7 research outputs found


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    Objective To analyze the possibilities and limits of competency-based training in nursing. Method An integrative review of the literature on the subject was carried out, and an analysis was made of the results of a survey evaluating a nursing course based on areas of competency. A dialog was then established between the review and the results of the research. Results On the question of which theoretical type of competency the articles from the literature relate to, there is a predominance of the constructivist perspective, followed by the functionalist approach and the dialog-based approach. In the dialog between the literature and the research, limits and possibilities were observed in the development of a training by areas of competency. Conclusion The dialog-based approach to competency is the proposition that most approximates to the profile defined by the National Curriculum Guidelines for training in nursing, and this was also identified in the evaluation survey that was studied. However, it is found that there are aspects on better work is needed, such as: partnership between school and the workplace, the role of the teacher, the role of the student, and the process of evaluation

    The meanings of evaluation practice in nursing education Los sentidos de la práctica evaluativa en la educación de enfermeros Os sentidos da prática avaliativa na formação de enfermeiros

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    This study analyzed the meanings of evaluation practice in competence-based nursing education through discursive practices and production of meanings in daily routine. Data were collected with a focal group composed of seven professors from a nursing program in Marília, SP, Brazil. It could be acknowledged, during data analysis, that most of the linguistic repertories refer to the traditional mode of evaluation and to the competence notion based on the French constructivist framework. However, repertories producing meanings related to the innovation of the evaluation method, based on democratic evaluation and on the dialogical competence framework, are also observed.<br>El presente trabajo analizó los sentidos de la evaluación en la formación de enfermeros, orientada por la competencia, utilizando el marco teórico de análisis de las prácticas discursivas y de la producción de sentidos en lo cotidiano. Los datos fueron recolectados en un grupo focal, compuesto por siete profesores de un curso de Enfermería del municipio de Marília, en el estado de San Pablo, Brasil. En el análisis de los datos, se encontró que la mayoría de los repertorios lingüísticos se refieren a la evaluación tradicional y a la noción de competencia basada en la matriz constructivista francesa. Sin embargo, también fue observada la presencia de repertorios que producen sentidos de renovación de la práctica evaluativa basada en la evaluación democrática y en la matriz dialógica de competencia.<br>O presente trabalho analisou os sentidos da avaliação na formação de enfermeiros, orientada por competência, utilizando o referencial de análise das práticas discursivas e produção de sentidos no cotidiano. Os dados foram coletados em grupo focal, composto por sete professores de um curso de enfermagem do município de Marília, SP. Na análise dos dados, foi reconhecido que a maioria dos repertórios lingüísticos reporta-se à avaliação tradicional e à noção de competência baseada na matriz construtivista francesa. Porém, também, observou-se a presença de repertórios que produzem sentidos de renovação da prática avaliativa baseada na avaliação democrática e na matriz dialógica de competência