18 research outputs found

    De ‘Ybaaia a Uvaia, a trajetória histórica de uma de nossas mais importantes espécies arbóreas tropicais

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    Eugenia pyriformis Cambess. (uvaia) represents a heritage of our plant biodiversity. This study has performed a chronology of the evolution of the word uvaia along the brazilian history, as well as its possible migration across Brazil. Uvaia fruits taste sour, characteristic reported in etymological descriptions, and are used as food by different traditional communities. The first historical records of uvaia occurred in the xvii century, through descriptions of indigenous vocabularies, the old Tupi and Guarani, performed by the Jesuits and, thereafter, were recorded in literature works and scientific papers.A uvaia (Eugenia pyriformis Cambess.) representa um patrimônio de nossa biodiversidade vegetal. Neste estudo foi realizada cronologia da evolução do sentido do termo uvaia ao longo da história brasileira, apresentando-se registros históricos e atuais sobre o uso e a importância da planta, bem como sobre suas possíveis migrações pelo Brasil. A uvaia apresenta frutos de sabor ácido, característica revelada pela etimologia do termo, sendo utilizada na forma alimentar por comunidades tradicionais. Os primeiros registros históricos da existência da uvaia ocorreram no século xvii, por meio de vocabulários indígenas, de tupi e guarani antigos, elaborados por jesuítas e, a partir daí, tal planta foi mencionada em obras da literatura e em artigos científicos

    Methodology of the tetrazolium test for assessing the viability of seeds of Eugenia brasiliensis Lam., Eugenia uniflora L. and Eugenia pyriformis Cambess

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    Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. ("grumixameira"), Eugenia uniflora L. ("pitangueira") and Eugenia pyriformis Cambess. ("uvaieira") are forest and fruit species of pharmacological and gastronomic potential and have desiccation-sensitive seeds. The development of quick viability tests for the assessment of physiological quality of these seeds is needed. The tetrazolium test is an important method providing fast assessment of the seed physiological quality. Thus, this work aimed to develop a method for the tetrazolium test for determining viability of "grumixameira," "pitangueira" and "uvaieira" seeds. Initially the seeds of these species were soaked in water for 3 h at 25 ºC. Three concentrations of tetrazolium solutions were analyzed (0.100 %, 0.125 % and 0.250 %) for seed staining using three incubation periods (2, 3 and 6 h) at 35 ºC in the dark. After staining, seed viability was determined. Then, the seeds were subjected to different levels of controlled drying and were analyzed for their physiological quality by germination and electrical conductivity tests. The tetrazolium test is a suitable tool for determining viability after staining the seeds at 35 ºC using a 0.250 % concentration solution for 3 hours for "grumixameira" seeds, 0.125 % for 3 hours for "pitangueira" seeds and 0.100 % for 2 hours for "uvaieira" seeds


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    Ingá, espécie nativa do Brasil utilizada na arborização urbana e em sistemas agroflorestais, tem sementes altamente sensíveis à dessecação. Essa sensibilidade pode ser condicionada pelas condições ambientais em que as sementes são formadas. Neste estudo, analisou-se o grau de sensibilidade à dessecação de embriões de ingá de origens distintas e formados sob diferentes condições ambientais. Os embriões foram obtidos de frutos maduros de matrizes em São Paulo e Minas Gerais e analisados quanto ao teor de água e conteúdo de massa de matéria seca no momento da dispersão e quanto ao grau de sensibilidade à dessecação. Os resultados confirmaram a hipótese de que a sensibilidade à dessecação não é totalmente predeterminada para as sementes de uma espécie e pode apresentar variações conforme a região de procedência. Verificou-se, ainda, que as condições do ambiente, principalmente temperatura do ar e disponibilidade hídrica, podem condicionar o ciclo de maturação, o grau de maturidade dos embriões após a dispersão dos frutos, a aquisição da tolerância à dessecação e a qualidade final dos embriões

    Short storability of Caesalpinia echinata Lam. seeds as a consequence of oxidative processes

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    The seed bank is one of the strategies for the preservation of endangered species, such as Caesalpinia echinata Lam. In this work we studied the changes in O2 consumption and CO2 release by seeds incubated at different temperatures and water contents, evaluating the deterioration of seeds through germination and tetrazolium tests. Our results demonstrated that the deterioration processes occurring in C. echinata seeds are related to respiration and possibly other oxidative processes, causing the death of embryonic tissues in short periods and loss of seed viability. This characteristic means that seed bank is an alternative for Caesalpinia echinata conservation, however it depends on the control of these oxidative processes

    Germinação de sementes de Maclura tinctoria (Moraceae) sob diferentes regimes térmicos influenciados pela luz

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a germinação de sementes de Maclura tinctoria sob diferentes regimes térmicos e alterações decorrentes da presença e ausência de luz. As sementes foram obtidas em Rio Claro, Ajapi, Itirapina e Serra Negra, SP. Os resultados demonstraram que na presença de luz as sementes germinam em ampla faixa térmica (15 a 35 ºC) e apresentam melhor desempenho entre 20 e 30 ºC, sendo 30 ºC a temperatura ideal para a germinação. Na ausência de luz a germinação decresceu à medida que a temperatura diminuiu e a faixa térmica germinativa se estreitou, alterando também a temperatura ideal para a germinação, mostrando que as sementes de Maclura tinctoria necessitam de luz para expressar a taxa máxima de germinação

    Kinetics of solute leachate from imbibing Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Brazilwood) seeds

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    The electrical conductivity of leachates from imbibing seeds has been used as a vigor test for several species. The adaptation of this methodology to different species requires knowledge on the leaching kinetics of electrolytes. For Brazilwood seeds, the classic method was not satisfactory and rapid tests are essential because they have low storage capacity at room temperature. Leaching kinetics during seed imbibition is a function of physiological quality, presence or absence of seed coat, imbibing temperature and the initial moisture content of seed. In this study, the electrolyte leaching rate of six different categories of seeds, from two regions, was evaluated in seeds with and without seed coat and incubated with different moisture contents and at different temperatures. The results showed that the electrolyte leaching rate in Brazilwood seeds is independent of the physiological quality, the presence or absence of seed coat and imbibition temperature, but these factors changed the total amount of electrolytes leached. The leaching rate increased in the first few minutes of imbibition, suggesting that the adjustment of the methodology must consider the reduction in imbibition time, reduction in temperature, use of a controlled and slower pre-imbibition, and replacement of the imbibition solution after the first few minutes