87 research outputs found

    CIDPro: Custom Instructions for Dynamic Program Diversification

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    Timing side-channel attacks pose a major threat to embedded systems due to their ease of accessibility. We propose CIDPro, a framework that relies on dynamic program diversification to mitigate timing side-channel leakage. The proposed framework integrates the widely used LLVM compiler infrastructure and the increasingly popular RISC-V FPGA soft-processor. The compiler automatically generates custom instructions in the security critical segments of the program, and the instructions execute on the RISC-V custom co-processor to produce diversified timing characteristics on each execution instance. CIDPro has been implemented on the Zynq7000 XC7Z020 FPGA device to study the performance overhead and security tradeoffs. Experimental results show that our solution can achieve 80% and 86% timing side-channel capacity reduction for two benchmarks with an acceptable performance overhead compared to existing solutions. In addition, the proposed method incurs only a negligible hardware area overhead of 1% slices of the entire RISC-V system

    Enquête descriptive des caractéristiques cliniques des patients présentant une cervicalgie chronique

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    Problématique : La méthode McKenzie est une méthode utilisée en physiothérapie pour traiter les troubles musculo-squelettiques comme, par exemple, les douleurs au cou. Cette méthode vise à évaluer et classer les patients dans l’un des trois sous-groupes « mécaniques » ou dans le sous-groupe « autres ». Un traitement spécifique est ensuite donné selon la classification. D’autres parts, les patients souffrant de douleur chronique peuvent aussi bien présenter des composantes mécaniques que des composantes non mécaniques telles que des facteurs psychosociaux ou des signes de sensibilisation centrale (SC). Or, selon la méthode McKenzie, les facteurs non mécaniques sont des caractéristiques typiques de la sous-catégorie « autres ». Notre hypothèse est que les sous-groupes mécaniques peuvent aussi présenter ces caractéristiques non mécaniques. Donc, les objectifs de cette étude sont : 1) déterminer la proportion de patients classifiés dans chacun des sous-groupes de la méthode McKenzie; 2) déterminer le pourcentage de patients présentant des signes de SC; et 3) explorer les associations ou chevauchements entre les facteurs psychosociaux, la classification McKenzie et la SC chez les patients souffrant de cervicalgie chronique. Méthodes : 84 patients souffrant de douleur cervicale chronique ont été recrutés par leur thérapeute traitant. Tous les thérapeutes, certifiés avec la méthode McKenzie, ont recruté, évalué, et classé les patients à partir de leur charge de travail en utilisant la méthode de classification McKenzie. Ensuite, les patients ont répondu à des questionnaires en ligne pour mesurer la SC avec le Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) et les facteurs psychosociaux avec le Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK) et le Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS). Résultats : 10 thérapeutes ont recruté 84 patients. Les pourcentages de patients classés dans chaque sous-groupe mécanique (dérangement, dysfonction, postural) et le sous-groupe « autre » étaient de 75,6 %, 2,5 %, 1,2 % et 20,7 %, respectivement. La présence de SC (score ≥ 40/100 sur CSI) a été trouvée chez 62 % des patients, où la plupart (46,6 %) ont été classés comme ayant des symptômes « sévères ou extrêmes » de SC. Nous avons observé la cooccurrence de SC et de dérangement pour 33 patients. Ceci implique que 47,82 % de notre échantillon et 64,71 % des patients montrant un dérangement présentaient des signes de SC. De plus, 24 patients (38,10 %) présentaient 1) une composante mécanique (classifié comme dérangement); 2) des signes de SC (score CSI≥ 40); et 3) un score significativement élevé de peur de bouger (TSK≥37). Conclusion : Considérant que plus de 50 % de notre échantillon présentait des signes cliniques de SC ainsi que des facteurs mécaniques, nos résultats suggèrent que les sous-groupes mécaniques de la méthode McKenzie peuvent aussi présenter des composantes non mécaniques pouvant contribuer à la douleur chez les patients souffrant de cervicalgie chronique. Ainsi, une proportion importante des patients classés dans l’un des sous-groupes mécaniques pourrait bénéficier d’une approche de traitement différente ou complémentaire à celle qui est purement basée sur les principes mécaniques de la méthode McKenzie. Mots clés : physiothérapie, cervicalgie, douleur chronique, McKenzie, classificatio


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    Hai Hau - Nghia Hung are two coastal districts in the Southeast of Nam Dinh province with total area of 35,652.29 km2. Located in the middle between the Southern provinces of the Red river delta and the North Central provinces, Hai Hau and Nghia Hung are about 100 km from Hanoi along National Route 1A and 80 km from Hai Phong, in an area directly affected by the Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh growth triangle. The two districts have an approximately 47 km coastline accounting for over 65% of the coastline of the province. Along the coastline there are four rivers: Red river, So river, Ninh Co river and Day river emptying into the sea through the estuaries: Ba Lat, Ha Lan, Ninh Co and Day, which facilitate the development in industry, agriculture, sea ports, trade, tourism... This is also a region with high-speed economic development and a series of plannings. Thus, a number of conflicts in exploiting and using natural resources and environmental protection have been raised, leading to destroyed sceneries, lost ecological balance, and becoming an anxious problem. This paper presents experimental results in defining the conflicts and priorities between sectors and economic fields in integrated coastal space planning of Hai Hau - Nghia Hung districts to select the economic sectors that have the most potential and advantages. Therefore, it will be appropriate in space usage in exploiting and using natural resources and environmental protection, which will provide the basis for the development of a sustainable marine economy.Hải Hậu - Nghĩa Hưng là huyện ven biển nằm ở phía Đông Nam của tỉnh Nam Định có tổng diện tích tự nhiên 35.652,29km2; Nằm ở vị trí trung chuyển giữa các tỉnh phía Nam đồng bằng sông Hồng với các tỉnh Bắc Trung bộ và trong vùng ảnh hưởng trực tiếp của tam giác tăng trưởng Hà Nội-Hải Phòng-Quảng Ninh, Hải Hậu - Nghĩa Hưng chỉ cách Hà Nội theo quốc lộ 1A gần 100 km và cách Hải Phòng trên 80 km; với đường bờ biển dài khoảng 47km chiếm trên 65% chiều dài bờ biển toàn tỉnh; dọc chiều dài đường biển có 4 con sông: Sông Hồng, sông Sò, sông Ninh Cơ và sông Đáy đổ ra biển qua các cửa sông: Ba Lạt, Hà Lạn, Ninh Cơ và cửa Đáy thuận lợi cho phát triển công nghiệp, nông nghiệp, cảng biển, thương mại, du lịch,….đây cũng là khu vực có tốc độ phát triển kinh tế nhanh với hàng loạt quy hoạch nên khu vực này đang nảy sinh các xung đột gây nên những mâu thuẫu trong khai thác sử dụng tài nguyên thiên nhiên và bảo vệ môi trường dẫn đến cảnh quan bị phá vỡ, cân bằng sinh thái bị mất đi và đang trở thành vấn đề đáng quan ngại. Bài báo trình bày kết quả xác định thử nghiệm những vấn đề mâu thuẫn, ưu tiên giữa các nhóm ngành, lĩnh vực kinh tế trong quy hoạch tổng hợp không gian ven biển huyện Hải Hậu - Nghĩa Hưng nhằm lựa chọn các lĩnh vực kinh tế có tiềm năng, thế mạnh để tổ chức một cách hợp lý trong sử dụng không gian trong khai thác, sử dụng tài nguyên thiên nhiên và bảo vệ môi trường tạo cơ sở cho phát triển một nền kinh tế biển bền vững

    XDIVINSA: eXtended DIVersifying INStruction Agent to Mitigate Power Side-Channel Leakage

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    Side-channel analysis (SCA) attacks pose a major threat to embedded systems due to their ease of accessibility. Realising SCA resilient cryptographic algorithms on embedded systems under tight intrinsic constraints, such as low area cost, limited computational ability, etc., is extremely challenging and often not possible. We propose a seamless and effective approach to realise a generic countermeasure against SCA attacks. XDIVINSA, an extended diversifying instruction agent, is introduced to realise the countermeasure at the microarchitecture level based on the combining concept of diversified instruction set extension (ISE) and hardware diversification. XDIVINSA is developed as a lightweight co-processor that is tightly coupled with a RISC-V processor. The proposed method can be applied to various algorithms without the need for software developers to undertake substantial design efforts hardening their implementations against SCA. XDIVINSA has been implemented on the SASEBO G-III board which hosts a Kintex-7 XC7K160T FPGA device for SCA mitigation evaluation. Experimental results based on non-specific t-statistic tests show that our solution can achieve leakage mitigation on the power side channel of different cryptographic kernels, i.e., Speck, ChaCha20, AES, and RSA with an acceptable performance overhead compared to existing countermeasures.This work has been supported in part by EPSRC via grant EP/R012288/1, under the RISE (http://www.ukrise.org) programme.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Microfluidic Chip for Trapping Magnetic Nanoparticles and Heating in Terms of Biological Analysis

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    In this study, we reported the results of the design and the fabrication a planar coil in copper (square, a = 10 mm, 15mm high, 90 turns), these planar coils were integrated in a microfluidic chip for trapping magnetic nanoparticles and local heating applications. A small thermocouple (type K, 1 mm tip size) was put directly on top of the micro-channel in poly(dimethyl-siloxane) in order to measure the temperature inside the channel during applying current. The design of planar coils was based on optimizing the results of the magnetic calculation. The most suitable value of the magnetic field generated by the coil was calculated by ANSYS® software corresponded to the different distances from the coil surface to the micro-channel bottom (magnetic field strength Hmax = 825 A/m). The magnetic filed and heating relationship was balanced in order to manipulating the trapping magnetic nanoparticles and heating process. This design of the microfluidic chip can be used to develop a complex microfluidic chip using magnetic nanoparticles

    Delving into Ipsilateral Mammogram Assessment under Multi-View Network

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    In many recent years, multi-view mammogram analysis has been focused widely on AI-based cancer assessment. In this work, we aim to explore diverse fusion strategies (average and concatenate) and examine the model's learning behavior with varying individuals and fusion pathways, involving Coarse Layer and Fine Layer. The Ipsilateral Multi-View Network, comprising five fusion types (Pre, Early, Middle, Last, and Post Fusion) in ResNet-18, is employed. Notably, the Middle Fusion emerges as the most balanced and effective approach, enhancing deep-learning models' generalization performance by +2.06% (concatenate) and +5.29% (average) in VinDr-Mammo dataset and +2.03% (concatenate) and +3% (average) in CMMD dataset on macro F1-Score. The paper emphasizes the crucial role of layer assignment in multi-view network extraction with various strategies

    Robust Adaptive Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller for 1-DOF Nonlaminated Active Magnetic Bearings

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    This paper presents a robust adaptive cerebellar model articulation controller (RACMAC) for 1-DOF nonlaminated active magnetic bearings (AMBs) to achieve desired positions for the rotor using a robust sliding mode control based. The dynamic model of 1-DOF nonlaminated AMB is introduced in fractional order equations. However, it is challenging to design a controller based on the model\u27s parameters due to undefined components and external disturbances such as eddy current losses in the actuator, external disturbance, variant parameters of the model while operating. In order to tackle the problem, RACMAC, which has a cerebellar model to estimate nonlinear disturbances, is investigated to resolve this problem. Based on this estimation, a robust adaptive controller that approximates the ideal and compensation controllers is calculated. The online parameters of the neural network are adjusted using Lyapunov\u27s stability theory to ensure the stability of system. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.The simulation results indicate that the CMAC multiple nonlinear multiple estimators are close to the actual nonlinear disturbance value, and the effectiveness of the proposed RACMAC method compared with the FOPID and SMC controllers has been studied previously