The haemolytic power of urine


This interesting subject, a study of the haemolytic activity of urine, on which there is little available literature, is of comparatively recent development.If the complex nature of such a substance as urine, be taken into consideration for a moment, the complexity of any investigation such as this will be realised in so far as attempting to obtain definite facts are concerned.Again, if urine be looked upon not as a single substance but rather as a collection of substances it is obvious that any results obtained must necessarily be interpreted with caution.The first thing that comes to one's mind when the question of the presence of haemolysins in urine is thought of, seems to be such simple factors as, Decomposition, Tonicity, or some of the well known constituents which may occur in urine from time to time. Curiously enough these factors, as has been shown and is corroborated in the following experiments, seem to play little, if any, part in the production of haemolysis of the erythrocytes of a blood suspension

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