24 research outputs found

    Versatile Locomotion by Integrating Ankle, Hip, Stepping, and Height Variation Strategies

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    PoseFusion2: Simultaneous Background Reconstruction and Human Shape Recovery in Real-time

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    Class Relevance Learning For Out-of-distribution Detection

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    Image classification plays a pivotal role across diverse applications, yet challenges persist when models are deployed in real-world scenarios. Notably, these models falter in detecting unfamiliar classes that were not incorporated during classifier training, a formidable hurdle for safe and effective real-world model deployment, commonly known as out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. While existing techniques, like max logits, aim to leverage logits for OOD identification, they often disregard the intricate interclass relationships that underlie effective detection. This paper presents an innovative class relevance learning method tailored for OOD detection. Our method establishes a comprehensive class relevance learning framework, strategically harnessing interclass relationships within the OOD pipeline. This framework significantly augments OOD detection capabilities. Extensive experimentation on diverse datasets, encompassing generic image classification datasets (Near OOD and Far OOD datasets), demonstrates the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art alternatives for OOD detection

    Task-Space Decomposed Motion Planning Framework for Multi-Robot Loco-Manipulation

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    Dense Depth Distillation with Out-of-Distribution Simulated Images

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    We study data-free knowledge distillation (KD) for monocular depth estimation (MDE), which learns a lightweight model for real-world depth perception tasks by compressing it from a trained teacher model while lacking training data in the target domain. Owing to the essential difference between image classification and dense regression, previous methods of data-free KD are not applicable to MDE. To strengthen its applicability in real-world tasks, in this paper, we propose to apply KD with out-of-distribution simulated images. The major challenges to be resolved are i) lacking prior information about scene configurations of real-world training data and ii) domain shift between simulated and real-world images. To cope with these difficulties, we propose a tailored framework for depth distillation. The framework generates new training samples for embracing a multitude of possible object arrangements in the target domain and utilizes a transformation network to efficiently adapt them to the feature statistics preserved in the teacher model. Through extensive experiments on various depth estimation models and two different datasets, we show that our method outperforms the baseline KD by a good margin and even achieves slightly better performance with as few as 1/6 of training images, demonstrating a clear superiority

    AcousticFusion: Fusing Sound Source Localization to Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments

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    Lifelong-MonoDepth: Lifelong Learning for Multi-Domain Monocular Metric Depth Estimation

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    With the rapid advancements in autonomous driving and robot navigation, there is a growing demand for lifelong learning models capable of estimating metric (absolute) depth. Lifelong learning approaches potentially offer significant cost savings in terms of model training, data storage, and collection. However, the quality of RGB images and depth maps is sensor-dependent, and depth maps in the real world exhibit domain-specific characteristics, leading to variations in depth ranges. These challenges limit existing methods to lifelong learning scenarios with small domain gaps and relative depth map estimation. To facilitate lifelong metric depth learning, we identify three crucial technical challenges that require attention: i) developing a model capable of addressing the depth scale variation through scale-aware depth learning, ii) devising an effective learning strategy to handle significant domain gaps, and iii) creating an automated solution for domain-aware depth inference in practical applications. Based on the aforementioned considerations, in this paper, we present i) a lightweight multi-head framework that effectively tackles the depth scale imbalance, ii) an uncertainty-aware lifelong learning solution that adeptly handles significant domain gaps, and iii) an online domain-specific predictor selection method for real-time inference. Through extensive numerical studies, we show that the proposed method can achieve good efficiency, stability, and plasticity, leading the benchmarks by 8% to 15%

    Towards Better Accuracy-efficiency Trade-offs: Divide and Co-training

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    The width of a neural network matters since increasing the width will necessarily increase the model capacity. However, the performance of a network does not improve linearly with the width and soon gets saturated. In this case, we argue that increasing the number of networks (ensemble) can achieve better accuracy-efficiency trade-offs than purely increasing the width. To prove it, one large network is divided into several small ones regarding its parameters and regularization components. Each of these small networks has a fraction of the original one's parameters. We then train these small networks together and make them see various views of the same data to increase their diversity. During this co-training process, networks can also learn from each other. As a result, small networks can achieve better ensemble performance than the large one with few or no extra parameters or FLOPs. Small networks can also achieve faster inference speed than the large one by concurrent running on different devices. We validate our argument with 8 different neural architectures on common benchmarks through extensive experiments. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/mzhaoshuai/Divide-and-Co-training}

    Explicit Attention-Enhanced Fusion for RGB-Thermal Perception Tasks

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    Recently, RGB-Thermal based perception has shown significant advances. Thermal information provides useful clues when visual cameras suffer from poor lighting conditions, such as low light and fog. However, how to effectively fuse RGB images and thermal data remains an open challenge. Previous works involve naive fusion strategies such as merging them at the input, concatenating multi-modality features inside models, or applying attention to each data modality. These fusion strategies are straightforward yet insufficient. In this paper, we propose a novel fusion method named Explicit Attention-Enhanced Fusion (EAEF) that fully takes advantage of each type of data. Specifically, we consider the following cases: i) both RGB data and thermal data, ii) only one of the types of data, and iii) none of them generate discriminative features. EAEF uses one branch to enhance feature extraction for i) and iii) and the other branch to remedy insufficient representations for ii). The outputs of two branches are fused to form complementary features. As a result, the proposed fusion method outperforms state-of-the-art by 1.6\% in mIoU on semantic segmentation, 3.1\% in MAE on salient object detection, 2.3\% in mAP on object detection, and 8.1\% in MAE on crowd counting. The code is available at https://github.com/FreeformRobotics/EAEFNet