1,069 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional series evaluations via the elliptic functions of Ramanujan and Jacobi

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    We evaluate in closed form, for the first time, certain classes of double series, which are remindful of lattice sums. Elliptic functions, singular moduli, class invariants, and the Rogers--Ramanujan continued fraction play central roles in our evaluationsComment: 12 page

    How to help the 'vulnerable'

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    This article is based on a Facebook post written in the context of the nationwide appeal for volunteers to support vulnerable people in the community.People, can I just offer a word of caution! Firstly, let me say that I am very much one of the 'vulnerable': disabled from birth and had more than my share of loss of independence due to fighting a rear-guard action against all my health issues.My word of caution is not to stop all this wonderful community-minded thinking and action. Many people are putting into action what we would all hope is our core society ethos. My plea is on the basis that this is going to be a long haul by all accounts - the peak, we are told, may not be until June. So, those offering help right now may want to keep in mind that this is likely to be a time-commitment of months, if not longer. The up side to this is that we may forge real friendships and get to know people properly. The down side is that right now many people like me will be fine, and so will refuse or turn down offers of help. We are not ungrateful or rude (well maybe I am a bit grumpy), it is just that we are used to fending for ourselves and, to some extent, doing it ourselves

    On the Serum Therapeutics of Cases of Snake-Bite.

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    The haemolytic power of urine

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    This interesting subject, a study of the haemolytic activity of urine, on which there is little available literature, is of comparatively recent development.If the complex nature of such a substance as urine, be taken into consideration for a moment, the complexity of any investigation such as this will be realised in so far as attempting to obtain definite facts are concerned.Again, if urine be looked upon not as a single substance but rather as a collection of substances it is obvious that any results obtained must necessarily be interpreted with caution.The first thing that comes to one's mind when the question of the presence of haemolysins in urine is thought of, seems to be such simple factors as, Decomposition, Tonicity, or some of the well known constituents which may occur in urine from time to time. Curiously enough these factors, as has been shown and is corroborated in the following experiments, seem to play little, if any, part in the production of haemolysis of the erythrocytes of a blood suspension

    Bayesian Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Property Prediction

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    Graph neural networks for molecular property prediction are frequently underspecified by data and fail to generalise to new scaffolds at test time. A potential solution is Bayesian learning, which can capture our uncertainty in the model parameters. This study benchmarks a set of Bayesian methods applied to a directed MPNN, using the QM9 regression dataset. We find that capturing uncertainty in both readout and message passing parameters yields enhanced predictive accuracy, calibration, and performance on a downstream molecular search task.Comment: Presented at NeurIPS 2020 Machine Learning for Molecules worksho

    State Buy-American Laws - Is There a Judicial Solution?

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    State buy-American statutes are among the most peculiar of legislative responses to problems of unemployment and low levels of economic growth in the United States. Designed to decrease unemployment among American workers by promoting the development of American industry, the statutes typically require that purchasers of goods to be used in state-subsidized projects prefer products manufactured in America over those made in foreign countries, often regardless of price or quality.\u27 State buy-American statutes are presently in effect in a number of states, despite criticism that they constitute devices of economic protectionism for domestic goods and barriers to a unified United States foreign economic policy... The recent New Jersey Supreme Court decision in K.S.B. Technical Sales Corp. v. North Jersey District Water Supply Commission raises anew the difficult issues concerning the constitutionality of state buy-American statutes. The New Jersey statutes governing public works challenged in K.S.B. provide in relevant part: [N]otwithstanding any inconsistent provision of any law, and unless the head of the department, or other public officer charged with the duty by law, shall determine it to be inconsistent with the public interest, or the cost to be unreasonable, only domestic materials shall be acquired or used for any public work.\u27 In upholding this statute, the K.S.B. court rejected a three-pronged constitutional challenge alleging that the statute (1) violated the dormant commerce clause of the United States Constitution; (2) was preempted by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; and (3) constituted an impermissible state intrusion into the field of foreign affairs. This Note will consider these constitutional challenges to state buy-American statutes, concluding that such laws,in light of both early and recent Supreme Court decisions, are indeed valid under the Constitution. The Note neither condemns nor favors the policy considerations underlying state buy-American statutes, but only suggests that those seeking removal of restrictions on state government purchases direct their efforts to the legislative rather than the judicial process

    The Role of Education in AIDS Prevention

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    The severity of the current AIDS epidemic, combined with the lack of successful biological interventions, necessitates an active educational program as the primary intervention strategy. Health education theories abound, but relatively little definitive application of these theories has been made to the issues involved with HIV transmission: sexual behavior and the sharing of intravenous drug apparatus. Significant behavior changes have occurred in some people, but the consistency of the behavior change may be difficult to sustain. Thus, the authors suggest that health education should be delivered repeatedly in culturally acceptable language and format, by community leaders, and through many different approaches (churches, schools, media, and so on). Finally, because of the limited definitive evidence regarding these approaches with respect to AIDS, considerable resources should be provided to evaluate these strategies and to revise programs on the basis of the evaluations
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