de la pathologie du foie, il se produit en outre une diminution du taux d'albumine ce qui traduit une diminution plus importante du rapport albumine/globulines, et l'Ă©quilibre protĂ©ique se trouve davantage perturbĂ©