429 research outputs found

    Waterbath Design Equipped with Temperature Distribution Monitor

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    Waterbath is a device used to create a constant temperature. This tool is used to incubates in microbiology analysis. Temperature is maintained according to the desired range. The heating element is controlled by the heater driver. This module is created by using Arduino Atmega 328 as a minimum system and time controller, Using a PID controller as temperature control, and using a DS18B20 sensor as a temperature sensor. The design of this study uses pre-experimental methods after only design research. The measurement results are done by comparing the module with a standard measurement instrument that produces the biggest % error in setting temperature of 37 ËšC which is equal to 1.21%, it is related to the boundary between water temperature and temperature setting too short which is affected by the DS18B20 temperature sensor reader that need time, to get a stable temperature reading. The minimum % error located at 60 ËšC, because to reach the temperature setting needs a long time so that DS18B20 the sensor reading is stable of setting temperature which is equal to 0.11%. The value % error of the timer is 3.4 % which the amount of the error is affected by the number of DS18B20 which is used and the delay from the microcontroller. Based on the results obtained this module can be used properly because still on the maximum limit error value less than 5%

    Penerapan Model Kooperatif Tipe Stad untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Fpb dan Kpk pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas V Sdn Komplek Kenjeran Ii/506 Surabaya

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    Sesuai dengan kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan 2006 mata pelajaran matematika sekolah dasar telah diajarkan materi menentukan FPB dan KPK. Pada proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran menentukan FPB dan KPK dilakukan secara sederhana yakni guru langsung memberikan bagaimana cara-­cara menentukan FPB dan KPK. Proses tersebut dilakukan tanpa ada sesuatu yang menarik bagi siswa, sehingga masih banyak siswa yang mendapat hasil belajar siswa yang dibawah KKM. KKM yang ditetapkan adalah 70. Berdasarkan hasil refleksi dari proses pembelajaran matematika khususnya pada materi FPB dan KPK selama ini masih menemui beberapa kendala yaitu : (1) sumber belajar bergantung pada guru; (2) belum/tidak memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya; (3) meminta siswa untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang ada pada buku paket tentang materi yang diajarkan (4) kurang memperhatikan minat siswa; (5) pembelajaran hanya berpusat pada guru dan pemilihan bahan ajar semata-mata didasarkan pada buku paket. Pada kegiatan pembelajaran aktivitas guru mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I dan siklus II. Pada siklus I aktivitas guru mencapai 69,6% dan pada siklus II aktivitas guru mencapai 89,3%. Sedangkan aktivitas siswa pada siklus I mencapai 63,8% dan siklus II aktivitas siswa mencapai 85%. Data hasil tes siswa pada siklus I mencapai 63,9% dan siklus II mencapai 88,9%. Diakhir pelajaran dibagikan lembar angket untuk mengetahui respon siswa. Persentase angket mencapai 90%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi FPB dan KPK pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas V SDN Komplek Kenjeran II Surabaya

    Analysis of Employee Performance at the Regional Secretariat of the Riau Islands Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Employee performance is a result achieved by employees in their work according to certain criteria that apply to a particular job. Employee performance is a function of the interaction between ability and motivation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the performance of employees at the Regional Secretariat of the Riau Islands Province during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using secondary data and data analysis using a triangulation approach of relevant facts and logic. The analysis shows that employee performance is not optimal due to the lack of supporting facilities that are not focused on performance budgeting. Because during the COVID-19 period, the focus was only on recovering the national economy so that services at the Provincial Secretariat were not optimal. Then the change in performance culture during the COVID-19 pandemic made employees have to understand information systems and technology in providing public services as a form of service innovation in the future

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap Komitmen Organisasional dengan Variabel Moderating Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai Rumah Sakit Swasta di PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    The research examined the moderation effect of job satisfaction on the influence of transformational leadership toward organizational commitment. The research uses population research consist of 152 respondents take to all employee's of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Surakarta. The data were collected with questionnaire, while the data analysis uses Regression Analysis with residual absolute test. This results of this research showed that transformational leadership had effect on organizational commitment, job satisfaction had effect on organizational commitment. Furthermore, the findings supported the research hypothesis that job satisfaction had a positively and significantly as a moderating variable on the influence of transformational leadership toward organizational commitment

    Snellen Chart Based on Android Control

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    Eye vision is a person's visual acuity examination that is usually done using a snellen chart. Snellen chart is a poster that contains a number of letters that are different on each line with the letters getting closer to the bottom lines. Eye vision examination using a normal snellen chart is done at a distance of 6 meters because someone is considered normal if he is able to read on the 20/20 line in feet or 6/6 in meters. Snellen chart control android is an electronic snellen chart that controls the light transfer using Android. Commands originating from the mitapp application on android are sent to the bluetooth HC-05 module in the minsys Atmega16 circuit. Atmega 16 was chosen because it has a sufficient number of pins to control the displacement of the lights used by 23 lights. The appearance of the mitapp application has been adjusted to the letters contained in the snellen chart, making it easier for operator to correct the results of the readings that have been performed by the eye vision patient

    Analisis Loyalitas Konsumen dalam Mengkonsumsi Produk Pemutih Wajah (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Unisri Surakarta)

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    This research is aimed to find the influence of the dimensions skin whitening product, which consist of quality, public image, and advertising toward customer loyality, which measured through the intention to repurchase with same brand in the future. Through purposive sampling method, using samples 100 respondent were taken from student in area of economics faculty in UNISRI Surakarta. Logistic regression analysis with binary scaled-dependent variable is used to predict the influences dimensions skin whitening product which consist of of quality, public image, and advertising customer's loyality. The result of the logistic regression analysis with binary scaled shows that there are three dimension of skin whitening product have the most significant effect in creating customer's loyality through the intention to repurchase with same brand in the future The result of Exp(B) test shows that contribution which given by quality variable toward in creating customer's loyality are bigger than another variables

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap Organization Citizenship Behavior : dengan Variabel Intervening Komitmen Organisasional

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    The objective of the research is to examine the direct effect of transformational leadership to organizational commitment, transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior and also test the indirect effect of transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behavior with the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Sample are 42 lecturers from all faculties in area of Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta (completely filled questionnaire). The samples we taken by Cluster Proportional Random Sampling technique. To test the hypothesis, the researcher uses the path analysis, meanwhile to process the data, the SPSS Release 10 program is used. Result of examination of the direct effect, shows that (1) there is direct effect between of the transformational leadership to organizational commitment, (2) there is direct effect between of the transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behavior, (3) there is direct effect between of the organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior and also (4) There is indirect effect between of the transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behavior through organizational commitment

    Rancang Bangun Phantom Sebagai Pengganti Jaringan Tubuh Untuk Mendeteksi Pola Perubahan Suhu Terapi Infra Merah

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    Termoterapi merupakan perawatan terapeutik berdasarkan transfer energi panas ke dalam tubuh. Tujuan utama pada bidang klinis terapi ini adalah untuk mencapai hasil pengobatan pada pasien tanpa merusak jaringan tubuh. Pemberian dosis panas terapi infra merah dikaitkan dengan parameter jarak dan waktu penyinaran, untuk menghasilkan dosis panas yang optimal terhadap permukaan kulit belum banyak diungkap secara detail. Sehingga disini pembuatan phantom untuk melakukan penelitian tentang dosis panas pada permukaan kulit tanpa harus melibatkan mahluk hidup secara langsung penting untuk dilakukan.Penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran akan paparan panas yang diterima oleh phantom, yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan penentuan dosis terkait keselamatan klinis apabila diaplikasikan pada tubuh pasien. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan 2 sensor lm 35 dan Arduino sebagai mikrokontrollernya. Menggunakan delphi sebagai monitoring penyebaran suhu pad 2 sensor ini. Pada delphi juga tersedia fitur untuk save data sehingga mempermudah melakukan pengolahan data hasil monitoring kedua sensor suhu tersebut. Setelah melakukan penelitian diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa jarak sangat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan suhu pada phantom dimana semakin jauh jarak penyinaran maka peningkatan suhu pada phantom semakin kecil

    MHD Flow of a Uniformly Stretched Vertical Permeable Membrane in the Presence of Zero Order Reaction and Quadratic Heat Generation

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    We present a magneto - hydrodynamic flow of a uniformly stretched vertical permeable surface undergoing Arrhenius heat reaction. The analytical solutions are obtained for concentration, temperature and velocity fields using an asymptotic approximation, similar to that of Ayeni et al 2004. It is shown that the temperature field and the velocity field depend heavily on the thermal grashof numbers, heat generation/absorption, magnetic induction, chemical reaction parameters and reaction order. It is also established that maximum velocity occurs in the body of the fluid close to the surface and not the surface
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