694 research outputs found

    Permissive human cytomegalovirus infection of a first trimester extravillous cytotrophoblast cell line

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the leading cause of congenital viral infection in the United States and Europe. Despite the significant morbidity associated with prenatal HCMV infection, little is known about how the virus infects the fetus during pregnancy. To date, primary human cytotrophoblasts (CTBs) have been utilized to study placental HCMV infection and replication; however, the minimal mitotic potential of these cells restricts experimentation to a few days, which may be problematic for mechanistic studies of the slow-replicating virus. The aim of this study was to determine whether the human first trimester CTB cell line SGHPL-4 was permissive for HCMV infection and therefore could overcome such limitations. HCMV immediate early (IE) protein expression was detected as early as 3 hours post-infection in SGHPL-4 cells and progressively increased as a function of time. HCMV growth assays revealed the presence of infectious virus in both cell lysates and culture supernatants, indicating that viral replication and the release of progeny virus occurred. Compared to human fibroblasts, viral replication was delayed in CTBs, consistent with previous studies reporting delayed viral kinetics in HCMV-infected primary CTBs. These results indicate that SGHPL-4 cells are fully permissive for the complete HCMV replicative cycle. Our findings suggest that these cells may serve as useful tools for future mechanistic studies of HCMV pathogenesis during early pregnancy

    DefSLAM: Tracking and Mapping of Deforming Scenes from Monocular Sequences

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    Monocular simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms perform robustly when observing rigid scenes; however, they fail when the observed scene deforms, for example, in medical endoscopy applications. In this article, we present DefSLAM, the first monocular SLAM capable of operating in deforming scenes in real time. Our approach intertwines Shape-from-Template (SfT) and Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion (NRSfM) techniques to deal with the exploratory sequences typical of SLAM. A deformation tracking thread recovers the pose of the camera and the deformation of the observed map, at frame rate, by means of SfT processing a template that models the scene shape-at-rest. A deformation mapping thread runs in parallel with the tracking to update the template, at keyframe rate, by means of an isometric NRSfM processing a batch of full perspective keyframes. In our experiments, DefSLAM processes close-up sequences of deforming scenes, both in a laboratory-controlled experiment and in medical endoscopy sequences, producing accurate 3-D models of the scene with respect to the moving camera

    Synergistic inhibition of human cytomegalovirus replication by interferon-alpha/beta and interferon-gamma

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that gamma interferon (IFN-γ) synergizes with the innate IFNs (IFN-α and IFN-β) to inhibit herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) replication in vitro. To determine whether this phenomenon is shared by other herpesviruses, we investigated the effects of IFNs on human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) replication. RESULTS: We have found that as with HSV-1, IFN-γ synergizes with the innate IFNs (IFN-α/β) to potently inhibit HCMV replication in vitro. While pre-treatment of human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs) with IFN-α, IFN-β or IFN-γ alone inhibited HCMV plaque formation by ~30 to 40-fold, treatment with IFN-α and IFN-γ or IFN-β and IFN-γ inhibited HCMV plaque formation by 163- and 662-fold, respectively. The generation of isobole plots verified that the observed inhibition of HCMV plaque formation and replication in HFFs by IFN-α/β and IFN-γ was a synergistic interaction. Additionally, real-time PCR analyses of the HCMV immediate early (IE) genes (IE1 and IE2) revealed that IE mRNA expression was profoundly decreased in cells stimulated with IFN-α/β and IFN-γ (~5-11-fold) as compared to vehicle-treated cells. Furthermore, decreased IE mRNA expression was accompanied by a decrease in IE protein expression, as demonstrated by western blotting and immunofluorescence. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that IFN-α/β and IFN-γ synergistically inhibit HCMV replication through a mechanism that may involve the regulation of IE gene expression. We hypothesize that IFN-γ produced by activated cells of the adaptive immune response may potentially synergize with endogenous type I IFNs to inhibit HCMV dissemination in vivo

    Building a personal symbolic space model from GSM CellID Positioning Data

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    Série : Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol. 7The context in which a person uses a mobile context-aware application can be described by many dimensions, including the, most popular, location and position. Some of the data used to describe these dimensions can be acquired directly from sensors or computed by reasoning algorithms. In this paper we propose to contextualize the mobile user of context-aware applications by describing his/her location in a symbolic space model as an alternative to the use of a position represented by a pair of coordinates in a geometric absolute referential. By exploiting the ubiquity of GSM networks, we describe a method to progressively create this symbolic and personal space model, and propose an approach to compute the level of familiarity a person has with each of the identified places. The validity of the developed model is evaluated by comparing the identified places and the computed values for the familiarity index with a ground truth represented by GPS data and the detailed agenda of a few persons

    Rme-8 depletion perturbs Notch recycling and predisposes to pathogenic signaling.

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    Notch signaling is a major regulator of cell fate, proliferation, and differentiation. Like other signaling pathways, its activity is strongly influenced by intracellular trafficking. Besides contributing to signal activation and down-regulation, differential fluxes between trafficking routes can cause aberrant Notch pathway activation. Investigating the function of the retromer-associated DNAJ protein Rme-8 in vivo, we demonstrate a critical role in regulating Notch receptor recycling. In the absence of Rme-8, Notch accumulated in enlarged tubulated Rab4-positive endosomes, and as a consequence, signaling was compromised. Strikingly, when the retromer component Vps26 was depleted at the same time, Notch no longer accumulated and instead was ectopically activated. Likewise, depletion of ESCRT-0 components Hrs or Stam in combination with Rme-8 also led to high levels of ectopic Notch activity. Together, these results highlight the importance of Rme-8 in coordinating normal endocytic recycling route and reveal that its absence predisposes toward conditions in which pathological Notch signaling can occur.This work was funded by an MRC programme grant [G0800034] to SJB. LAS was the recipient of a BBSRC PhD studentship. ES and TK were funded by the DFG [Sachbeihilfe KL 1028/5-­1].This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Rockefeller University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1083/jcb.20141100

    The geography of taste: analyzing cell-phone mobility and social events

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    This paper deals with the analysis of crowd mobility during special events. We analyze nearly 1 million cell-phone traces and associate their destinations with social events. We show that the origins of people attending an event are strongly correlated to the type of event, with implications in city management, since the knowledge of additive flows can be a critical information on which to take decisions about events management and congestion mitigation

    Oral health related quality of life in pregnant and post partum women in two social network domains; predominantly home-based and work-based networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Individuals connected to supportive social networks have better general and oral health quality of life. The objective of this study was to assess whether there were differences in oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) between women connected to either predominantly home-based and work-based social networks.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A follow-up prevalence study was conducted on 1403 pregnant and post-partum women (mean age of 25.2 ± 6.3 years) living in two cities in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Women were participants in an established cohort followed from pregnancy (baseline) to post-partum period (follow-up). All participants were allocated to two groups; 1. work-based social network group - employed women with paid work, and, 2. home-based social network group - women with no paid work, housewives or unemployed women. Measures of social support and social network were used as well as questions on sociodemographic characteristics and OHRQoL and health related behaviors. Multinomial logistic regression was performed to obtain OR of relationships between occupational contexts, affectionate support and positive social interaction on the one hand, and oral health quality of life, using the Oral Health Impacts Profile (OHIP) measure, adjusted for age, ethnicity, family income, schooling, marital status and social class.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a modifying effect of positive social interaction on the odds of occupational context on OHRQoL. The odds of having a poorer OHIP score, ≥4, was significantly higher for women with home-based social networks and moderate levels of positive social interactions [OR 1.64 (95% CI: 1.08-2.48)], and for women with home-based social networks and low levels of positive social interactions [OR 2.15 (95% CI: 1.40-3.30)] compared with women with work-based social networks and high levels of positive social interactions. Black ethnicity was associated with OHIP scores ≥4 [OR 1.73 (95% CI: 1.23-2.42)].</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Pregnant and post-partum Brazilian women in paid employment outside the home and having social supports had better OHRQoL than those with home-based social networks.</p