697 research outputs found

    Adjuvanted herpes zoster subunit vaccine in older adults

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    Mumps and rubella surveillance in Victoria, 1993 to 2000

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    Despite improving childhood coverage of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) in Victoria during the 1990s, mumps and rubella notifications in age groups eligible for vaccination persisted. This study reviewed the mumps and rubella surveillance data from 1993 to 2000 with a specific focus on method of diagnosis. There were 474 notifications of mumps over the seven-year period (annual median 61, range 40 to 77) and 3,544 notifications of rubella (annual median 297, range 66 to 1,165). The highest notifications rates for mumps were consistently among the 1-4 and 5-9 year age groups, whereas there was a marked change in the age distribution of rubella notifications during this interval. A large rubella outbreak occurred in 1995 with 1,165 notifications; the highest notification rates were males aged 15-24 years, infants under one year of age (males and females), and those aged 5-14 years (males and females), respectively. The susceptibility of 5-24 year olds reflects historical changes to the Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule. Rubella notifications returned to baseline levels in 1998 with the highest notification rates in infants aged under one year, and children aged 1-4 years. For both mumps and rubella, the majority of notifications for all age groups were clinically diagnosed, and were most common in children. Commun Dis Intell 2003;27:94-99

    Public health response to a measles outbreak in a large correctional facility, Queensland, 2013

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    This report documents the prompt, co-ordinated and effective public health response to a measles outbreak in Queensland in 2013. There were 17 cases in a large, high-security, regional correctional facility, a setting with unique challenges. Recommendations are provided to reduce the likelihood and magnitude of measles outbreaks in correctional facilities

    Surveillance of viral pathogens in Australia : Respiratory syncytial virus

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    This report published in Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 27, No 1, March 2003 contains information on respiratory syncytial virus, which is a major cause of lower respiratory tract infection in young children

    Usefulness of Published PCR Primers in Detecting Human Rhinovirus Infection

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    We conducted a preliminary comparison of the relative sensitivity of a cross-section of published human rhinovirus (HRV)ā€“specific PCR primer pairs, varying the oligonucleotides and annealing temperature. None of the pairs could detect all HRVs in 2 panels of genotyped clinical specimens; >1 PCR is required for accurate description of HRV epidemiology

    Merkel Cell Polyomavirus DNA in Respiratory Specimens from Children and Adults

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    Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) DNA was detected in 7 (1.3%) of 526 respiratory tract samples from patients in Australia with upper or lower respiratory tract symptoms. Partial T antigen and major capsid protein sequences of MCPyV identified in respiratory secretions showed high homology (99%ā€“100%) to those found in Merkel cell carcinoma

    An outbreak of Q fever associated with parturientcat exposure at an animal refuge and veterinaryclinic in southeast Queensland

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    Objective: To determine the source of a Q fever outbreak in humans at an animal refuge and veterinary clinic in southeast Queensland from October to December 2016

    A multi-jurisdictional outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infections linked to backyard poultryā€”Australia, 2020

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    Zoonotic salmonellosis can occur either through direct contact with an infected animal or through indirect contact, such as exposure to an infected animal's contaminated environment. Between May and August 2020, a multi-jurisdictional outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium (STm) infection due to zoonotic transmission was investigated in Australia. In total, 38 outbreak cases of STm with a median age of 5ā€‰years were reported. Epidemiological investigation showed contact with live poultry to be a common risk factor with most cases recently purchasing one-week old chicks from produce/pet stores. Traceback investigation of cases identified 25 product/pet stores of which 18 were linked to a single poultry breeder farm. On farm environmental sampling identified the same STm genotype as identified in cases. Whole genome sequencing of both environmental and human outbreak isolates found them to be highly related by phylogenetic analysis. This investigation describes the first documented widespread zoonotic salmonellosis outbreak in Australia attributed to backyard poultry exposure and identified potential risk factors and prevention and control measures for future outbreaks. Prevention of future outbreaks will require an integrated One Health approach involving the poultry industry, produce/pet store owners, animal healthcare providers, public health and veterinary health agencies and the public

    Whole body cardiovascular MRI for the comparison of atherosclerotic burden and cardiac remodelling in healthy South Asian and European adults

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    Objective: To determine the feasibility of using wholebody cardiovascular MRI (WB-CVMR) to compare South Asians (SAs)-a population known to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) but paradoxically lower prevalence of peripheral arterial disease-and Western Europeans (WEs). Methods: 19 SAs and 38 age-, gender- and body mass index-matched WEs were recruited. All were aged 40 years and over, free from CVD and with a 10-year risk of CV
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